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sllib olaffub

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Posts posted by sllib olaffub

  1. Brady's career isn't over with, yet. He might go on to win another SB or two. These arguments, to me, are somewhat comical - like trying to say who the greatest Boxer of all time is - you've got various weights to consider, you've got the change in the sport over time. Basketball, too - how can you compare players of such different time periods?


    One way to get around the change in the sport over time, and how that affects your ability to accurately compare QB's, is to just say, who is the greatest QB of a particular era? In that regard, I'd have to say, which QB mastered the mechanics, the play calling, and was able to fulfill the role of the QB during games - but especially the biggest ones - and lift the team to its highest level?


    A few QB's come to mind - Montana, Elway, Brady, Manning (and, I think Brees and Rodgers are going to be in this conversation soon, too). One thing that makes Brady different from many of these players - I think - came to my mind while listening to a radio station speaking on this very subject. The radio man was reading off the cast of players that Montana was surrounded by - and I was astounded! He had All Pro's and H.O.F.'ers all over the place. Manning had some really dynamic offenses - AND, he had an Offensive Coordinator who we all know just makes good offenses, in other words, there is a real systems thing to consider there.


    Another point to consider is how many big games did the QB's lose? Elway lost 3 before he won any. Manning has lost quite a few big ones before he ever won the big one. All things considered, I don't know who is the best. I know of the players currently in the NFL, I really wouldn't be able to choose anyone over Brady in big games - at this time. He is just too cool, too consistent, and he really seems to take the game PERSONALLY - which I like to see, because it means he is in it for much more than the money, and he is putting his all into it. He's been through a ton of different Offensive Coordinators, offensive personnel, and it seems no matter how many pieces around him are stripped and sent off to the copy cats around the league, he still puts up amazing numbers, still gets the job done. I wouldn't question it at all - if he were our QB, our line, our RB's, and our WR's would all look like stars.


    So, that is the way I'd judge it - who would I choose to play in a SB if I were to pick from active players - and it'd be Brady. However - I happen to think Cam Newton is gonig to become a totally new breed of QB, and might change that position so much that he can't be compared to anyone else, and he might be unstoppable in that regard, if the right players and scheme are in place around him (kind of a Michael Jordan of football). Also, Aaron Rodgers, in my mind, is playing QB BETTER THAN ANYONE the last 2+ years. The only reason I chose Brady over Rodgers is because we know from experience how good Brady is in big games. I think Rodgers has outplayed all other QB's, though, and will probably be considered the best active QB in a few years time.

  2. I remember pretty clearly going into the combine Burfict was one of the linebackers who people had slotted all over the place, and everyone wanted to watch and see how high he stacked up - but, his combine performances were so bad that by the end of it, people were saying 6th, 7th rounder, maybe. Then, after a time the draft comes up, and having had that time to forget a little about the combine, people started wondering, during the 5th, 6th rounds - who's going to pick up Burfict? I think it was a bit of a surprise that he didn't get drafted - at least to the general public, and the media. As far as the NFL evaluators, however, they probably have a much less impressionable mindset when it comes to these players - it's all measurables, performance, and character.

    And, as far as character is concerned - the Bengals are known to take on risks (I wonder if their overall player-in-trouble-with-the-law statistic is any worse than the NFL average, though - or if it is mostly just percieved risks?).

  3. I'm really holding back judgment of this defense until I see a few regular season games. At linebacker, as long as Morrison doesn't get cut, he's not a bad LB - good enough to man the middle, or outside, for a few starts and not be terrible - we have some options. I also think Bradham should be out there more, as he's big enough and fast enough. I like Moats, but he is just too slow to be covering WR's or RB's. All in all, I think it's a defense with a few weaknesses, but many more strengths, and I think we'll see a lot of three and outs, a lot of stretches of dominance, and then some lapses, where our weaknesses are exploited. I don't think we've seen anything close to it's potential thus far, especially play calling and scheming. All considered, I think it'll be a top 10 defense in the NFL.


    On the whole, I really think our season comes down much more to Fitzpatrick than to the defense. He's got to stay healthy, and he has to play smart. If he can limit the turnovers, our shortened fields, with good RB play, and management out of the QB, could lead to 10 or 11 wins. The schedule probably isn't going to be this nice to us again for a long time.


