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Posts posted by mowisc

  1. The past month has been a continuation of what RW falls back on when things aren't going well. He insists on surrounding himself with people he knows, ergo Buddy Nix and the promotion of Smithers to CEO. And of course, those people can't be strong personalities who will challenge the owner.


    Not interviewing an outside candidate for GM was a systemic failure, even though some believe that a man with the organization for 11 months isn't an inside hire. And that numerous other (and some highly successful) franchises missed the boat on their GM hire.


    The NFL is a league in which the slow are left behind to suffer and draft high. And when the owner micromanages the organization, you get what Buffalo has become: a team with 10 straight non-playoff seasons in the salary cap era.



    Never mind the fact that the most successful GM in our history was hired in the exact same fashion--with the exact same fans like you bitching about it.



    When Bill Polian was promoted to general manager of the Buffalo Bills on Dec. 30, 1985, the Bills were suffering from back to back 2-14 seasons and fan interest was at an all-time low. Polian had been with the Bills since August 2, 1984. He was originally hired as director of pro personnel, where he impressed Bills owner Ralph Wilson by telling then-coach Kay Stephenson, "We were 2-14 on merit--we have the worst personnel in the NFL." On February 7, 1985, Bills general manager Terry Bledsoe suffered a heart attack and Polian was named along with director of scouting Norm Pollom to handle contract negotiations in Bledsoe's absence. Polian was instrumental in the signing of Bruce Smith to his first NFL contract. This impressed the Bills' hierarchy enough to warrant a promotion to GM, after the firing of Bledsoe, in 1985. The fans were not impressed with the promotion of Polian however. Most observers considered the move business as usual, on a 2-14 team.
  2. If that is the case, then I feel bad for the Bills. Not because Sanders isn't at least a little qualified. But because it would show how incredibly out of touch they are with the rest of the league. If you can't get a quality defensive coordinator candidate in here to at least interview, then that is a failure in itself. Hiring a bunch of guys that were either fired or have some lower positional coach status at a college program is not only pathetic, but it's lazy. The Bills front office needs to at least show they care about keeping this team in town. Not just going with some cheap "safe" bet guys that they have coached with throughout their career.


    Bob Sanders is very qualified to be the d coord. What went down in Green Bay could hardly be called his fault.


    His CV:



    Georgia Tech

    (Part-time Coach)



    East Carolina

    (Defensive Line/Linebackers)








    (Outside Linebackers/Defensive Ends)




    (Co-Defensive Coordinator/Outside Linebackers)




    (Defensive Ends)




    (Ass. Defensive Co-Coordinator/ Banditbacks/Gatorbacks)




    (Ass. Defensive Coordinator/Defensive Ends)




    (Ass. Defensive Coordinator/Defensive Ends/Strong-side Linebackers)




    (Ass. Head Coach/Defensive Ends/Strong-Side Linebackers)




    (Ass. Defensive Coordinator/Linebackers)



    Miami Dolphins




    Green Bay Packers

    (Defensive Ends)



    Green Bay Packers

    (Defensive Coordinator)



    Buffalo Bills

    (Defensive line)

  3. Maybe you haven't heard about something called the internet? You can do all kinds of cool face-to-face conferencing without having to travel.


    Again, what difference does it make if he flies to Buffalo or does is job from Florida? Is it supposed to show some kind of loyalty or commitment? As for his draft record, I think we have learned that a scout is only a scout if his superiors ignore his recommendations. For all we know the Bills could be a team of all-pros by now if it weren't for Jauron and Wilson playing fantasy football with a real NFL team.





  4. Good thing fans don't make those calls. Nor do they generally have a clue about talent.


    If no one wanted him, why did Green Bay counter our offer immediately?


    I know this. He will get a look. My guess is with Gaileys tendency to mold an offense around his guys -- I think Brohm has the most upside of all three.


    We will see. I know I won't go starting any threads proclaiming my Miss Cleo skills like yourself.



    This is just the type of mentality that has kept the Bills losers for years and years. There are so many people content with mediocrity it is overwhelming my senses. Go buy season tickets now because you only have a couple more years to subsidize the this clueless owner before the team leaves town.


    This is for everybody who think Nix and Gailey will make the Bills Superbowl contenders - you are wrong!


