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sllib olaffub

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Posts posted by sllib olaffub

  1. This loss is squarely on the coaching staff. They were abused in every phase of the game. Its just unthinkable that we play the Pats* twice every year and the coaching staff still cannot grasp a few simple facts. Pressure Brady up the middle and cover Welker and Gronk at all times. And don't get in a shootout with Brady!


    The game plan was what.... ? Let Fitz throw 40 times and only rush Brady with 4 down linemen. That's a recipe for a loss every time. All they did was put the players in a position to fail and they executed it to perfection. Complete fail by this team. No energy, no intensity, no adjustments, no nothing but go out and hope we catch a few breaks. Pretty pathetic really.


    I have to agree - the loss was mostly to be put on the coaching. It is obvious to me whenever we play the Patriots that the Bills are PREDICTABLE to them. They know what we can and cannot do personnel-wise, and they know what our coaches like to do - and rather than coming into the game with a fresh, unseen gameplan, we come into these games doing just what they think we're going to do! And no surprise, we lose terribly. I tell you - these HC's at the NFL level, 75% of them are doing nothing more than many a college coach could do. There's only a few that actually press the envelope when it comes to really creative, world class coaching.


    I recall a game against the browns a few years ago - it was the Patriots Browns. Mangini was coaching, and the Browns beat the Patriots. Nobody expected it. After the game, Mangini said this - and I paraphrase - "We put together two totally different game plans for the Patriots. One to be executed in the first half, the other to be executed in the second. That way, whatever adjustments they made at halftime would go toward a gameplan no longer in place." Now that is creative! It worked! The Patriots are so good at making adjustments you have to have the insight and the courage to do things like this!


    Anyway, it just looks like they're always two steps ahead of us. I looked like the Bills merely tried to mirror N.Y. Giants type game plan against this team, despite us not having the same personnel, despite us not having anywhere near the same caliber offense. To think that Wannstedt couldn't see the need to play more creative defense, to send blitzers, to rattle Brady when he was still off-balance? But, it's not all on the coaching, although it starts there, for sure.


    Mario and Fitz are two men who need to be called out. Gailey should not continue to coddle these two. Neither is playing even at a mid-pro level. Fitz's stats are so misleading. He is a result of Gailey's system. A result of C.J. Spiller's running. You take away two recent good defensive games and C.J. Spiller, and you put those games on Fitz - and we'd have more like 5 touchdowns 11 interceptions. That's the kind of QB we have. That's the kind of QB we've HAD for two years! I just cannot continue to watch this team send that same, innacurate, incompetent, inconsistent QB out onto the field, game after game - even the look on Stevie Johnsons face, and body language, yesterday spoke of his frustration with Fitz's throws. We've got a second string QB - lets use him! And, if it were me - I'd bench Mario for a few series or for a game, and give someone else a try, if he continues to play with such lack of motivation and effort.

  2. Well said Derek, We got to get a qb to move forward, and I agree on all the other points. We need to do whatever we can to get Barkley or Smith no matter where we end up in the draft.


    I AGREE!!!!! I just can't stress it enough - EVEN giving away an entire DRAFT for a QB with elite talent, would NOT be a price too high. It just doesn't matter, otherwise, if we have talent elsewhere - we can't win CONSISTENTLY without a good QB. And, you can't get a good QB unless you draft him. If we walked away from next year's draft with just an elite QB - we could go out and pick up a WR and LB in F.A., and our team would have more promise than if we drafted a WR, a LB, and a QB in the 3rd or 4th round who ends up only being just-better than Fitz. For once, do something extreme - go out and GET THAT QB!

  3. Wayne, once AGAIN, no one is defending the defense. The defense sucking and Fitz sucking are NOT mutually exclusive. They both stunk.


    Fitz consistently over or under throws. One key was on a 3rd and 17. He had Stevie WIDE open and had enough time in the pocket to make a sandwich, and of course missed him badly.


    Then late in the game (game likely out of hand) he had Stevie even MORE open and threw it so high SJ had to go out of bounds to catch it.


