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Everything posted by gobills123

  1. Nate was very easily replaced, however i dont think winfield is. Winfield is a great cover guy and a tremendous tackler. Winfield is not overrated at all, he was and still is in the top five corners in the nfl. He sticks to the receivers like glue, and when he does get beat he tackles them better than any corner in the league. He is the best corner tackler in the league.
  2. In my ealier post i said that nate and winfield were the best corner duo in the league. Which they damn well were. However, his time in san fran has proved that he is overrated. But when he was in buffalo he was a great corner. And ralph didnt resign him because he was too cheap and didnt want to spend large money. But now i am saying that i would much rather have terrence and leodis anyway so im glad ralph was too cheap. But in this latest post all i said about nate is that we didnt resign him because ralph was too cheap. In the last post i never said that i wish he was still here. It was all about winfield and pat. So just answer the question that you have been avoiding for two weeks now...why didnt we resign winfield and pat?
  3. You are like a little child. All you try to do is pick little fights. So tough guy, you never answered my post last week...Why didnt we resign nate clements and antoine wilfield, oh and that guy named pat williams?...Maybe, just MAYBE because umm Ralph is cheap. He didnt want to pay top dollar. Ever since winfield and pat left, they both have been the best two players at their position in the game. If Ralph wasnt cheap, they would still be here. And our defense wouldnt be so bad. Ever since pat left, our defense has **** the bed. Maybe if he was resigned by the cheap owner, our running defense would be much much much better. Maybe if your little brain can remember, our run defense was in the top five every year we had pat in the middle of the d line. And Winfield was and still is the best tackling corner in the game. The only reason them two were let go is plain and simple, Ralph did not want to pay them. Its been how many years since they have been gone? And THEY ARE STILL DOMINATING THEIR POSITIONS. Maybe those are some facts to back up my opnion tough guy. Have you by any chance paid any attention to the bills for the past ten years? Ralph has not once hired a top notch coach, and has not once signed a big name play making player. He signs players who are desperate and who are certaintly no longer in their prime. Like T.O, and Troy Vincent, and Kawika Mitchell (who is always hurt). I understand that Ralph does spend some money, like resigning lee evans, and aaron schobel. But instead of going after big name free agents every year, he signs no names to a lot of money.
  4. You couldnt have said that any better...I dont understand how anyone can say that Ralph isnt cheap
  5. I agree. Sorry, im a youngster and was too young when all that happened, sorry. From what i remember tho, clements last year as a bill he had a very bad year as he gave up many big plays. However, his last eight games as a bill he turned it around and played real good ball, and was a shut down corner. But again, eight games of good play doesnt cut it. He cost us many touchdown because of his gambles. 16 games of solid defense is what we need, like this year with mcgee and leodis.
  6. Yeah but Ralph is the owner. He has the final say in every decsion. But i agree, Donahoe was an idiot. And im glad we got rid of clements, the 49ers overpaid him and he is not the same lock down corner as he was when he was with the bills. However, winfield has been the most dominant cornerback in the league for many years. He very rarely had any interceptions when he was with us, but as a viking he has been intercepting a lot more passes. Maybe it was the coaching. Lets go buffalo.
  7. I 110 percent think the bills can win every year. Every year when the fans and media predict the bills to finish dead last in the division im always saying how wrong they are. I just think Ralph can do much more to help this team. Look at Nate Clements and Antoine Winfield. Two great corners, and Ralph wouldnt resign them. Why? Because they were too much money. Dont get me wrong, terrence mcgee and leodis mckelvin are great and i love them way more than nate and antoine but come on. At the time they were the best cornerback duo in the game and he wouldnt resign them. Thats being cheap. Sorry I dont waste time to use spell check. Again, I just think Ralph can help us a little more by signing more players and resigning players when their contracts are up. I dont want to be like little girls going back and forth. Just billieve. As a fellow bills fan, come on...billieve and make peace.
  8. haha and yes i do have a theory that Ralph Wilson never will spend enough money on coaches or players to become a viable contender. That has been proven for the past ten years. Im not embaressed at all to be on here. Im a bigger bills fan than anyone on this site. Thats why Ralph makes me so pissed. I'd die for this team. It really makes me mad that Ralph doesnt care anymore. Give me your points mr smarty pants who does stand up for a living. haha
  9. It would be different if I had some points to make. Ok genius, give me your points. Prove that Ralph isnt cheap..why are we one of only two teams to not make the playoffs in this new decade. We are in the same category as the lions.
  10. the reasons players and coaches dont want to come to buffalo is because of Ralph. Why do you think shannahan turned us town? And schottenheimer, and cowher, and gruden. Schot, cowher and gruden will all be coaching by 2012 and they could have been coaching this year..with the bills. But they didnt want to, because they know what ralph is all about. Its sad that he is the reason no one wants to come here. Its not the weather, its the owner. We have a lot of talent on this team, and a lot of depth. Its a shame Ralph is forcing players and coaches to reject offers. When is he going to realize he is the absolute reason no one wants to come here.
