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Posts posted by Alaska_Darin_Is_Gay

  1. I was being sorta sarcastic... I believe you are right with what you said... I don't agree with BO on the gun control thing. The original poster pointed out that it was "Obama's America"... I was just pointing out that was far from his vision, someof that vision a don't agree with.


    I was just making a broader point about this, Fort Hood, and the fact that if you're a white, hetersexual, christian male who makes over 200k youre an instant target in obamas america.

  2. You really think we are going to go 4-2 in our last 6? Colts, Pats* and Falcons on the schedule.


    I don't know. I just hope that by predicting it it won't happen. I think they'll win today and at KC. The Jets game may be a win and if Indy isn't undefeated we could pull that one out too.

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