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Marc in MontrÈal

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Posts posted by Marc in MontrÈal

  1. Ha. Too funny.


    I used to work in and around auto body shops. It's amazing how many gruff, tough appearing dudes in attitude have kitty-cat, 5 year-old boy names like Jimmy, Billy, Johnny, Timmy, Bobby....




    "Jimmy's under the boards. Jimmy's in the open. Jimmy makes the shot."


    "Jimmy's got some new moves."


    "Jimmy and misunderstanding kinda clash."



    Marc in Montréal


  2. My gosh, i'm watching with my parents last night (who hardly watch games anymore) and we are all harping on the Preseason-like atmosphere? I mean the game, even if exciting (which is wasn't) was totally lifeless since there are not enough Bills fans (or Jets fans) to make noise for either side. It's bad for local Bills fans for obvious reasons, plus the thousands of ex-Buffalonians that usually fly in for games in WNY. I've spoken to many Canadian friends who love coming to RWS for the tailgating and unique gameday experience in Orchard Park. They even hate this Toronto exhibition. All think that the Buffalo Bills are Buffalo's team and should remain there. The Bills players obviously don't get too jacked up for playing there since they are 0-2 with some abysmal offensive numbers up there. I realize they are raking in the cash but c'mon, they have to end this Canadian experiment when the agreement is done. It's just lousy all around.

    Also, next year they really need to place one of the game against an NFC opponent up there. The AFC East games are too valuable. The Jets I'm sure to a man are glad they did not have to play in OP.


    Maybe it's a blessing. The whole thing is such a lousy presentation, plus the football is boring that maybe Torontonians will just say the heck with NFL football. We don't want it or need it here..


    The atmosphere was lousy you're right! You could even hear echo from the PA system.


    But the biggest question I have : Why keep the roof closed ?? It's a football game and it wasn't even that cold in Toronto ? Heck snow would have been welcomed and would have made the game interesting.

  3. I think it's pretty obvious, the season is over. Is it time to put the young guys in to see what they can do? Let's Give Johnson, Hardy, Hadman, Maybin as many starts as possible to see what we've got. There's really not much reason to continue to pound the regulars every down, let's see what kind of talent we have on the roster.



    While I agree, DJ would'nt gain much by doing this as he's probably more into getting as good a record as he can (before being shown the door) than developing and giving reps to youngsters.


    Marc in Montréal

  4. Most players will not speak their mind because they do not wish to talk about : playbook, playcalling, specific scheme, botched assignments, formation goings to be used next week, who's to blame, if I really want to come back here next year, if I should be the number 5 DB, the weakest link on our next opponent's lineup, etc.


    So essentially, if you don't want to create a mess, you just talk about things in general and you make sure to include as many clichés as possible, in an attempt to fill the void.



    Here are Lee Evans' comments: "When it comes down to it, when things aren’t going your way you need to have something, kind of a game-changer, a big play and to take a shot at some point," Evans said. "The one shot that we did take, we just missed it. That was tough, but we should've had a few more of those and we didn’t.


    And after such a quote, Tim Graham marvels at Lee Evans because he "dared" to comment to the situation.


    Note to Tim: the answer he just gave you is meaningless and you got nothing out of him. Just like you got nothing out of TO. So if TO doesn't want to talk, just go to Jonathan Scott's locker, he'll be happy to give you a quote and you will be able to render your cute ESPN article to your editor on time and it won't wake you up at night anymore.


    Marc in Montréal

    • We are 1-2 and we faced the Pats at Foxboro and the red-hot Saints. Is it just me or I don't feel the need to open my veins or pull a Thelma and Louise just yet.
    • Personally, I don't care if T.O. catches 10 or no football per week, and I don't care if 90% of Edwards' passes are checkdowns, I just care about our record, not how many ESPN highlights we have. If McKelvin doesn't fumble we are 2-1 and nobody freaks about the style of our offense.
    • Speaking of which, since checkdowns seem to suit Edwards that much, then FINE HAS TO SIT. No matter how good of a blocker he is, he won't make this Oline that much better, might as well have someone who can catch. Depth should be : Nelson, Stupar, Fine.
    • This is what I have to say about Roscoe Parrish: Where is Chris Watson when you need him!


    Go Bills


    Marc in Montréal

  5. Salut Olivier,


    I lived in France (Nantes) for 4 months and it's tough to follow football there.


    Besides the NBA is far more popular in France than the NFL.


    I followed soccer there anyway. France doesnt have the best soccer league in Europe, but in North American standards, it's excellent.


    I watched the Bears-Colts Superbowl in France. It was quite an experience because the commentators were French. Being used to American and French Canadian broadcast, it was almost sureal. I could tell they were not used to the sport as the tone and rythmn of the play-by-play guy was completly off. Tough way to sell the sport thay way.


    It's the same with soccer here. Watching a game with English or French (or even Spanish) commentators is much more exiting.


    Marc in Montréal



  6. Pathetic bahavior but unfortunately not unexpected. Old, stale jokes and a 6th grade sense of humor. Congratulations everyone.


    A person comes to our message board, makes an earnest invitation, and it's taken as an opportunity to take cheap shots at him, his people, and his culture.


    Even for someone who hopes for the best and expects the worst, this is disappointing. I hope the cheap laugh was worth it.


    Pathetic bahavior but unfortunately not unexpected. Old, stale jokes and a 6th grade sense of humor. Congratulations everyone.


    A person comes to our message board, makes an earnest invitation, and it's taken as an opportunity to take cheap shots at him, his people, and his culture.


    Even for someone who hopes for the best and expects the worst, this is disappointing. I hope the cheap laugh was worth it.




    These jokes are so old hehe. But the average Frenchman is very sensitive when it comes to this issue. Personnaly, I am not offended. I guess it might be because I'm not French but a French speaking Québécois. And god knows most French Québécois don't know much about what happened during WW II anyway.


    In fact the French Liberation Army fought along Brits and Australians against Germans and Italians all across North Africa. They also participated in D-Day operations and fought in Norway.


    Marc in Montréal


  7. "Yes, Buffalo's Ashton Youboty is a possibility. Buffalo has soured on the former Ohio State star, and the Bills have brought in veteran corner Will James and drafted three cornerbacks (including Akron's Reggie Corner). So he is available."


    Can Youboty help? He's played in only 14 games in two pro seasons, and has not made much of an impact. He had the dreaded high-ankle sprain last season. In 2006, he had a rough rookie season as his mother died. He is only 23 and was a third-round pick in 2006. There was a feeling at OSU that he left school a year too early. He played for Browns defensive coordinator Mel Tucker at OSU, so Tucker will have a major say in how hard the Browns pursue him. Not speaking directly about Youboty, Savage said: "There is another Daven Holly out there, a guy another team has given up on him and can help us. We just have to find him."




  8. "he simply isn't mature, and that's a big reason why former Bills DB Troy Vincent broke Losman's leg at training camp in 2004." As read on TBD's front page today.


    Is it just me or that's a little far fetched ? Is breaking a guy's leg the only way to get you point across ? Besides, wouldnt it be quite a task just to break the leg of NFL players with a criminal record. Now every immature player in the league needs to be seriously injured by a teammate ?


    Marc in Montréal

  9. I'd do it......that way if JP falters there is not even a hint of thinking we need to scrap the development for winning now by the players.  Get something for Holcomb if you can.




    Hey whats up with your avatar !!!


    I like it but don't recall Lee Evans being available in Tecmo Bowl !


    Marc in Montréal


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