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Posts posted by beggar13

  1. I just don't see any desirable QBs being around when we use our second pick. Too many teams need QBs. Not saying we need to draft one with the third pick overall, but I would like to see us draft the best defensive player and then trade up in the first to grab one of the 2nd tier QBs (Newton or Gabbert would be best case in that scenario). Let Fitz play and continue to play unless he gives Gailey a reason to start our new QB.


    4 QBs gone in the first 10 pics

  2. Ya know what? Why don't you just stay off OUR board? You are as obnoxious at the moronic Jests fans that sat behind me at the game yesterday. And I'll tell you the same thing I told the morons behind me. F*ck you.




    I am not aware of any extra credit counting towards an SAT score and I wouldn't do it anyway because I am not a nerd. What did you do for your extra 130 points geek? Clean the chalkboard? If I was there you may have had an eraser for lunch.


    You got a funny bit going which I'm guessing wouldn't be so funny live and in person.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.


    You are an embarrassment to Jets fans all over the country.

  3. People that don't recognize that a QB is the most important position on the team, BY FAR, are just not very knowledgeable about today's NFL.


    The fact is that if you already have a good line, you probably won't go 0-16 and get a chance at a top QB. So you have to take your shot on a QB when you can, and then build around him.


    No one thinks drafting Sam Bradford will turn the team around on day one, but it will give them a chance for the future. If you stay with Fitzpatrick/Brohm, you have absolutely no hope to ever go to a Super Bowl - the most you could ever hope for is a playoff run.


    Well said.

  4. I don't care what anyone else says, I am definitely rooting for us to lose more games than them. If they keep losing, I am rooting for us to lose right along with them. They need a QB, and so do we. I want Luck, period. I was high on Locker for a while, but not so much anymore now. I have hit the five stages. I have moved on. After losing the way we lost yesterday, I have nothing else to look forward to this season except securing a number one pick. I would have bet good money we would not be 0-4 after four games. Show how delusional I am as a fan.


    Although even if we do end up with the first pick, I see Luck staying for another year. Why would he ever want to come here if he could in anyway avoid it?

  5. I think teams must be guilt ridden at the prospect of sending one of their players to Buffalo in a trade. Even if they really don't like they guy, that's a pretty hardcore thing to do. Sending them to the worst team in the least desirable city to live in. Don't get me wrong, I love Buffalo. I am just coming from the point of general perception by the players.


    Realistically, I know that this is a business and most teams would not hesitate to trade if they thought they were getting the better end of the deal. Seriously though, who would want to play here?

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