    The defense was putrid today. Don't insult your fellow fans by making it seem like we don't get that. But Fitz is NOT a NFL caliber QB.


    Does the D need help? Of course!!! They let up 52 points. But that doesn't mean we don't need a different QB as well.



    Right on - we need to fix the Defense, but more importantly, we need an NFL caliber QB. Fitz is too erratic. Fitz also more or less makes it necessary for Gailey to form gameplans around his weaknesses. That, in and of itself, should say enough. We need a QB who can make all the throws. Not one who can only make half of them.

  4. Poor scheming or not, I just didn't see the guy trying. Bull rush? There were zero that I could see. He disrupted nothing. Can't wait for the obligatory posts that he was double and triple teamed. LOL


    I've got an answer - I'm no psychic, and I don't know him personally, but my opinion is this: he comes to Buffalo, and we give him the treatment like he's the President of the United States. We bend over backwards to make sure he knows we think he's the God given answer to our defensive woes. We give him the farm, and then the fans - because we are the best in the country - support him and praise his talent, etc. Before he ever gets into pads or practices, he's given the richest contract in NFL history for a defensive player, and he's basically put on the Bills Wall of Fame.


    Now, since we've done nothing to that point but make him feel like Superman, I suspect he comes to Buffalo feeling like he's already proven it, already is great, and there's NO URGENCY to make himself better. There's no need to compete. There's no need to EARN more money - it's already been given to him. He's what, 300 lbs? I'd say, he needs to work out a bit more, lose about 10 lbs, speed up, and play A TON harder. The dude insisted on playing RDE! So, he gets the lesser of the weekly tackles, and still - even against absolute no names, he's being handled!


    If I were the D.C., I'd have his butt in my office and I'd be asking him to explain himself. If he's got nothing to say, and if he doesn't improve and work his tail off to EARN that 100 Million, I'd have no qualms about setting a REAL example and benching him. Let the players who want to WORK, to FIGHT, go out and play.

  5. We've got problems. Man! It's hard to be a Bills fan. I was telling my son, the only solace to take from a loss like this is that it identifies weaknesses, so that those weaknesses can be eliminated, and the team gets stronger. That is what losing should do - toughen a team. HOWEVER, here in Buffalo, losses lead to excuses, and history repeats itself, which in our case is losing, losing, losing.


    Wannstedt has been given a defensive group - that if another handful of D.C.'s around the league had, would definitely be in the top 5. I mean, I've said it before, to mixed reviews, but I believe it - there are guys who walk in to teams, and do it over and over, with totally mediocre talents being inherited, and put top 10 defenses on the field. It's about fundamentals, it's about strategy. The players need to know how to tackle, they need to be in shape enough to play hard, and the plays need to give them the ability to compete. I saw players get gassed, and I saw a LOT of plays that shouldn't have been called on defense.


    Truth be told, the Bills are PREDICTABLE. They're predictable on offense and defense. That is why a Bills offense that is ranked in the top 10 in the NFL gets it handed to them by a defense that is statistically "mediocre" - it's because the Pats know what the Bills are going to do, and they also know what we are capable of doing.


    This season must end in us aquiring a new QB. And, if Wannstedt cannot adapt, I'd say he shouldn't be given yet another offseason of player aquisition while the offense is mostly, yet again, ignored.

  6. i can`t believe Buddy Nix was laughing at the Skins when they gave up those 3 firsts for RGIII, Look who is laughing now Buddy.


    I was hoping the Bills would of made that deal. i would of even given them 4picks.... Franchise QB`s don`t grow on trees.


    It`s obvious that Chan and Buddy have no clue to what a franchise QB looks like, these are the same men that said they didn`t know what they had in Trent Edwards.


    Trent Edwards, C`mon man everyone on this board knew he was garbage. Trent Checkwards, really!!!


    Why don`t we just kick them tires on old Donovan McNabb, I heard he was in great shape. lol


    I've been pretty consistent in my support of Buddy Nix. On the whole, I think he's done a magnificent job of turning around a team that was run into the ground, and probably was the least talented team in the NFL, despite being bad for over 10 years - that, in and of itself, would be hard for even an amateur GM like the twobillsdrive crowd to do.


