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Everything posted by Mike0923

  1. There are a lot of good opinions and facts listed about Chan Gailey and the potential of him being the new HC for the Bills. I think of Marv Levy and when he came on board. His teams were the result of good draft picks and of making great trades for valuable personnel (Bennett). IMO - Chan Gailey might have learned from his mistakes since the last time he was in the NFL but more importantly, the Bills need to pick the right people out of the draft. Look at how many busts the Bills have had in the last 10 years! Hopefully, Nix will fix that area and I have a strange feeling that Tebow will be our future. He is built like Jim Kelly and has the right passion and personality for the game. One thing for sure, if he can't make the throw, he is a capable runner. He will take the hits too if the line isn't great. The concussion worries me a bit. I am sure there are other great QBs out there, but I pray that the staff does its homework prior to the draft. PS - Being doused with 50 gallons of Holy water couldn't resurrect Edwards' career. <----awesome
  2. I think April would have more nuts than DJ as HC. RW likes his coaches on the cheap, so maybe we are in line for a college coach looking to make the leap to the NFL.
  3. Can someone please dial in on or explain to me why the offense won't go deep with Owens and Evans? Maybe I can't see it from my TV - but why not let the other team take them out of the equation instead of our beloved bills? I know you don't want to force the ball but these two are our bread and butter we must get them the ball and often. Doesn't Jauron see that as important? What will he say next, "now that Lynch is in the lineup we have more weapons" we don't use the weapons we have effectively. Had I know the TE position was going to play such a big part we should have gotten Tony Gonzalez. Again, the real issue is DJ and his game calling - is must stress win today.
  4. Do you ever wonder if Jauron is watching the film on what he is doing? He can't keep drinking his own Kool-Aid and thinking his game decisions are correct. I fully support unleashing TO on DJ, maybe that will light a fire under him. AVP - what would Jim Kelly do? Go for it and be aggressive.
  5. I just don't get it. With 4 and 1 we punt and 4 and miles we go for it?? When are the bills going to start using Evans and Owens to win a game? These two are great players but the bills do not incorporate them into the offensive strategy, then why bring in Owens. The defense played out of their minds but you can't expect them to win the game. More shots downfield - i would rather see an interception going for broke then a game like this. Doesn't DJ realize if he doesn't produce he will be gone....what does he have to lose. I hope a reporter asks him his thought process on the 4 and 1 and the 4 and 28. C'mon Bills - we are much better than this.
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