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Posts posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. You say that the Bill's fans are among the most loyal but to many, enough is enough. They've failed to address serious issues long enough that many are cutting back or jumping ship. If they can't get us a decent QB & adjust the coaching staff as needed than they don't deserve my money. I usually make the 800+ mile round trip for at least 2 games a year, but not this year. Call me when Wanny is gone & Fitz isn't starting.

  2. Most people here understand that we will likely lose the next 2 games but what do we do when the loosing continues beyond that?

    Let's face it, Wanny's system won't stop anyone & Fitz can't get the job done at QB. Until these 2 huge issues are addressed, this team will only be working towards a higher draft pick.

  3. Kids can watch the Bills & see that we need a new DC & QB, yet Buddy & Chan just keep on killing our hopes with the same old garbage. We will most likely end up as one of the five worst teams in the league this year, if not the worst. The way we have been playing, we will go winless in our division again.

    Time to bring Polian back!

  4. Dave W is one of the biggest mistakes this team has ever made (right up there with Trent E). Chan should be gone at the end of this year for not firing his buddy & Nix should also be shown the door for not forcing Chan's hand. The fact that our D is terrible at epic levels and that we still don't have a legit starting caliber QB is completely unaccaptable.

    Time to bring Polian & Fewell back & then draft our next QB.

  5. Wanny should have been fired by now. With him on board our team will give up 90+ points over the next 2 games unless they show mercy and put their back-ups in early- even then we may very well give up 90+ points in the next 2 games (combined of course, not each).

    Chan is committing career suicide by not firing his buddy Dave W. and insisting on sticking with Fitz.

    I think Chan could be a good OC but he is failing as a HC. We need a GM & HC that will get us a real QB and DC.

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