    Frankly, I just don't see us missing the playoffs this year and keeping Fitz. I really think he has to play good enough to get us to the playoffs, or we'll go out and get another QB next year. Of course, better WR play would go a long way toward a more objective assessment of the QB, but on the whole - as witnessed by the Vince Young cut - this Front Office and management looks like they want to win now. As much as they praise Fitz, I believe the contract they gave him, and the urgency to get a better backup despite the lateness of the move - and, even the holding off on bringing in a young prospect at QB - all point to a prove it year for Fitz.


    So, if the team stays pretty healthy, and the defense isn't shown to be terribly outmatched in one or more areas, and Fitz plays to the level of his contract (slightly above average) then we should make a wildcard, and my prediction is 11-5. The season is upon us!

  4. The Russell Wilson love-fest on this board over the past 3 days is a new low. So because Matt Flynn crapped the bed during the pre-season, Wilson is suddenly the most brilliant 3d round pick since Joe Montana.




    We're mostly Bills fans here - I sure am, and I really like Buddy Nix. I think Nix is the best GM the Bills have had since Polian. However, I am frustrated by the Bills inability to resolve the QB position - NOT NECESSARILY BY GOING TO EXTREMES (although extremes would've been called for) BUT BY PASSING ON GUYS THAT GO THROUGH THEIR HANDS! It's not like the Bills have a proven starting QB! So, yeah, it is called for when they don't risk a 3rd round pick on a guy with potential, only to months later trade for one of the guys he supplants. That shouldn't happen!

  5. I remember Jackson looking good in Minnesota as a starter. There were other problems there, and a lot of changes made in the last few years - so, what Nix said about guys sometimes needing to be in the right system to fully maximize their talents could work out to our benefit. He seems to be the kind of QB Gailey prefers - quick on his feet, strong armed, and athletic. We'll see. I'm much more comfortable with Jackson as the backup than I was with Young - although Young was certainly talented, I really wondered if he'd be smart enough to run this offense. As for the period of time it'll take Jackson to get acclimated, I'm not real worried about that. He'll get a ton of attention from coaches, he'll have a month, probably, at least before he needs to do anything. I would say somewhere toward the middle of the season he should caught up enough to run the offense, which is fine, so long as he is capable from there out.

  6. So, the Bills need to start drafting QBs just for the sake of drafting QBs?

    Damn the logic and evaluation, draft QBs rounds 1 -7 next year.


    No, but, if Russel Wilson graded out so highly (by most all accounts people had him as excellent, with only the height as a concern), and you are a team that not only doesn't have a backup, but has a starter who at times looked worse than half the league's backups - then, yes, it is time to start being aggressive in landing THE ANSWER at QB - even if that means reaching by a round to ensure you get him; because, otherwise, as we've seen the last two years, the Bills end up missing on a guy they liked by half a round or a round. If you are in real need, overpaying by a round is better than having to shell out millions and risk an entire season on a carousel of mediocre QB's. Just go and get a good one, for a change!

  7. Was still worth the risk. It did not work out. Oh well and enter in Taverias Jackson who can be a nice backup. Kudos to Nix and Co for making a swift move to address this need.


    I think you have to look at it this way - the Bills are TRYING to fill the QB position, just NOT BY DRAFTING an actual QB before round 6. It's a bold philosophy - and these moves are merely the ripple effect of that philosophy in action. I get the fact that Nix inhereted a team that was in real bad shape, talent-wise. I understand it takes time, and they can't do everything in one season. This being the third season, one does have to ask, from here out (next offseason, for instance, it would be unforgivable for this F.O. to walk away from the draft without a young, exciting QB to groom) that the QB position be settled by making it a REAL priority, and not something you try to throw used bandaids at, and are surprised when they just don't stick!

  8. Donald Jones runs a 4.49 That is plenty fast. Brad Smith runs a 4.4. TJ a 4.3. Hagan 4.5. And CJ a 4.3.


    They are not all burners but they are plenty fast enough. They need to make plays downfield, that is the question mark, not their speed.


    I've got to agree with this. I'd bet, although I haven't actually looked it up, that our recievers are similar in measurables to New Orleans or Green Bay's. I know there will be differences, but I don't think they'll be that glaring. I think the more likely culprit on why we don't see the bigger plays is our QB, our protection, and our play-calling. If you had these same players a few years into either Green Bay's or New Orleans systems, we'd likely covet them more than we do now.


    I do agree, though, that we're missing a dominant WR. If we had one more WR who could make plays on his own, who could beat double coverage - then these other guys would begin to look much, much better. It's hard for me to imagine the Bills not having WR at the top of their draft priority next offseason, and at the very least by the 2nd round.

