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Posts posted by earthtobrint

  1. Chan ran the offense optimal to Fitzpatrick's skill set at the beginning of the season. Five receivers spread out and a bunch of slants and screens. Fitzpatrick hasn't so much regressed as defenses have caught on. His limited abilities leave us with few options.

  2. Coming into this season I wanted at least one playoff game or an opportunity to draft Andrew Luck. Overachieving with a lack of talent into playoff contention and then suddenly collapsing to miss the playoffs is about the worst case scenario IMO.

  3. Due to the ease of the Pats schedule, the Jets tiebreaker, and the three teams in the AFC North that are currently ahead of us, I think it's going to take 6-2 (11-5 overall) the rest of the way to make the playoffs in the AFC. That 6-2 REQUIRES a win AT the Jets. This loss in Buffalo to the Jets was a devastating blow. We had a chance to practically knocked them out of contention but instead they are now in the drivers seat for the division.


    Keep it simple.


    Does anyone think the Bills would recover from 5-4 to make the playoffs?


    Yeah, me neither.


    Bills need to go 1-0 in the next game. Season is on the line against Dallas.


    I agree. Nearly every game the rest of the season is a must win starting today.

  4. Go back to the Patriots game week three. There was a similar situation. Tie ball game in the fourth quarter; in field goal range. Fitz throws a lob ball into double coverage that is easily intercepted. David Nelson had no chance at the ball and it is nestled directly into the arms of the DB. This would've turned the game upside down. However in that case, a completely unnecessary pass interference by the other DB had us first and goal at the 1 yard line. We scored a touchdown and ultimately won the game so all is forgiven. Fitzpatrick makes these kind of game deciding mistakes.

  5. i couldn't respectfully disagree with you more.


    not just because "its called FOOTball for a reason" or some other similar reason, but the kicking aspect of football is what makes it so much more of a chess match/thinking man's game.


    a great game, to me, is back and forth battling for field position, get out with a field goal if you're lucky, a touchdown is a game breaker, final score, 13-9.


    i hate that goodell, in the name of "player safety" is basically doing everything in his power to marginalize the field position battle. it's what the game is all about, being won and lost in the trenches. i don't want to see the league turn into a 49-42 affair every weekend like the nhl is going for. give me the single digit points in single digit weather baby!


    that's why it would be an encouraging step in the right direction to have extra points kicked 20 yards back, so they did become more meaningfull.


    maybe you could elect to kick from the 20 for 1 point, or from the 35 for 2 points?


    How does kicking make football a thinking man's game? If anything it's quite the opposite. Unlike designing and choosing a play, field goals and extra points remove all the other players and coaches from both teams and put the responsibility on one player (Yes I know there are blockers and defenders but very very rarely are field goals/extra points blocked. The players barely put much effort into it). You say games should be won and lost in the trenches, but advocate kicking?


    But anyways I'm not saying field goals should be removed. I'm not saying that at all. This thread is about the extra points. Also, I completely agree with you that field position battles are important and the kickoff adjustment this season is a joke. It creates another non-play.

  6. But very little opportunity to run a fake for the 2 points or to salvage a bad snap for the 2 points. There's nothing wrong with how it is now, really.



    How often do either of those things ever happen? It's not worth the risk when there's over a 99% chance of converting on the point. So far the arguments against eliminating the extra point has been a.) I hate Belichick and don't want to listen to him or b.) that's the way it's always been so let's not change it.


    It is a non-play because it always succeeds. Either just make a touchdown seven points (which it basically is already) or force the team to run a play and actually earn the extra one or two points. Moving the extra point kick farther back is an option, too, but I don't think more of the game should rely on a kicker's foot than it already does.

  7. Only $2.5 million of Merriman's contract is guaranteed next year. It's not like Buddy gave him the massive contract Whitner thinks he deserves. Also, out of our "long list of unrestricted free agents who are wondering what their future will be", only two of them might have the opportunity to get sizable contracts from other teams - Posluzny and Whitner. As for the others, they will not cost much and it will just be a matter of whether Buddy wants to keep them or not.

  8. Totally subjective analysis. Fitz had flashes of brilliance too. Bradford got crushed by the mighty Detroit Lions 44-6. But Bradford gets all kinds of mulligans because he's a #1 pick.