  11. Im saying that Ralph always says how he knew buffalo would be a perfect place for a franchice, and in his hall of fame speach he said that it was his first choice. When it wasnt his first choice. He got stuck with buffalo, and for many years he was a fantastic owner. He still is a fantastic owner, he is just too old now. He doesnt want to spend money, and doesnt seem to know whats going on anymore.
  12. Oh and one last thing. If your a true bills fan you would know this...When Ralph Wilson Jr decided he wanted to buy an nfl team and become a team owner, he first tried to buy a team in miami, and when his offer got rejected, so then decided to buy a team up north. So bascically he didnt want to buy the bills. All you ever hear is how we have the best fans and he wouldnt trade buffalo for any other town. Then why did he try to buy a team in florida? And when we drafted that guy named jim kelly, do you know that he didnt want to play for the bills so he went to I believe either europe or a canadian league, because he just didnt want to play for ralph and the bills. After a few years of the other league, he again got stuck with the bills. Isnt that sad. Doesnt that say something, our franchises best qb of all time didnt even want to play for the bills.
  13. Look at all the other posts. Your an idiot. If Ralph was not cheap and a good owner like you say, why are we one of only very few teams who havent made the playoffs in the past ten years. Dont quote me but im pretty sure us and the Lions are the only two teams wiithout an appearance in this decade. Because Ralph doesnt provide us with talent or coaches. Watch NFL live, every year all the analysts say on that show is how Ralph doesnt give us any help. And by the way "buffoon"...thats hilarious. Maybe someday you'll become a real comic. You must be a real succesful person to be doing stand up comedy. Haha, all the stand up comedians i know are either drug addicts or people who dont have jobs. Im not guna keep going back and forth with you, wasting my time with a complete moron. Watch nfl live, and read the other posts. Ralph is cheap.
  14. Haha are we a child? "says the guy who first tried to reply and it was blank." That was a good one, you hurt my feelings : ( I think you should read all of the other replies to your post, if you know how to read, you will see that almost everyone on this board agrees that ralph is indeed very cheap. There are a few people who disagree and those people are pretty blind and must not have paid any attention to the bills for the past ten years. Ralph never signs any big names because they are too much money. You know that the Terrell Owens signing was the only big name we have signed since lawyer milloy. Those two guys are the only big names we have signed in the past decade. Instead of the bills trading or signing a free agent left tackle, Ralph decides to draft one late in the draft so we dont have to pay him nearly as much money as a quality free agent would cost. Open your eyes. Yes, I know Ralph is our owner and you want to support him. But look around, and ask around. Not only most bills fans, but even people who dont like the bills agree that Ralph is the reason for our failure. Face it, hes too old. The guy can barely walk..At halftime speaches he talks right to the last second because he can barely get the words out. He's too old, he needs to sell the team to jim. You say that he does care about winning. I dont think he even knows what winning means. They have showed the guy during games this past year in his suit. And he looks like hes freaking sleeping. Im pretty sure an owner should be standing up watching his team. Instead he sits down and naps. When ur sucking ralphs old pidler tonite, tell him to read this, if he knows how.
  15. "Ralph is committed to winning, he has tried to put together a winning product." You are officiailly the biggest moron. If he was committed to winning he wouldnt have hired a coach who has had ONE WINNING SEASON IN HIS WHOLE COACHING CARRER (Dick Jauron). And if he was committed to winning he would sign players who are playmakers and are not washed up. You are the reason the bills and our fans get laughed at, because stupid fans like you make the dumbest comments. haha. I know a buddy who does stand up comedy, and is also a bills fan who hates ralph. ill be sure to tell him so he can talk about how idiotic some bills fans are. you are an idiot.
  16. Look at the rest of the replies to your dumb post. Everyone says how dumb you are and that Ralph IS VERY VERY CHEAP. Iv had season tickets for ten years, and I work with people who have had season tickets for 25 years. And they all say that Ralph has to go because he is too cheap. "The Buffalo Bills ranked 12th in the league last year in player salaries including all bonuses paid. We were ranked 25th in total revenue earned in 2008 by Forbes. " So that means that ralph isnt cheap? haha you are the biggest idiot. Obviously your not a bills fan, and obviously you dont know anything about the bills. good play with urself budddddy
  17. Wow, you are officially the dumbest person on this board. We had no offensive line last year, and what have we done to help that in the offseason? There were plenty off offensive lineman, and left tackles on the free agency list and he decided not to sign them because THEY WOULD COST TOO MUCH MONEY. Ralph is truely the only reason we have failed to make the playoffs in the past ten seasons. He consistantly every year completely ignored our major needs because he does not want to spend money. Instead we draft the players we need in the fifth round so we only have to pay thme very minimum amounts. You should stop sleeping with ralph. Officially dumbest bills fan ive ever seen.
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