    Only one thing has really kept me skeptical about Nix's final legacy here - he's strengthened the lines to the point where they're both in the top 5 in the NFL. He has playmakers in our secondary, has decent players at both WR and LB, and has the best RB duo in the NFL by FAR. It's just that to this point he's whiffed terribly on QB decisions. These guys are supposed to be veteran experts, and they appear to be naive to what we see and know from very early on.


    Now, as I see it, I tend to believe Nix took a much longer view of rebuilding this team than the fanbase would have wanted. When he came in here, the team was so bad for so long that the fans wanted some quick change. He knew, though, that the best way to build a franchise was via the draft, via good coached, teaching, and by keeping the developed players. IF his intention was to build a foundation for success by first fixing the lines, then adding depth, and adding QB LAST - then he's followed his blueprint to a T. I mean, if you added a franchise rookie QB next year, he'd have a great situation to fall into, and he wouldn't have to start, necessarily, and if he did, Fitz would make a great mentor and backup.


    If Nix just undervalued the QB position, or thought Fitz was enough, then his management would be in question. I just think he's too experienced, and too shrewd, for that to be the case. I think he wanted to have a team in place that could take a rookie QB in and be sucessful with him (the Steelers of Rothlisberger's rookie year come to mind), rather than put a rookie into a losing situation and perhaps damage his confidence. There are, after all, only one or two - if even that - QB's a year that come out that are good enough to start no matter where they go - the Lucks, Newtons, Griffins have gone too high for Buffalo to bid on and still be able to rebuild on schedule.


    But now - now we have the youth, the depth, the right talent to give up some picks, if need be, to get the guy to lead this team going forward. I absolutely agree - next year is the year the Bills move up to get the QB.

  7. The teams we have faced have all had decent olines..


    The Browns have a solid O Line.. they only gave up 2 sacks to the Eagles, 2 sacks to the Bengals 1 sack to the Ravens but we got 4 sacks..

    KC gave up 3 sacks to the Falcons, 3 to the Saints, we got 5 sacks.

    We had a terrible game vs the Jets and got a goose egg..


    I think your numbers bear consideration - other teams have done less against the same opponents - and Philly and Baltimore are no slouch teams. I'd like to add, as well, that I, too, think we're getting better each week, and that we won't be full force till somewhere near week 9 or 10. Also, our run defense has been excellent, I think - especially when it counts. A team usually is not dominant in both run defense and pass rush. Usually a great defense is one that no one can run on, and it just plays smart, 3 and out defense, without a ton of sacks. Or, you have the teams like the Giants of recent years, who sack the QB a lot, but who also give up the rushing yards. I think our defense has been focusing more on the run defense, and letting the pressure get there mostly with just the 4 men on the line - without blitzing a lot. All in all, I think we're in a good place, and I'm happy with our Defense - and, I just can't stress it enough, this defense is so young, and under a new coordinator - they are going to get better throughout most of the year.

  8. What appeared to be a pretty nice schedule before the season started now looks like a pretty tough one. There aren't too many certain victories to circle on the schedule, anyway. I'd say Indy, Jacksonville, and Tennesee are the only games left that one could reasonably say we SHOULD win. The rest, Miami, Jets, Patriots, San Fran, Arizona, Seattle, St. Louis, Houston - those are tough games.


    I never really thought we'd be a team that would go far this year, anyway. Before the season started I thought we would go 10-6 or 11-5, because the schedule looked favorable, but I didn't expect us to be ready to compete with the best of the best - yet. I still think we're a franchise QB away, not to mention a star LB and another WR, from being SuperBowl contenders.


