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Posts posted by beggar13

  1. Carpenter has been money on FGs, including two from 50+, but is very Lindell-like on KOs. With Hopkins, you're probably losing a couple of made FGs but nearly every KO should be through the end zone. Which is more important?


    For my money, it's hard to sit a K who is making everything -- which Carpenter has done since his very first attempt.


    I actually seem to remember him missing his first attempt, but regardless, he's been great for us.


    OK, to your other point, if everyone likes Carpenter, and he's very similar to Lindell, should we have not just kept Lindell? I'm guessing if anything that we saved some money by going this route by signing Carpenter. It's interesting the Lindell beat out Carpenter for the Tampa Bay job and ended up here now that I think about it.

  2. Was just curious as to what the consensus was on this. After the first miss in the first game of the season, I was cursing him like crazy and wanted him gone. Since then however, he's been perfect if I'm not mistaken. Do we go with the "If it ain't broke" approach and risk losing Hopkins to another team, or opt for youth at this time, take our inevitable lumps, and hope he doesn't turn into another Shawn Powell?

  3. OK, sorry if this has been covered in another thread, but I just heard where six of the teams we are playing this year are coming off byes. We JUST went through that crap season as well. Two years in a row? Hardly seems like coincidence. Do we not have a hard enough time making the playoffs without NFL officials stacking the deck against us as much as humanly possible? I wish someone from team would call the NFL out on this B.S. because it's just not right.


    Rant over.

  4. If your basing it on 2012 stats, CJ had a better year than Martin, McCoy, Rice, Gore, and Forte. The fact that he did it with less carries just speaks more to his accomplishments IMO. Love the guy and hope like hell he gets the recognition he deserves. I will eagerly be watching tonight hoping like hell I don't see Gore's name called before his, because with six RBs left, Peterson, Foster, Rice, Lynch, and Charles are all virtual locks.

  5. If it matters to CJ then it pisses me off!


    It clearly matters to most players. It's a sign of respect. Don't you think these guys want the respect of their peers? I see nothing at all wrong with that, especially when you have earned it.


    There are 5 AFC East players left. Mario, Hernandez, Wake, and Mankins are already on the list. If you do not think that either will be on the list who are your 5?? Someone had indicated that there is only 1 safety left on the board so it looks like Byrd is out. I would be REALLY surprised at this point if Spiller is not on the list. Spiller, Wilfork, Brady, Gronk and Cromartie


    I hope you're right, but my gut says Gore gets the nod, especially after coming off a season where he played in the Super Bowl.


    Hell, base it off next years fantasy rankings and see how the two stack up against each other. It's not even close.



  6. After looking at the RBs who have been selected, and knowing how many spots remain, I figure the last spot is between those two. As unbiased as I can be, I think CJ absolutely deserves it over Gore based on his numbers from last season compared to Gore's, but I worry that Gore will be selected based on name recognition and past achievements. That would suck. I just feel like CJ is going to get screwed because of a lack of respect for the team he plays for. I hope not, but am fearing the worst.


    What do you guys think?

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