    I'll bet on it.


    Like I said (you left out that part, ironically), I bet if you were alive and followed the Bills, I am sure you would have been one of the fans bitching about Polian and Levy. We were coming off a much worse stretch then.

  6. :thumbsup: Haha, although I wouldn't have said it as attacking. But seriously, I gave the FO the benefit of the doubt when Gregg Williams was hired over Fox and Lewis. Strike 1. I gave the FO the benefit of the doubt when a nobody named Mularkey became HC. Strike 2. I begrudgingly, gave the FO the benefit of the doubt when Dick Jauron was hired after years of failure. Strike 3. There's only so many times you can pee in my face, tell me it's lemonade, and expect me to soak it up. This FO has no proven track record and therefore, are not afforded any more "benefit of the doubts". Chan Gailey. Chan FREAKIN' Gailey. Enough said...


    You keep saying this front office. This front office is like a week old. Williams and Mularkey were Tom Donahoe's hires--remember TD? He was a sexy pick.


    DJ was Marv's hire. Marv was another pick the fans loved.


    Like I said in my first post in this thread. Anything the majority of the fans are against, I am for.

  7. When will you and other stupid Bills fans understand that your blind loyality and "giving them the benefit of the doubt" is why they choose Chan in the first place.


    Brandon and the boys know that you stupid fans will shell out the money and fill the stadium to watch an 8-8 team. I can't believe to what extent some of you enable this FO suck to badly.


    I can't believe how much energy you waste protesting something you have no control over. You think a guy like Buddy Nix waits his entire career to be given the keys to a franchise--just to be told he has to hire someone that a jack ass fan thinks will do a good job?


    I will take Buddy Nix and his experience over any blow hard fan's opinion. Any day. He has his guy--I know he can pick talent. I think they get the job done.

  8. I know it's very disappointing when we hoped for someone like Cowher, Gruden, Shanahan to be hired but let's give Nix and Gailey some time to prove themselves.


    Let's see what happens with the draft, free agency and how the team does for like the 1st half of the 2010 season.


    I admit some bias when Nix was promoted to GM and Gailey mentioned as top candidate for head coach as to them being Bubbas from the South. Then I thought about how the South knows football. They live and breathe football.


    Gailey has been successful and has a better resume than Gregg Williams, Mularkey & Jauron did when they were hired. In fact I think he has a better resume than Levy did when he was hired as Bills' HC.


    Gailey took the Cowboys to the playoffs in both seasons as their head coach.


    So, again, I suggest giving this new regime some time to gain our confidence.


    Call me crazy, but I liked the Nix pick for GM. I like his experience, I like where he comes from football wise, I really like his attitude.


    Gailey--I am fine with his pick. It's his show to run. He obviously would have wanted Marty ball first, but he picked someone that he knew and had experience. I agree with Gailey that being on the same page is important. We have not been there in a long, long, time.


    I find it ironic that when Ralph promoted Bill Polian to GM, everyone hated that move too. When Polian hired Levy, same thing. Polian did the same thing Nix did--hired someone that he agreed with and knew.


    After reading this message board the last few weeks, I am thinking anything the majority of Bills fans don't like is a good thing.

  9. Polian was General Manager in Buffalo from 1986-1993. When Bill Polian was promoted to general manager of the Buffalo Bills on Dec. 30, 1985, the Bills were suffering from back to back 2-14 seasons and fan interest was at an all-time low. Polian had been with the Bills since August 2, 1984. He was originally hired as director of pro personnel, where he impressed Bills owner Ralph Wilson by telling then-coach Kay Stephenson, "We were 2-14 on merit--we have the worst personnel in the NFL." On February 7, 1985, Bills general manager Terry Bledsoe suffered a heart attack and Polian was named along with director of scouting Norm Pollom to handle contract negotiations in Bledsoe's absence. Polian was instrumental in the signing of Bruce Smith to his first NFL contract. This impressed the Bills' hierarchy enough to warrant a promotion to GM, after the firing of Bledsoe, in 1985. The fans were not impressed with the promotion of Polian however. Most observers considered the move business as usual, on a 2-14 team.




    What's happening now is eerily similar to what happened in '86 IMO. I think Ralph got it right this time. I think Buddy Nix is just what this team needed. Only time will tell.

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