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  1. The option of Garcia was discussed recently here: Garcia for QB
  2. The question is: Do you bring in an aging QB that will win you some games - at least for the short term? I'm always amazed that some fans around the NFL simply give up on their team after they've lost a few early games, and almost want them to keep losing so they can hopefully get a higher draft pick next year - and then complain that their team is losing. The team has a duty to its loyal paying fans to put on the best show it can - never mind providing a product that will put bums in seats and make money for the organization, although the two go together. Planning for draft picks is like saying I'm going to work at getting rich, so I'm going to buy some lottery tickets. How many 2009 draft picks are saving their teams right now? This is Oakland Raiders style of team building. Of course the chosen few will work out in a few years. I'm for doing whatever it takes to win games now. You never know what the future will bring (new coach?). I'm not necessarily saying Garcia, but someone. And I don't think Garcia would be interested in holding the clipboard and "mentoring" an upcoming QB prospect - at least not when he's a QB himself.
  3. Over-Officious has got it right. I've watched Jeff Garcia for years. He is a successful product of the CFL. With its longer/wider field, 3 downs (no spiking up there), only one timeout per half, 12 men a side, and 20-second play clock this requires a quick, scrambling, "intelligent" type of quarterback (remember Doug Flutie?). Big, slow, sit-in-the pocket quarterbacks get killed up there (e.g. a guy like Jamarcus Russell). Same goes for straight-ahead bull-rushing running backs (Sproles would do great). Of course, Garcia's only a short-term project, but he'll win you some games. If this is what you need, then Garcia is your man. He is tough as nails (Gruden called him "barbed wire"). And yes, Garcia didn't cost the Bucs the 2008 last four-game slide (he played in 3 of them). The Bucs collapsed because their Defense collapsed. The Bucs relied heavily on their Defense to win games. I watched all those games and it was obvious that the Defense had simply given up (because of Monty Kiffin's imminent departure?), forcing the Offense to carry the load and make a lot of risky plays. By this time Garcia only had one WR of any account (Bryant) and no running backs of any real consistency, so the dink-and-dunk scrambling quarterbacking was their only choice. And, Oh yeah - what has Owens done for you lately anyway? I don't think he's in any position to start running off at the mouth. My guess is that Garcia will wind up looking for a coaching job somewhere (Offense or Quarterback).
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