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Posts posted by Travis

  1. The Moulds comparisons are off base, because his lack of performance was due to Levy keeping him on the sidelines. Call it lack of trust, dedication, immaturity, etc. But in the rare chances he got on the field, he performed well and broke out when Phillips gave him the opportunity. We're not seeing anything with Maybin when he's on the field.


    If and when he get's on the field.

  2. You're casting way too wide a net there, with "defensive players" having success out of the box. That's not true. LBs tend to develop quickly. CBs and DLs slowly. Safeties somewhere in the middle.


    Too early to tell with Maybin. I'd bet against him, but I sure wouldn't drop him.


    Cameron Wake's another one, by the way, and he plays DE. Didn't even make a roster the first time around.


    Agreed with your comments on the defensive players, certain postions do lend themselves to more instant impact. Maybin has not showed anything

    though so it's very disappointing/disturbing. I am still sickened by passing over Haloti Ngata and taking Whitner.

  3. McGahee was never worth a #1 ever. Maybe before his injury, but not after. He has never broken into a starting role. But for the sake of your thread, I'll say Eric Moulds, but I don't remember where he was drafted(position, rd), in 1996 he couldn't catch a cold from Jim Kelly.



    We drafted Moulds in the first round in the #24 slot. Receivers are known to take a year or two for the most part to develope. RB's and defensive players usually have greater success right out of the box. Maybin is such a bust, he will not be on the team next year.


    Listen, every team no matter the sport misses on draft picks and free agent's all the time, the difference is the better teams are right more than they are wrong. That's not the case here, as soon as Polian left we have been drafting below 50% on hit's and below 50% on free agent's so we just aren't getting it done.

  4. Look , You are missing the point here. Everyone is so quick to say "Mort is bashing The Bills". The truth is that no one ever really wants to come out and say anything bad about an owner, coach, organization etc because the NFL is a relatively small business and if you want to keep a job in The NFL, you are better off keeping your mouth shut and staying friendly with everyone. You never know when you'll be working with the guy you bashed. Many businesses are like this.


    Without coming out and saying verbatim "Ralph is out of touch and his assistants are jackasses who meddle with the real football people", Mort is saying what every real NFL insider already knows: "Ralph is out of touch and his assistants are jackasses who meddle with the real football people"


    Folks-This is as close as you will get to the real honest truth from an insider, and the real reasons why the Bills are a horrible organization. Thank you Mort for your honest insight!


    Yes-Donahoe sucked. He has yet to land another job in The NFL. He may have micro managed and created a bad environment, but the reason why he did it was because the guys on top of him were doing the same thing to him. The negativity started at the top and rolled downhill.


    We are a mess. You know it, I know it, every NFL insider knows it.


    Giving Kelsey a $24 million extension is the same as Ralph making Russ Brandon, a marketing guy, the GM of an NFL team. Kelsey and Brandon said and did the right things, kissed the right butt and gave the impression that they were team guys. Jauron did the same thing and got an extension after having won nothing, an dnever even finishing above .500. Apparently performance isnt a criteria looked at when they give raises at One Bills Drive.


  5. I don't see how you could be unimpressed by Luck's performance on Saturday, but impressed with Mallett's. I liked them both going into Saturday, and likewise watched both games. What I saw from Mallett was an unbelievable cannon arm, but also a tendency to trust that arm too much. He forced a couple of throws, threw some costly picks, and most of all...an inability to throw short to intermediate throws with any touch. There are 3 or 4 times I can think of where he threw a 5-10 yarder so hard his receivers couldn't even hold onto it. That's one area I'd like to see him improve. Learn that you can't always throw the heater. Also his accuracy was a little suspect at times.


    Luck showed that he can make plays with his feet if not with his arm, threw a couple of nice touch passes too. The first TD, to his TE Fleener is most prominent in my mind. He also showed a bit of extra confidence in his arm, I think the one deep pass to Owusu got picked off when he didn't throw a great ball. He was pretty accurate overall, and seemed to make the right decision with the throw 98% of the time. You could see him go through progressions and most of the time, not force it.


    Also on Luck's side...pedigree. His father was a QB at West Virginia, then backed up Warren Moon in Houston from 1984-86 (he was the starter in 1983)


  6. wow, 39 players out of 255 selected. That's about 15%. Sounds like the whole league sucks at drafting... :rolleyes:




    agreed. it seems like everyone has just resigned to the fact that the Bills wont do anything over the next couple of years so we might as well jump on the "run them out of town" bandwagon now, so we can rub it in everyone's faces about how right we were.


    its getting pretty pathetic.

    Your right we should be thankful and positive because that will be positive karma towards the teams goals. I think the negative postings are more than justified at this point. Doesn't mean you’re a bad fan just because your fed up with this franchises ineptitude, it is frustration boiling over.