    However - the schedule looks harder now. We also are beginning to look like a different team than I had expected. I really thought Gailey would insist on throwing it like crazy regardless, but he is actually leaning on the run game in just the right way, I think. I also think our Defense is still evolving, still gelling, and I think from a week to week basis we'll see improvement in it right through to the mid-way point of the season, by which time I think we'll know better just how good a defense we have. Anyway, this team, if it can stay healthy - and the importance of that cannot be overstated - and if it continues to play to it's strengths, plays good defense, can compete on any given Sunday with most anyone.


    Therefore - I think IF WE STAY HEALTHY - we can pull off a 3-3 mark on this next six game stretch, and end the season at 11-5 or 10-6. But, if key O-linemen get hurt, or if our RB's cannot stay healthy, if Fitz has to carry this team, then we could very well begin losing more than we're winning. If that happens I hope we commit to finally getting that QB next year, as the only solace for what would be another losing season.

  9. All I can say is Nix certainly had a blue print for building a team: Start at the lines (O-line is perhaps the best in NFL - leading rusher (before injury) - and a star studded D-line that is getting better every game, and which at the least stuffs the run regularly), and then goes out. I'm looking at the 2013 draft, and if we get up into the top of round 1 we can get a QB, and he'll have a good defense, a great O-line, and great RB's to look forward to. Not to mention a decent TE, and a current QB who would make an excellent mentor.


    I have to say, although I've been frustrated with the lack of pursuit in getting a real franchise QB, if Nix's plan was to build a team ready to plug a QB into and be successful for years, then this does look like that.

  10. I can appreciate an objective attempt at looking at Fitz. There are a lot of different ways to look at him, and evaluate his play, and finally to determine whether he was/is really good, bad, or in-between. You could theoretically see a QB go 23 of 30 passes for 330 yards, yet if those 7 missed passes are critical interceptions and failed 3rd downs, the statistics can skew the actual damage. Then again, a QB could go 13 of 30, have some terrible passes on 1st and 2nd downs, and end up winning a game with some yards, touchdowns, and no interceptions.


    I had real hopes Lee would transform Fitz - but, what I've come to believe (I know it is still early) is that Fitz is trying too hard to throw correctly - that is, his mechanics are still in his mind, still something he's concentrating on - and because of this we're seeing what appears to be a worse Fitz, at times, than before. I think he's always going to be inconsistent. I think it is due to his physical ability, or lack thereof. Nevertheless, he will be hot at times, and win some. Unfortunately, he's going to also have games where he misses the passes that count the most, where he contributes a lot to losses. And, what's worse, I fear he'll have more of those games than not, unless we're able to play a totally different type of game, running a lot more, passing a lot less, and playing much better D.


    He is what he is - middle of the road, and certainly not top 12 even. With our O-line finally young and good, set to be a top O-line for years to come, and with good RB's for another 3 or more years, I think it is time to go get that rookie QB next year. He'll be able to wait if he has to, and when he is ready he'll have all that a young QB wants - Defense, good O-line, good RB's, and even a decent TE.


    Until then - I think the only thing that changes the Bills going after a top QB next year is if Fitz takes this team into the playoffs, and doesn't blow it once there - it's Fitz's year to prove what he's got.

  11. And he's done it against a very good defense, and a decent one, too. If we had a QB with even mediocre talent, this offense would be pretty dangerous. Too bad our season hangs, not on Spiller, but on Fitz.


    Anyway - the thing that distinguishes Spiller from most backs - he now gets the tougher 3-5 yard runs, but he has the speed and explosiveness to take it to the house at any time. Some backs can do that - Chris Johnson, Javon Best, Charles - BUT, Spiller is now big and strong enough to also break tackles; he's not just a speed RB. In other words, Spiller is a complete back.


    If he stays healthy, I think he'll lead the league in rushing this year. No one is even close. And - what makes this a sensible prediction, and not just a hasty reaction, is that he's been performing increasingly well since last year. It's not a fluke. And, it's only the beginning!

  12. Players need a coach that has an extreme competitive edge. You cite Harbaugh. What is the difference between Harbaugh and Chan? One is extremetly intense, the other? Well, does he have a pulse? Does he get excited? Does he show passion? Does he incite passion among his players? You be the judge. But, when I look at this team, I see no fire, no heart, no passion, no sense of urgency. And, I don't see a willingness on the part of ownership to hire a coach of that genre..