  9. There's one thing that really bothers me about this trade, if it goes through, and if it doesn't, about the attempt itself. The Bills KNEW - as others here have said - what they had in Thigpen going back to last season. One of their top priorities this offseason should have been upgrading the QB situation. Now, they brought in Young, and I'm guessing they thought he had all the skills of a franchise QB, maybe they could "FIX" him, and just have failed at the attempt. What bothers me is the Bills, for a 3rd round pick in the 2012 draft, could have taken the guy who made Jackson so expendable. We could have had a guy - who by my own, unprofessional eye, looked like he had all the skills of a franchise QB, and who looked as good as Griffin or Luck, minus the 3 or 4 inches - and they pass on him! Now, we're willing to deal a 5th, maybe, or a 6th, for a guy who is nowhere near as talented or capable. Wouldn't the 3rd round pick for a really excellent QB prospect be better spent than all the time, money, and picks we've now invested in what will be a mediocre prospect?


    I know hindsight is 20/20, but these guys should have known how good this kid was (Wilson), and they should have been more urgent about bringing in young talent - BUT, I THINK THE BILLS DIDN'T WANT TO BRING IN ACTUAL COMPETITION FOR FITZPATRICK - because they just gave him the mega contract, and they didn't want to make him nervous. I think they wanted to give him one year without having to look over his shoulder to prove himself.


    In the end it all points to one thing - the Bills need to get better at evaluating talent, or they're going to pay for it in ways like this, wasting picks, being unprepared for seasons, and having inferior talent.


    In the NFL the rich get richer because they tend to see the good fruit where no one else can.

  10. I love it! Guy was pretty good at times for MIN and was very solid for SEA last season. More accurate than some give him credit for and can play game manager or use his athleticism. Great move IMO.


    I'm on board with this - although great, I'm not so sure. Gailey and Nix knew he was out there for a little while now. If he was really ideal for Gailey's system, they'd of went for it sooner, as I see it. This tells me they think he has potential, and more than Young or Thigpen. That doesn't mean, though, that he is viewed as starter material, though, either, but falls somewhere in between. The shocking thing for me has been this Front Office's, and coaching staff's, inability to competently evaluate QB's. They've brought in, or have had quite a few now, and still the best they've come up with, going into year 3, is Fitzpatrick.


    All that aside, I think Jackson has much more to offer us now than either Young or Thigpen. I think Jackson looked pretty good as a starter, even better than Fitz at times. In fact, if he had the benefit of a whole offseason here, I'd bet he'd be right about even with Fitz. He can run. We saw how potent that can be a week ago. In all, even though I'm disappointed they've taken so long in finding the answers at QB, I'm glad they're being proactive about it and still trying to field the best team. Ideally he won't have to play for most of the season, which should give him enough time to manage a game or two if need be.

  11. People have been picking on the DL for the pass rush "disappearing" during the long Steeler drive before half time but I remember several maximum protection passes vs 4 man ruses where the receivers still got wide open or Roethlisberger threaded the needle. That's on the DBs. You can't expect 4 men to beat 7 in protection quickly. You expect that 3 WR can't get open vs 7 in coverage. If the coverage can't hold up then the answer is to blitz to keep the pressure up, but usually when a team has to max protect vs 4 it's not good for their passing game.


    Yeah - that last drive before the half was one I didn't attribute to the pass rush, or lack of, but rather, it looked like our CB's and safeties were giving them a 15 yard cushion the whole damn field - which they were until about the 30 yard area. Any skille QB - which Rothlisberger is - is going to be able to make strike after strike of ten to twenty yard gains when he sees the secondary giving a ten to 15 yard cushion - the Prevent defense only prevents a 50 yard pass - but it gives up the underneath stuff, and that is what Pittsburgh took the whole way down the field. It was just plain bad play calling, if the wish was to keep Pittsburgh out of the endzone. Who knows, though? Maybe Wanny wanted to see if there were kinks in his Prevent alignment? I keep getting the impression the Bills coaches weren't trying to win these preseason games.

  12. Two things I saw tonight about Fitz really bothered me - and I don't know if it will change come regular season. There was a play in the second quarter, a little before mid-field, a pass play, the line started to break down, and Fitz tucks the ball and actually ducks down like he's going to get hit - but no one was near him! He stood back up a second later, was confused a second more, and then took off trying to run, and got sacked. He got hit quite a few times tonight after releasing the ball - and, I'm now beginning to wonder if he isn't also a little shell shocked? If he can't handle pressure, we're in trouble.


