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Posts posted by akcash

  1. Had a hell of a day today. Paid my CC bills hearing I'm 50 days late on a payment. Get a text at 330pm... "wanna go to the game?"

    Fkin with my brain all day my credit score is going to go down. Haven't worked out all week. Feel like trash physically. I Uber to the game so stressed about being able to get to game and back from DT. 


    Called buddy who is Uber driver. Guaranteed ride back and forth. Check


    Looked back at my statement. I am current. This dude that told me I wasn't on the phone was wrong. Check


    Getting up at 5am gonna get a weeks work of working out in 5 hours check.



    So fking pumped to go to game and be one of the 70k that are coming down on Tua and the Phins. 


    We are gonna beat the crap out of the Dolphins in front of America and its going to be glorious. Life is good. 



    Get the F#^k up!!!!!!!!



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  2. Tone it down. I went to the 0 deg game last year. I was super layered and fine. Theres alot of body heat in the stands that imo makes it warmer. Plus if drinking that will help. I would wear 2 layers min a goody and jersey or somin like that with a hat, warm socks and gloves if u need them at least in ur pocket.

  3. The light bulb for Tremaine  Edmund's has officially turned on. Since he has come back against the Pat's he has played at a meteoric risen level that Josh Allen displayed in year 3. His instincts are being displayed at every moment, he is punishing people when he hits them with full confidence, he is beating blockers to the spot, he is shedding tackles better than ive ever seen him. His eyes are glued in the backfield. It's like they downloaded instincts into his brain and he is playing downhill with full confidence and is one scary mf right now. I am so happy to see this dude coming on and he is not looking back. I didn't know if he would get to this level but he has arrived. And he's not looking back. Big baller fkin Beane. This is like the middle linebacker version of bad things man. I am so fking pumped and I hope to hell we can re-ink this guy next year.

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    Thank you Virgil for this post.


    I didn't see the game live myself... was gonna start a thread but if you don't mind I'll share my first impression and and with a story:


    Just coming back from NYC today... yesterday I had to turn off the game when it was 24-10 at half.


    Was being a good sport, went to a play with aunt.


    Come out at intermission. To see one play on my phone. The fumble. 


    Intermission ends, go back into play.


    Was going to try not to look at my phone until watched game later. 


    Looked at phone. Phone shows notification from NFL... "👀 Bills-Vikings 30-30." 


    At restaurant eating, said 33-30 Vikings.


    Just rewatched game. I feel a lot better. Once again we outplayed them. 


    They broke a long run, sucks but not why we lost. 


    Key penalty, Jefferson and Cousins made some heroic plays against out patchwork secondary whose been overachieving all year and most of the day did what they were asked to do.


    Freak fumble. 


    Amazing late heroic play by defense. 


    One bad decision by Allen who was trying to go for the win instead of the tie. 


    Keep playing Bills. 


    This will not keep up.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    I have never once thought this would really happen. Obviously at this point I’d love it and certainly I hope it somehow does. I just hope there’s a plan B in the very likely even he doesn’t come here.

    If we don't get OBJ I'd like to see more Kumerow out wide with Davis/Shakir slot 

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