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Marc in MontrÈal

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Posts posted by Marc in MontrÈal

  1. It seems the new CBA prevents any new owner of getting some shared revenues from the NFL. Which is problematic for us because 1- Buffalo is a small market team 2- RW is 80-something. Eventually, like the rest of us, he will die. But he might do so well before us.


    But what if he never get to die, ever...


    During fights or wars, if a leader or general (etc.) would die, they would sometimes just tell no one and keep acting as if it's business as usual. The enemy wouldn’t have any satisfaction and the troops would still be motivated by the fact the leader is still around.


    Now we just do the same thing with RW.


    We would just have to pull one or two “Weekend at Bernie’s” type of stunts for league meetings and stuff and that’s it. Besides, he spends most of the year in Fla., and doesn’t seem to be that popular with other owners. They just wouldn’t know.


    Now we just would have to run this hoax until Buffalo’s economy becomes of the best in the country and that we can do without the NFL shared money.


    Marc in Montréal

  2. well she's a friendly whore, lol doesnt bother me

    no they're not all good looking, there's 3 that i wouldnt touch with a 10 foot pole, the only ones i would are LT and TO, two players who in my fantasy pool and two girls who are in my fantasies  <_<




    Since I'm always on the right side, I couldnt get a look at all the waitresses. I get the same two or three every time. TO is cute but I still wouldnt touch that with a 10 foot pole. Something about her being too friendly with customers and and a a thing that starts with a V and ends with a D. But she's a nice girl.


    Besides, LT is much, much better and she's not just one step away from getting nailed by a customer at halftime. Not that there would be anything wrong that, of course.


    Marc in Montréal

  3. II always see like 3 guys that seem to be bills fans that stay all the way to the right side.  (...)  By the way, i'm sure you've noticed the super hot waitress that wears that Terrell Owens shirt, she's so fine and always smiles at me lol




    Yeah the 3 guys on the right would be us!


    As for the waitresses there, they're all good looking. The one with the T.O shirt will hug, kiss, and smile at just about every customer to a point you begin to ask yourself some questions. But she's very nice. Hope your not jealous!


    Marc in Montréal


  4. Are you the guy i saw in champs with the coy wire shirt?




    Wow, there's a guy that walks around with a Coy Wire shirt ?? Is this for real ?? That would be hard to find even in Buffalo!


    I could't go to Champs for the last three weeks actually and when I make it there I usually don't wear any bills gear, outside of my Tasker jersey that I'll sometime bring.


    But I'll be there this Sunday. I watch the games with "Last guy on the Bench", a bald guy who also happens to be a Buffalo native. Don't be a stranger.




    Marc in Montréal

  5. That's MY section! What row were you in?


    P.S. I learned the proper pronunciation of "eh?" last week.  0:)




    I was section 123, row 31, around seat 13. We were a group of 5.


    PS: I will use the expression "eh" when I'll write but not when I'll speak english because I'm I french canadian. Even anglos here don't use it really. I think it's more popular in the western provinces.


    Marc in Montréal


  6. Lake effect


    I experienced first hand the Buffalo lake effect last Friday. Result : It took like an hour to complete the last 20 miles to Buffalo. Little visibility needless to say. We have lots of snow here too but normally it’s not that sudden and intense. It’s more gradual. Welcome to Buffalo I guess.



    Good games, bad results


    The Canadiens lost to the Sabres AND the leafs, the Bills to the Panthers on the last drive, and the Al’s lost in OT to the Edmonton Eskimos in the Grey Cup final. Great weekend eh!




    It was my fifth time at Rich Stadium/RWS and never have I seen such a behaved crowd. Well from my view point anyway. I was in section 123. There was an old, intense lookin Irish dude (also wearing an Irish toque) who almost “dropped the gloves” with another fan but he was somehow talked out of it. That’s about it!




    The lake effect kept us from going to Ilio Di Paolo’s because we had to rush to the arena instead. Next time I guess. Bocce Club’s pizza standards have not fallen since my last visit. Which is good to know! Kostas on Hertel Street offered good brunch options. Mike’s homemade chocolates (on Clinton Street) were delicious! I still have half a “Charlie Chaplin” in my fridge! Mmmm. As for wings, “the battle of the wings” we had planned for didn’t materialized because we only made it to Duffs and couldn’t go to Anchor Bar. Duff’s wings were great. I had no problem going through the suicide wings but I liked the BBQ best. Next time I’ll try the Anchor Bar.





    Since the Montreal Matrix vs. the Buffalo Rapids game was moved we headed downtown to try to find a bar that would show the Canadiens-Leafs game. We found one although I can’t remember the name of the place. All I know is that it had plasma screen TVs and that they were showing the game. I believe it was on Chippewa. There was lot’s of ppl wearing disco outfits. We later were told that there was some sort of disco convention downtown. But the place looked like the kind of bar you go to before actually going to another one. Which is what we did. Our next stop was Faherty’s Pub where we had a good time. One of our friend must have talked to every single person in the bar. Ppl in Buffalo are generally friendly and easy to talk to.