    That was especially evident with Jauron. With Gailey I thought the Bills went more in a direction of - if you can't get Bill Cowher, at least you can get the guy he recommends - route. Nix has some fire in him. I agree, by the way, about the intensity of the coaches. Look no further than college, when the students are playing for pride and some for their futures; the coaches have to have these guys playing with an extreme intenisty and passion. Then the players get to the NFL, and all of a sudden they've made it, they're rich, and for many I believe it becomes a money game, a business - it isn't so much about winning and losing, but rather about contracts and image. If you have a coach, though, who can break through to the majority of these players and inspire them to play for more than just a paycheck, to instill meaning in the game for them, then you have a harder working, more accountable team. I would think those coaches would spend a lot of time trying to be sure the players they bring in are really in it for the right reasons, too. (nothing bothers me more than seeing players shrug off losses, as if it ISN'T a SMACK IN THEIR FACES, as if they aren't taking it PERSONALLY)


    The Bills, though - especially Ralph Wilson and I presume more so his handlers - have stayed far away from outspoken, passionate coaches. They don't want a man who will stand up for what he believes in and demand to run things a certain way. They want a guy who will do what he's told. (Maybe an exception was made with the Shannahan/Cowher attempts - and maybe it's gone so long without success here that a future exception will be made, too.)

  13. I've read in many places - people who visit the offseason program, local reporters - that Nix and Gailey and the whole organization is on the same page, finally. However, I've wondered about the offense for a few years now. It seems like Nix is a really old-school NFL man. He values size, strength, and speed. Physical freaks and giants. It's no wonder that our team is a big team now. We can match up, size wise, with anyone, and should be able to play physically with anyone. I, for one, remember a string of years with Jauron and before that, even, when this team was too small, and just was outmatched on a regular basis.


    All of this in regards to Nix would lead me to believe he would prefer an old school offense, one like San Fran's, that lets the run open the pass, and that really stresses fundamentals. But, then you look at Gailey's offense, and he is the modernist, cutting edge play caller who all but abandons the run in many games. His best players would fit nicely into a run-first type offense. Yet... Not only do I wonder about the play calling, but I'm curious about the total lack of investment in the offense. That, to me, anyway, suggests Gailey could still be afforded a few years, if only because he hasn't really seen an influx of talent at QB or WR. It's as if Nix has said, I'm gonna spend two years fixing this defense, and you just make the most of what you've got over there on offense.


    It's no coincidence San Fran went out this offseason and got some WR upgrades. Even if we were to emulate such a team, we'd be lucky to resemble them at last year's production - and our defense isn't even close to theirs. We are, in any model, it seems, still a few years away.

  14. So Ralph is cheap yet we don't have money to spend on a WR. I don't understand The logic of most Bills fans


    The reasoning has little to do with money. Money is finite on an NFL team. The real point, however, is why WASTE money on talent that will not be utilized? It's similar to the argument for drafting Spiller. I, for one, thought Spiller was a great choice. However, when Gailey failed to utilize him for almost the first two years - and, if Jackson comes back and Spiller is put on the sideline again - I'm left wondering, is this ultra-talented first round pick going to end up only really being used a few years before his contract is up, by which time he'll resent Buffalo for not showcasing him all along?


    Point is simple - if you're going to be aggressive about getting WR's, to the point where it'll have an influence on future spending ability, be sure to have a QB who can use them FIRST.

  15. For all the good intention in the idea, I'd much, much rather put any extra money and resources into getting a superior, truly Franchise caliber QB, than into getting a middle aged WR who is asking for more money per season than half the NFL QB's are making.


    I understand the desire for our fans to see a Bills team that is more talented; however, you've got to build a team correctly. There's little value in having 20 million a year tied up in WR's when the QB throwing to them isn't going to be able to remotely maximize their talents.


    That is a real issue with the Bills. We do have talent on this team. It's just that the team isn't necessarily designed to utilize our best talents (kind of a team with an identity crisis, still!).