    Second, he was way off on passes that just shouldn't have been missed. You look at Rothlisberger - and I don't like him, by the way - but, he takes his team down the field, a team missing some real talented players, and he's hitting recievers when he has an inch to hit them. Even Leftwich came in and made nice throws. Sure, they missed on some hurried passes, too. Rothlisberger, and other GOOD QB's, don't miss open recievers very often, though. Fitz does. That is troublesome - it was last year, and I was really hoping Lee would help change that, but now I'm less sure.


    As for Young - he does make mistakes, but he also chucks that ball! Man, it's nice to see some passes, which look totally effortless for him, sailing 30 yards in the air, or more. He likes to go deep - and, although it hasn't worked a lot, it is nice to see it again.

  13. I've watched all three preseason games so far, was at the Pittsburgh game tonight, and I go away from these games with a distinct impression: I just don't believe we're seeing a real effort to win from the Bills in the preseason. If this were last year I'd be pretty down about the team, but last year's preseason proved to me two things about Gailey's Bills - they can play VERY different come regular season than they do in the preseason, and Gailey does not want to show what he is really planning on doing in the preseason - hence, we are not really trying to win in a way that we would be in the regular season. Sure, we'd like to go out and match up, man to man, and win the assignments. However, there is just too much game planning, scheming going on to expect to win without also putting together equivalent game plans. I know the Bills said they would game plan this week - I just have the FEELING the Bills are trying to take people unexpectedly come regular season. I may be wrong.


    One thing that does bother me, though - it is Fitz's apparent lack of development. Again, I'll wait to see how the real games unfold, but on that front I thought we'd see a little more consistency, in a good way.

  14. Yes - the term Franchise QB is subjectively applied. I think a good definition of a Franchise QB is a QB who can raise the level of play of the offense around him to such a degree that by having him as a QB the team always stands a chance of winning, regardless of the personnel. That is all you can ask for. If a QB gives a team the chance to win every week - masking deficiencies, making extraordinary plays - plays that other QB's could seemingly not make, then he is doing his job. I think that quality of play extends to Franchise RB's, too - guys like Barry Sanders, Thurman Thomas, Jim Brown (guys who could single handedly carry drives) - also, guys like Megatron come to mind. They are elite, they make the opposing team go out of it's way to stop them.


    How many QB's really earn that type of distinction today? Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Cam Newton, Manning(s). They only come around every few years.


    You can build a team around these cornerstone players, regardless of their position, I think. You just have to 1.) have them, and 2.) utilize their amazing talent, maximize it by making it a team strength. Case in point - do you draft Megatron if you do not have a good QB? I say yes - and then you get the QB who can utilize his strengths. Bruce Smith was a sort of Franchise DE - you get them when they're there to take.

  15. The thing about Wilson, though, is that it was pretty obvious that he has a first round brain, first round motivation, first round arm, first round accuracy, first round success as a starter, etc, etc, etc. The only knock was his height. Hindsight is 20/20, but considering all of his strengths and the fact that QBs have gone earlier than projected the last couple of drafts, the Bills really should have taken a shot with their 3rd pick. During the Gruden interview, this guy was not only able to talk about the system he ran at Wisconsin, but he was able to discuss in specific detail the system he ran at NC State (or wherever he went before Wisconsin). I'm sorry, but take away the height thing and you just don't get kids who are THIS solid in so many areas coming down the line very often.


    It just seemed pretty obvious that he was going to become a significant player in this league, and he's already starting to show flashes. Maybe he'll end up being another failed QB, but I HIGHLY doubt it.


    This is what I mean - for a team that doesn't have a sure thing solution to the BIGGEST position of import on a team, to pass on a guy in the 3rd round, who looks to have first round talent, seems to be tempting fate here. If at any time this year, or next, our success or failure comes down to QB, we can look back and know we let a guy go who might very well have helped.


    I know - hindsight is 20/20 - but, we're talking about a team that NEEDS a young, talented QB, and this team has NOT drafted one worth developing in years! It's one thing to pass on other positions for need, or for your draft chart - but, QB should have a higher priority WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!

  16. I have always believed intelligence was the absolute most critical strength a QB needs to be successful. However - people are organic, have all types of mixtures of talents, many of which are unclassifiable. Who is the better QB to utilize the long passing game? Probably Young. But, who is the best QB to run a complete offense? That looks to be Fitz. He has the edge in having an offense that fits his skillset, and having years in a system. I think both QB's are capable of winning us 10 games this year - but, I think Gailey would have to design an offense specific to either one, to best utilize each's talents.