    I went to the game with very little sleep but we had a great time!


    Marc in Montréal

  7. Me and a bunch of friends are going to Buffalo for the Habs-Sabres game Fri. Oct. 25 and the Bills game the following Sunday. So we are going to have Saturday to just walk around in the city, eat wings, pizza etc. I also would like to go out Sat night. I have been to Buffalo a few times but I don’t know much about the bar scene. From the info I could gather on the net, Mr. Goodbar and Faherty’s seem like good hangouts. Anyone ever been to been there? Or any other places we should consider? (We are in our mid 20’s and don’t usually go for upscale and trendy bars)



    I also was asked by a friend (no really, it's not me) to try to find a college party, ideally one where the girls would be easy. But I doubt I could find such info on the web. Besides since it’s going to be Thanksgiving I figure most University campuses should be empty anyway. Right?


    Thank you!

    Marc in Montréal

  8. I forgot about adding an owner. The choice would be pretty obvious: Al Davis. Exhibit Q. would be his grandma glasses. Art Modell seems pretty classless too. Anyone remember his dance at the superbowl party he threw when the Ravens won ? That guy shouldn’t be allowed to dance again.



    About Glanville in the booth:


    I had the privilege a few years ago to watch and listen to a game that featured Glanville as a colour commentator. After Bledsoe threw a 20 y. pass to a WR, Glanville said something like "Drew's passes have so much zip on them he could throw a football through a carwash and the ball wouldn’t even get wet.” Classic stuff.


    Marc in Montréal

  9. I don’t know if you’re like me but once in a while, I just like a good freak. Although I think it’s preferable for them not to be on my favourite team, what will make me enjoy another NFL game that doesn’t involve the Bills will probably be the freak content. While others may take offence at behaviours a la Randy Moss, I find it very enjoyable. So here is my list, by positions, of the players who combined somewhat greatness with a lot of freakness. But lots of position needs to be filled, so feel free to add up to this list.




    Michael Irvin: Best TD moves, ever.

    R. Moss

    T.Owens: Makes noise both off and on the field.




    R. Williams




    JIM McMahon: Was once on the injury list with a bruised butt.

    Joe Namath: Fur coat wearing image will forever characterized this legend.

    Rob Johnson: Arrived at training camp with a sleeveless Melrose Place shirt.

    BJ Hobbert: Would rather practise his putting than studying the playbook.

    Joe Kapp: Just like Culpepper, minus the qb skills. Yet let his team to a superbowl.




    W. Sapp: Always speaks his mind.

    Neil Smith: Anyone remember his appearances on United Way ads? He always seemed to enjoy himself just a little too much while helping kids to read or something.




    L.Taylor: Was a monster despite playing many games under the influence of illicit substances.

    B. Romanowski: Spitting incident, pills, racial comments etc.

    R. Lewis: Can fire up his teammates like no other. Oh yeah and he was somewhat involved in a murder case too.

    B. Bosworth: Now an acclaimed movie actor, or TV movie actor!

    D. Talley: Spiderman sleeves. Would that be allowed now?




    D. Sanders: Where do I begin. I’ll just mention his Jesus bandana.


    Coaching staff


    HC: Jerry Glanville: Has Elvis ever used any of the courtesy tickets left by Glanville?

    Honourable mention to Jim Mora, who always seemed completely lost and out of control. Hey didn’t we once make the playoffs with such a coach??


    OC: Chucky: One intense looking dude.

    DC: Buddy Ryan

    O line coach: Carl Mauck, who probably now lives in a van down by a river near Detroit.



    Marc in Montréal

  10. Defence


    -McGee is more valuable to the Bills than N. Clements.

    -We cannot pressure the QB with 4 guys on a regualar basis.

    -Adams is better at getting to the Qb than both or ends, combined.

    -Most of the sacks come from great coverage. And it seems that its even the case when we blitz.

    - Our game planning is weak. We rush like crazy a mobile qb (Vick) yet we stay at home against an imobile one (Griese).

    - As far as I know we use is a 1-gap defence. Which is high risk high reward. But for such a defence to be effective you need balance and depth. We dont have that at tackle.

    - Crowell is decent. Adams cannot stop the run all by himself.





    -Holcomb is not the awnser.

    -The fans will be around longer than Moulds will. Therefore we dont need to trade off wins now (in what we know will be a 1st-round-playoff-exit season, if indeed we make it) a for more rebuilding later on. Our allegiance to the team for most of us will probably not expire at the end of the 2006 season.

    -We've faced lots of 8 in the box to take advantage of JPL inability to read defenses and Holcomb inability to throw deep.

    -JP needs experience. The more he plays the more knowledge we will have about his ability, or lack of.