  16. I think the issue is that the Bills looked bad yesterday for the same reasons they closed out at 1-8 last season - erratic QB play, a scheme (limited because of talent) that doesn't effectively stretch the field, truly horrific pass coverage, and no pass rush. They ran the ball well, but they did that last year as well.




    Truth is, Buffalo has done nothing better, since the Marv/Kelly/Bruce years, than come out following an offseason of selling this team to the fans, and fall short in every way, year in and out. Games like this past one vs the Jets are harder for me to watch than if it happened to a team that had been successful lately. I mean, it's a lot easier to accept one down year in Indy, for example, which leads to a real rebuild, than 15 down years in Buffalo which leads nowhere. If the Bills want to erase this stigma of being the stink hole of the NFL, they have to have a real contender, and thus far - even with Gailey (at least, do date) - all we've been is bettered by everyone when it really counts.


    My personal opinion - going into this season without so much as drafting a QB with potential (Russel Wilson anyone? - doesn't have to be round 1, necessarily) just proves this staff was willing to put the whole season on Fitzpatrick, who, even by my unprofessional eye, has only ever shown he's NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I mean, Nix couldn't have told Gailey his genius offensive designs aren't cutting it anymore? It's obvious we need better play at WR and QB - and they sat on that for yet another offseason. That, to me, is testing the fanbase in a bad way.

  17. Things I considered today:


    We knew what Fitzpatrick was two years ago. He can put together good games. He can read most defenses well. But, he will always make bad throws that good QB's don't often make, and he'll always have his share of bad games - which all adds up to a QB who cannot be relied upon to carry a team throughout a season into the playoffs and beyond. In other words, he's a good mentor, backup QB who is being paid as a starter. In every attempt at fairness, he can play like a good QB at times, and seem like a legitimate starter - but, when it is all said and done, he ends up eventually just not being enough. I'm merely a fan and I saw this years ago. This front office should have, by now, gotten a young QB in here to develop, someone with promise who we can turn to, instead on putting another entire season on one often failing QB.


    Despite the way our defense looked - bad - I really believe the Jets personnel and game plan are practically the epitome of what this defense plays worst against. We should have much more luck going forward. I think Mario is getting a little too much heat here, too, because I think he was neutralized more by gameplan than by poor play, although, on the whole, for a player with his reputation and salary, he needs to be felt much more than he has thus far.


    Our WR's are just not good enough. Again, this F.O. should have done more to address this by now. There seems to be an attitude with Gailey that he can outsmart opponents, or out-coach them, and so he does not need superior talent. After this game, and last season, what he appears to me more than anything is stubborn and a bit presumptive. He cannot expect this offense to go far without deep speed, and a QB who can throw it accurately beyond 15-20 yard passes.


    I hope they make adjustments - and I expect we'll see a better defense this coming week, but as for Fitz, I don't really expect more than what we've seen already - good and bad, and in the end, not enough.

  18. This goes beyond just T.J. Graham. I was very curious, as well, when before the game I heard Stevie Johnson was practically limping, and questionable - and then I hear we didn't even dress T.J. Graham! So, on a team with a very weak WR corps, which only kept 6 WR's, going into a game with an admittedly injured WR, and doesn't dress a 3rd round pick? I ask you - why are we making these picks at all, if we aren't going to use them? Russel Wilson would have looked nice out there today, IMO.


    This goes back, in a way, for me, all the way to last year. Fitz gets "hurt" in the Redskins game (although he was never on the injury report). That was the admitted excuse for his total switch in play from one half to the other last year. So, Fitz is hurt so much that it makes him play terrible. Isn't that what a backup QB is for? Why do we have a backup QB, taking up roster space and salary cap, if we aren't going to use him?


    The connection here between the two is this: if the right talent level was there at these positions, we'd have the situation where when a player gets hurt, another player with promise goes in and picks up, instead of the whole team suffering due to one players injury. Don't bring these guys in if they aren't good enough to play!