    K-Gun, if you are going to damn Fitzpatrick based on stats, then you have to compare apples to apples. Bradford had a worse year than Fitz, but Bradford is a #1 overall pick from a football factory and Fitz is a 7th round Harvard egghead. That is the ONLY reason why Bradford gets the love.




    Bradford doesn't get praised because he is a #1 pick. He gets praised for his play as a rookie quarterback. It's about youth, natural physical ability, and performance relative to NFL experience. There's no guarantee but it's safe to assume a quarterback breaking rookie records will only improve as he gains more experience. It's not an apples to apples comparison. Ryan Fitzpatrick is in the prime of his career right now and as someone else has said, Fitzpatrick has likely maxed out his physical potential with his performance this season.


    If Sam Bradford was a 7th round Harvard egghead rookie quarterback he would get the same - probably much more - praise than he currently receives.

  9. Yes because statistics are the black and white end all. By your logic Whitner and the Poz should make the probowl because they are sharing the #4 rank in tackles over KW because he is ranked 75.


    Passer rating is a compilation of every passing statistic. With a large enough sample size, it's an accurate depiction of how well a quarterback has played. Tackling is only one aspect of defense. Accumulating large quantities of tackles is mostly due to opportunity. The tackles statistic should really be changed to tackles per opposing offensive play that doesn't result in a penalty or incomplete pass.


    Kyle Williams definitely deserves to be in the Pro Bowl. Fitzpatrick and Stevie do not.

  10. If the Bills put the correct combination of numbers on Merriman's contract offer, he will resign.


    If the Bills are the NFL only team willing to put the correct combination of numbers on Merriman's contract offer, he will resign from the NFL. I agree.

  11. The comparison made is ridiculous. Even Hall of fame quarterbacks have bad games. Kudos for pointing that out. The difference is that those three quarterbacks have established themselves over the past decade as the elites of the league. They have all won super bowls and will have busts in canton. Ryan Fitzpatrick has established himself throughout his career as a backup quarterback that can play well for stretches but makes crucial errors and has major accuracy issues.


    Point is taken, though, that Fitz is still playing fairly well overall. He will still be benched at some point this season even if it's not due to his play. This team's season has been over for a while now and they will want to evaluate Brohm even if he doesn't pan out. If the Bills were contending for a playoff spot with a terrific team around Fitz, sure leave him in. This team is in evaluation mode and they already know what they have in Ryan Fitzpatrick.

  12. Guys,


    Where do you find the active roster for the game online?


    I noticed them being inactive from rotoworld. It's a fantasy site so they usually only mention fantasy relevant players (eliminates almost all Bills players) but they do mention news on Bills players every so often to take a shot at Buffalo management.

  13. It seems Chan wants his o linemen to play all the positions. I always thought there were specific skills necessary for each position. Left tackle quick with a long reach, right, can be slower but stronger, guards slower and stronger and shorter for a lower center of gravity, and a center capable of calling assignments and handling shotgun snaps and nose tackles. So why do they pick a player as a tackle and move him to guard?


    Players drafted to play tackle often get converted to guard if the team figures out that the player is not good enough to handle the tackle position. It's basically a downgrade. They're easing him into the job due to his injury or he's just not looking as good as they expected. The fact that the Bills are so desperate for help at tackle makes Wang's switch to guard much more alarming.

  14. Of the many headshots this past weekend, Merriweather's missile launch hit was by far the most egregious and had clear malicious intent. Dunta Robinson lead with his shoulder and while Harrison lead with his head, a ball carrier is not considered defenseless. I could agree with stiffer penalties than the 50k fine for them, but how is it that Merriweather was dealt equal punishment to them?


    Brandon Merriweather launched himself into the air at a defenseless tight end reaching for the ball. He launched himself upward with his head down while leading with the crown of his helmet DIRECTLY AT TODD HEAP'S FACE. It was clearly not an attempt to tackle or separate ball from man. It was an attempt to use his helmet to separate head from shoulders. The play left me feeling angry that he would do that to another player. If the NFL really wants to crack down on these deliberate helmet to helmet hits, how is it that Merriweather escaped with only a fine and no suspension? It's a clear example of the kind of hits they should want to eliminate from the game and missing game time is the only effective deterrent.



    edit: Here's a link to the hit in case you haven't seen it. The video at :40 gives a clearer view of the shot. Merriweather attempted the same thing on another occasion at 1:20 in the video.


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