  7. Sorry I must have missed the part where he went through the 2010 season as a "changed" person and was elected to the Pro-Bowl and was given a key to the city.... It's a little early to label this a success story IMO.

    Just goes to show that you CAN teach a young dog old tricks.


    GO BILLS!!!

  8. Residing in the NYC area read a bit on this guy in the local paper yesterday.


    A pro scout who asked not to be identified was certain he had made a mistake. His stopwatch read 4.91 seconds, but the player who had posted the time stood 6-foot-4 and weighed 317 pounds.


    “Guys that big just don’t run that fast,” he said.


    So he clocked the huge offensive lineman a second time: 4.93.


    The stopwatch wasn’t malfunctioning. Those were Fordham offensive tackle Andy Tyshovnytsky’s times. And they weren’t his only mind-boggling numbers of the day. He also bench pressed 225 pounds 33 times.


    “Guys that big that move like that don’t grow on trees,” Dan Mogollon of NFL Draft Bible told The Post. “If you can steal a guy like that late in the draft or as a priority free agent, you’ve saved yourself a lot of money.”


    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/more_sports...L#ixzz0lk1e4PUC


    As scouts pored over tapes of Skelton, Tyshovnytsky literally stood out. Then they saw his freakish athletic ability and the interest among NFL teams, which isn’t a surprise compared to other elite tackles in this draft.


    Bryan Bulaga ran a 5.26 and bench pressed 225 pounds 26 times. Anthony Davis of Rutgers ran a 5.38 and did 21 reps at 225.


    Tyshovnytsky was named the National Strength and Conditioning Association All-American Strength and Conditioning Athlete of the Year. He weighed 257 when he got to Fordham, but made the weight room a second home, especially after undergoing the same surgery as former Eagles running back Bryant Westbrook.


    “Andrew is a true example of how hard work can turn an undersized freshman into an all-conference, dominating player.” said Fordham strength coach Ted Perlak.



    Reminds me of a Peters situation, under the radar but then turning into a great find in a year or two.


    I hope our scouting department looks under every rock and covers every base out there, especially when the prospect is in our own state. It will be intersting to see where this guy lands and how he pans out.

  9. And ole Ralphy boy would tell you to pack your crap and have you escorted from the stadium by security..........


    Personally I think he would pony up......but there are so many factors that will play into the situation. Does Edwards show signs of improvement? Does Jauron get canned at year end? Do Modrak and Guy get canned? (Hopefully all do); Does a real GM get put in place? Who is the new coach - and who does he bring in for his staff? What is their opinion of Edwards? What type of offense/defense will they employ? Where do the bills end up picking? Is there a QB worthy of being picked at that point? Is there a better player in a position of need? (OL, DE, LB etc)....... Too many variables at this point.


    I hope Edwards does turn it around/show improvement. Otherwise we are bound to go through another rebuild and if that includes a rookie qb, we have to hope he turns out to be a good one. It seems like the bills have been just good enough to fall towards the middle of the pack and don't end up with true studs in the draft.


    Agreed, we need a new GM that knows what the hell he is doing.

  10. I would think you'd have McGee and Freddie back there at that critical moment, reduce the risk of a "near- rookie" mistake, such as we saw. Coaching is the problem.


    I know I will killed for saying this but he did catch it backing into the end zone, he mayhave not known if he backed in or was in when he caught it. But one thing you can't argue away is trying to fight for the extra yards, fall down!

  11. The one thing that can't be over looked is the odds makers. These are the real pros when assessing a match-up. I'm not saying that they are 100% but I trust their insight more than ESPN and all the other so called “experts” predictions and 10.5 is a lot of points.

    That being said I hope we win at least 2 division games this year.

  12. Actually, that was a very good answer to give and I liked how he was specifically vague as well. If he were to provide the exact reason why he feels he has the personnel to run it well, that gives NE* a tip. By saying that ALL NFL teams have the personnel to run it he, once again, is not giving anyone a reason why he thinks the Bills have the specific personnel to run it which, again, doesn't tip anything to NE*.


    Not that Bellyache is going to lose any sleep. He knows that the goal of the no huddle is to create mismatches and something tells me he'll be ready for it.


    But nobody can fault Jauron with the answer he gave. It was the right answer.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Are you serious? You think it's a big secret that our o-line isn't vetted and ready for what is upcoming this season? I think even the casual fan is aware that we are going to need some smoke and mirrors till this line gets some game time under their belt. I think his talk makes him look like a dumb A**

  13. He has no sound explanation on his decision to go "no Huddle". I would have more respect for him if he admitted the truth. If he said: We are going no huddle because our O-line is not strong (or young and not experienced yet - sugar coat it for them) and we need to try and keep the defense from attacking and we think this will help. I would say ok that seems logical and let's try it.

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