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Posts posted by Alaska_Darin_Is_Gay

  1. In your head (where this line of thinking obviously makes sense) how do explain the fact that I was consistently able to golf through late November in Buffalo this year? Really, can't wait to see the twisted logic.


    Easy. You're unemployed and are leaching off the productive members of society. Wish I had time to hit the links like you do.

  2. Imagine this skit-an Al Gore impersonator drives around WNY today in a AAA vehicle searching for cars stuck in ditches etc and then he approaches the relieved driver and says "don't worry, if cap-and-trade fails you'll be melted out of this ditch in no time" and he gets back into the truck only to flash a fist full of hundred dollar bills through the window to his victim before peeling out!

  3. I probably qualify as a lefty I guess, especially to righties. Honestly, the board's been kind of boring lately.


    Chef Jim's not righty enough to get anyone's blood boiling.

    BuffaloDonald is Amateur Hour personified, a complete joke (no debate about this).

    OCInBuffalo has a similar problem AND is on ignore (which is kind of nice actually).

    Magox continually posts 'We're Doomed' financial updates in BOLD, which kind of has the boy-who-cried-wolf effect.

    LABillz chimes in in agreement with just about anything a righty says (while pretending to be an unbiased observer).

    Joe In Macungie (see LABillz, no pretending though).

    erynthered, Wacka and others I may have purposely blocked out of my mind have just not been living up to the hype lately.


    All in all, I haven't had much to B word about and haven't seen too many righties bitching about anything worthwhile. Obama must be doing a better job than W did.


    Don't worry though, it's bound to pick up soon.


    As if your opinion has any value at all.

  4. They screwed up. They know it. They can't defend it. Which is why liberals who get paid to stay out, like Tingles, Olbermann, etc., are not only losing viewers, but sound increasingly ridiculous with every new airing. Once the Palin tour came to an end, they were out of things to yap about.





    He's never going to live that down!

  5. What a dumb argument. Who the !@#$ cares about people wearing clothes? By your argument (marriage goes back a gazillion years and is a tradition...an argument that is total bull **** but let's assume for a second it's not), shouldn't we all be walking around naked? It's more recent social mores that made us so prude about the human body.


    And where nudity is allowed, guess what: Almost everyone wears clothing. Why? It's comfortable. And it's a social norm. Amazingly, the government doesn't need to "set" the norm...it just happens.


    But I understand. You want your mommyment to take care of you and give you a binky when you get upset.


    It has been requested of me to ask you this question-why is you avatar a picture of a child molester?

  6. This thread has been hijacked by nitwit conversation


    Blame John Adams, he's the one who brought up gay marriage. Id be more than happy to discuss Obama having more members of ACORN in his inner circle than people from the private sector who actually know how to create jobs.

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