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Posts posted by BillsInMaine

  1. Why even talk draft at this juncture? There is a little known period ffrom mid march to mid april they call free agency. free agency influences/impacts a team's draft stragtegy greatly.


    When a new coach is hired and they go through their evaluation process, it is enevitable, there is a roster purge, small or huge. Guys like Fitz, Barnett, Wilson, Kelsay, K. Williams, McGee are sure to be options that will be given consideration. The only two Bills FA that will be considered to be re-signed are Byrd & Levitre... and there's no guarantee the Bills will pony up for either. Trimming the bad money frees up good money and provides flexibility, whether in signing the afore mentioned UFAs nad/ or pursuing mid level FAs to fill holes temporarily. Also, TE needs to be given consideration. Marrone uses them a lot more then the previous Bills coaches and he probably knows Dickerson from Pitt as well as the video from his Bills performance... he may/or may not be allowed to walk. Even though Chandler has a relatively new contract, we all know he's likely to be PUPed and won't be be back til mid season. Bills ain't going with a temporary TE... they are going to get a starter and deal with Chandler when they have to. Yeah.... this year March Madness is going to extend to the NFL.. and specifically the 7 (maybe 8) teams with new HC's and staffs.

    I watch the Bills lose year in and year out. I can't wait to talk about the draft every year. It's all I have to look forward too!
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