  19. I've got to hand it to Dareus, too. I think other players might have a bigger climb from no recognition to being recognized, but I think Dareus, who is still somewhat overshadowed by the likes of Suh. Ngata, Williams - will be considered one of the very best DT's in the league. I just can't see him not blowing things up with Williams, Williams, and Co., all around him. I really think Dareus will be the one player on our D-line who opposing teams will have to account for more than any of the other 3, by seasons end. I'd not be surprised if he ends up with double digit sacks, either.


    Offensively - as much as I'd love to say Fitz, I think Spiller really has to take the torch, so to speak, from Freddy. If Spiller gets one carry to every two of Freddy's, that is enough to show he is more explosive, and more deserving to be out there (if he is), because, Freddy is getting older, and as highly touted as Spiller was coming out of college, he should be able to unseat a guy like Fred, if given the chance. I know it is a tall order, because Freddy has some magic to his runs - he just seems to make positive plays out of seemingly nothing - but I think Spiller has to get it done this year, and become a really nationally known RB.


    Glenn! The first of his 12 straight All-Pro seasons! :D


    I forget Glenn - he certainly has a chance to prove he was foolishly overlooked by the entire NFL! Good call.

  20. I've looked at the cuts made, looked at the roster, and I think the only areas we're going to end up weak in are WR, maybe CB, and and maybe QB. In my opinion, though, these issues do not stem from any cuts - they stem from a lack of priority made to getting higher quality players - in the case of WR and QB. Our cornerback situation looks good, but if an injury or two were to occur, that could change quickly. Injuries are going to happen, though, and the cuts made were smart ones, I think - with the exception of Thigpen, I'd say, and that goes back to the mistake of not getting better quality in here sooner.


    Hey - it's not a perfectly run team, but it is much, much better than we've had in a long time. I believe Nix has done a very good job of raising the level of talent on this team, to the point where we might be a playoff team now. My biggest gripe with Nix - virtually my only gripe of any substance - is that he's allowed the QB situation to unfold, over the last 3 years now, as it has, without having a young talent to turn to if Fitz falters. I just don't like hanging the total success or failure of the season on a QB who has such a poor history of success. In that regard, though, I hope very much he turns a corner.


    I do believe, though, that Nix is looking at this team with a longer view, and that by giving the team over to Fitz totally, by not getting a younger QB in here with talent, he's allowing for a clean break next year if Fitz fails, and no one will be able to second guess it (probably meaning mostly Gailey). And, if Fitz plays well, then it just looks like Nix knew what he was doing all along. It might be the smartest decision of any, in the end.

  21. I believe the Bills are better now than at any time in the last 10 years. I also think our schedule this year is better than its been in probably that long. Although we have improved, personnel-wise, and we're better coached (Wannstedt, Lee), there are still a few spots on this team that have very questionable talent. It's unfortunate that one of them is QB, a position that in and of itself can influence the entire outcome of the season. So - if we see a Fitzpatrick who plays with fewer mistakes, behind a more consistent run game, with better starting field position, and not so often from behind, then I think our success this year will be better than we've had since the music city miracle.


    I think this is the year Fitzpatrick takes us to the playoffs, or we'll have another QB next year. Next year's team should be without any major holes - and we should all be looking forward to a few years of playoff football. So, we're better than before and heading upward. I hope Fitz can pull it off - and I hope Gailey helps him with smart game plans and play calling, and we finally see the playoffs!

  22. The one thing about the Patriots that has changed, IMO, from the SuperBowl teams to the recent ones, all of which coached by Bellicheck - the defense. I am a Bills fan and no other, but I was always really envious of the Patriots defenses when they were winning the superbowls. I just remember seeing a lot of really creative, unorthodox stuff going on, and I really think those defenses were more responsible for the SuperBowls than any other part of the team.


    The offense is still and has been, with Brady, unreal. The drafting has fallen off, and the defense has fallen far. Perhaps it was Romeo Crennel, and not Bellicheck, who was responsible for those defenses? The Kansas City team, playing for Crennel, played well, and their Defense looks to be pretty good...

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