  17. I'll go on record here as saying Wilson was my greatest sleeper pick in this draft, relative to the potential he has, IMO. I know he is short - however, he played behind a massive O-line in college. When it comes to arm strength, he's got it. Speed - he's got it real good. Accuracy - he's on. If he were two inches taller, he'd of been a top 15 pick. The real debate about Russel Wilson should come down to just that - will his height stop him from utilizing his skills?


    I say, for a team in need of a long term QB, who wasn't going to spend a high round pick on one - what better option? What are the Bills waiting for? I mean, the risk reward ratio here was so in favor of drafting him! When it comes to what the Bills are thinking - I can only guess this: Nix seems very much like he favors traditional type players - we've seen, in his time here, the kinds of players filling up this roster that we used to envy on other teams. Big, fast, strong. So, it seems like they were going all in with Fitz this year, with the obvious intention and acknowledgment that it is a prove-it year. If he fails, I see them having no other choice than to make every move possible next offseason to secure the top QB available.


    My issue with all this is - in a case like Wilson's, when Buffalo already was going into a season with a QB, they could've only risked a 3rd round pick, and if Fitz failed, they'd of had a QB that gave them some leverage in the 2013 draft. As it is now, if Fitz fails, they'll be so obviously in need of a QB, any team ahead of them can demand just about anything it wants. Unless they think Young can be a future star here. I just doubt them counting on either - and so it seems Nix has really left himself open here to real vulnerability if Fitz fails to succeed.

  18. MAN I wish we had a great mlb to pair with out dline.


    I've thought the same thing since after watching our first preseason game. I was pretty convinced the Bills would go either DE or QB in the first round of next year's draft, but if there is a legitimate all-star MLB prospect...we'll see. As for K. Williams, I agree, the man is definitely top 5 in the NFL when healthy. The great thing is, I believe Dareus is even better! These two are going to be so much trouble for our opposition this year, I believe they'll actually out-shine Mario and Mark. I think the only real weakness in this 4 man front is running toward Mark Anderson and running up between Dareus and Kyle. If we can get the right kind of run support in the middle (let's hope Sheppard has more in store for us), we'll really limit what the opposition will be able to do!

  19. I agree that a poor tackling team is cause for real concern - in fact, the difference between good and bad defenses usually is the execution of fundamentals - you hear it all the time with the coaches. Great defenses have talent. But, you can have less talented guys and still have a top 10 defense if they are all consistently in the right plays, and tackling well.


    Now, I've had the opportunity to watch about a dozen game segments so far this year, of various preseason games, and I really haven't noticed many teams looking any better than Buffalo. I'll agree - we need to be sound with our fundamentals. However, I recall (if I'm not mistaken) last preseason our offense was beng flagged like crazy, and I thought for sure we'd have that issue plague us all year, and then when the season started, we ended up being one of the least penalized teams in th league, offensively.


    Point being - I'm not going to get overly concerned about anything until after the first regular season game. This isn't Wannstedt's first rodeo.

  20. The level of interest Buffalo will have in Harvin will depend on the asking price, and will reveal a lot about how Gailey and Nix feel about the recievers that are here. They've stated they like the talent; well, we're already cutting players some of us like (Roosevelt, for instance, is in danger of being cut, as is Easley). If the Bills pursued Harvin even half seriously, it would mean they're not convinced in this group of recievers. Now, that would worry me a little, because in my opinion, the offseason is the time for these kinds of moves.


    I wouldn't give up too much for him, if I were making the decisions, simply because he looks like he won't be around for too long, with all the problems he's already had with his head.

  21. There should be no second guessing this pick. Offensive and Defensive lines are where good teams start from, and without which other talent will not succeed. Even if he is merely good, or average, a 2nd round pick on a LT who can start in the NFL is a good deal. Not to mention - as someone else has - we have Hairston, who played good enough at LT a year ago. These guys will get better, too. So, the overall picture is a Bills O-line with a LOT of young talent. That will make being a contender, and staying one, over the next 4 or 5 years, easier.


    Keep in mind - Hairston started sufficiently well last year. Our front office thinks Glenn is better than Hairston. So - it should equate to having a good LT. Wait and see, I guess, but my money is on Glenn performing well. This staff seems to be able to evaluate college talent much better than in years past. We're passing on guys who other teams snatch up and whiff on, while we're taking guys who look good, that other teams have passed on.