    -Apparently TD has put to much emphasis on skill players (WR) and not enough on OL. As much as Parrish is a talented WR, a quality OL would be more helpfull right now. The same could be said on D: DL vs DB. No balance.


    Marc in Montréal

  11. Seriously. The thing is, the Buffalo game IS an NFC game. Well, 50% NFC. Should be good enough. I don't want to have to watch it with no sound at Champ's.




    I checked fox44.net's listing on Monday and it was either Bills game or Packers game. I checked back Thursday and only the Bills game was scheduled. Now the only thing that could change that would be for fox44's signal to be switched to another NFC game, on Global, that would feature the Pats or the Jets. But global's got a 4 p.m. game. So we're good !


    Marc in Montréal

  12. I'm in Montreal, and the CBS and FOX feeds that I get are from Burlington and Plattsburgh. WCAX is the CBS feed, I believe.


    My digital cable service says that FOX will be showing one of the Miami, Buffalo, Green Bay, or Minnesota games, but I don't know which one. Does anybody who gets this feed know which game will be shown? Thanks in advance.



    Sit back and enjoy the game home. It will be the first time this year I get to watch the game at home instead of Champs on St-Laurent.


    Marc in Montréal

  13. Where have you been hiding ?




    In the east end of MTL. I still read TBD and the wall everyday but my college days are over now and working full time + a steady GF will eat up your "stay-in-sweatpants-all-day-playing-pinball-and-hanging-on-the-wall" time.


    Oh well...



    Marc in Mtl

  14. Except for a few plays, the O was VERY preseason like. I expect more misdirection plays and fakes come sept 11.


    With his unorthodox style, ethnic background, leadership and self confidence, JPL reminds me a bit of Joe Kapp.


    The running game was so-so.


    Watching JPL and Drew Haddad for a minute made me feel like 1982. Is the mustache back in style in Buffalo ??


    Haddad makes the team over Reed. Haddad has better hands and his more versatile.


    We had a pretty good 3rd down conversion ratio.


    Favre had an excellent 1st drive. Still I think GB is a 8-8 team.


    One difference from last year : our O will NOT be predictable and will be more difficult to game plan against.


    JPL seems to protect the football very well when running. Still his style makes him more subject to hits and injuries. If he can manage to avoid those, he will be just fine.


    Marc in Montréal

  15. "Renegades game day experience to involve south side Mardi Gras style party beginning on Canada Day!"


    "The female collecting the most bead necklaces at the end of the day will win the $1,000 cash prize. The Mardi Gras promotion will ONLY be occurring in the upper deck of the south side - notorious for being the rowdy are of the stadium."



    Now can someone remind me just how to get awarded a necklace ?!!





    Marc in Montréal

  16. A colleague of mine wanted to know if prostitution was legal in Canada.


    NOTE:  I couldn't care less, but he wants to know for some strange reason.  :wub:


    A little extracurricular in Windsor, perhaps?






    From what I can undestand, prostitution is legal, yet sollicitation is not. But from what I can gather, you would have to be a damn fool to get caught 'cause the only way would be to pick one up off the street instead of calling an "escort" service. At least thats how it goes in Mtl.

  17. ...and you might wanna keep your distance as well !



    "Both Ezekiel and Hager acknowledge that his on-the-edge style sometimes leads to trouble as there is a fine line between controlled intensity and blind rage.


    “I’ve tried to tone it down a bit,” said Ezekiel, adding that he took too many personal fouls last year. “I play that way even at practice and I don’t think some of my teammates like me at practice, but that’s all I know.”"


    Link: http://www.dieharddogs.com/news/ezekiel.shtml


    ""I just hope somebody likes the kind of player I am," Ezekiel said, adding he'll play Arena Football or in the Canadian Football League if he has to. "Hopefully there's a coach or a GM out there who wants an old-school type of player.""


    Link: http://www.boston.com/sports/football/arti...s_at_nfl_draft/



    Other articles : http://www.liamezekiel.com/quotes.asp



    Marc in Montréal

  18. For some reason I think that this year in short yardage situations when we'll be in our opponents end of the field, say at the 35-40-45 we are going to go for it more often than in the past. In fact I wouldnt be surprised to see the Bills leading the league in 4 and short attempts in '05...


    Considering the following:


    - Rian Lindell

    - Buffalo's windy conditions

    - You lose yardage every time you miss a FG

    - Mularky isnt afraid to gamble

    - JPL's scrambling abilities, opening up run option plays

    - WM in the back field

    - Have I mentionned Rian Lindell ??



    We'll see....


    Marc in Mtl

  19. Get well soon buddy.


    What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Bills fans know what adversity feels like. So my guess is that this experience will probably make you a stonger individual. Ive been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes seven years ago, a disease that needs constant attention, and been doing great since! Just be patient and be appreciative of the great support you have from your wife and everything will probably work out fine



    Marc in Montréal

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