  22. As much as I like the creative thought process, the Bills are not going to give away an investment like T.J. Graham, especially when they could've had Cousins and passed a few times (I, too, thought they should've taken a shot on him). If the Young experiment were much worse for the showings they might really go after a QB now, while there is still a preseason, but even that would be dramatic. The truth is, too much prep work has gone into who they already have. Unless a really dynamite QB prospect were to become available via waiver wires or FA, I'm guessing they'll stick with what they have this season.

  23. These kinds of questions can never address one thing - you never know how a player would develop differently had he gone into other circumstances. Who knows if Brees would've been as successful had he not been surrounded by that New Orleans offense? Likewise, who knows if Colt McCoy would've been more successful had he landed somewhere else? Aaron Rodgers - he certainly wouldn't have been as successful on these past Bills teams.


    However - that is why I threw out Cam Newton's name. He is the one QB (and, I know we couldn't have got him, and would've if we could've) who is so physically super-talented that he probably would've been good anywhere, in any system. Just about everyone else, though, I think depended heavily on where they played.

  24. Having said that, trying to make any positive judgments is baseless embellishment.


    Defensively this wasn't the Pats, it was Ponder & Co. They were 3-13 last season.


    People are going to keep pushing this off into the regular season, but if the first unit cannot show some competency next week in however many plays they log, sorry, they're not going to just pull it from their tailpipe on opening day.


    I'm very concerned. So far this offense hasn't even proven that it can play against a first team D. So what if it's "vanilla," these games are a measure of talent v. talent. Both defenses faced were below average last season. Their offenses were about the same.


    I simply don't share the optimism that so many are feeling. I see a gain of Mario, a reduction in play at the corner spots, weakness at the LB unit other than for Barnett, a marginal #1 WR and a bunch of 3/4/5 type WRs after him to fill in and start at #2, and a soon to be QB on the outs and contractual albatross. That's not a recipe for improvement and net gain in performance.


    To this, I reply: Does anyone believe this offense has regressed? I simply cannot imagine that this offense will be worse when we've clearly upgraded our O-line, and Fitz has another year under his belt, is healthy, we now know what Spiller can do (which hasn't been showcased yet this preseason), and some of our WR's are entering what is known as the "click" year, the 3rd year when things usually start to click for WR's. I was really worried last year after the close of preseason. This year, I'm seeing a team that is merely not showing it's hand. Our offense will be fine. It was pretty good last year, and there's every reason to believe it will be better this year. Think top 10.


    And, as far as defense goes - how could anyone second guess our D-line? It will make things hard for people. Our secondary, which just 2 years ago led the NFL in turnovers, has been upgraded in talent. It is young, and it will be a very good secondary for years to come. Our linebackers have shown weaknesses - but, on the whole, with Wannstedt coaching, there is every reason to believe, at the very least, we'll be seeing a top 15 defense. I'm thinking top 5, personally.


    With our schedule, a top 10 offense and a top 15 defense (worse case scenario) - we're looking at 9 wins. I'm thinking 11 is the golden number for us this year. Anyway, we should all know this team is not complete - it will still evolve and improve over the next 2-3 years. I'm looking at a team that is now LEGITIMATE. The Bills, for the first time in 10 years, will be a team that other teams will not be able to just assume is a victory going in. We will be a team that even the Patriots are not going to want to play. That's enough to get me excited. Relax - when the season starts, this team will look much different than it has during the preseason.

  25. Christian Ponder. I know Gailey liked him. He is going to be a good NFL QB. Also, Russell Wilson. I think Seattle got themselves a very good QB in round 3 or 4? Anyway, the last few years haven't really offered a lot, QB wise. I also like Colt McCoy. Now, all these QB's are the kind I think Gailey could have worked with, and I think all of them will prove to be good QB's in the NFL.


    Oh - and one more comes to mind. I really thought Alabama's Greg McElroy would end up being a good 2nd string QB - a game manager, really good support QB for a first stringer, and smart enough to come in and manage a few wins. Those are my picks recently overlooked (best suited for Gailey's Bills offense).


    Now - if I could pick one QB from any that have come out in the last 3 years? It'd be Cam Newton. I think Andrew Luck and Griffin III will be excellent QB's - but what Newton brings to the NFL field simply cannot be gameplanned for, or defended. He's like a high schooler playing with junior high kids, and that against the biggest, fastest, strongest athletes in the world. He will allow Carolina to do things no one else can do.

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