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Smiley Dear

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Posts posted by Smiley Dear

  1. Johnson has been great. At the same time I am so sick of Lee Evans not trying it is ridiculous. He never fought to come back for the ball on the INT that Fitz threw his way. Coach needs to bench this slug for a game or two to make the same statement to him that he is making to Maybin. And his defenders on this Board can no longer claim he is not posting numbers because of the QB....Fitz is playing as well as any QB in the league.


    Lay off of Lee Jumby. He's one of the best #2 receivers in the league. He's getting 9 mil/ year to stretch the field, not catch balls. Duh!

  2. But then what is the plan? I don't think we are talking a big secret here. The paucity of activity this last year is startling and can hardly be part of this "plan". It sounds as if it might include getting a quarterback in the draft this year based on general statements and comments. Fine...but what else is in the works?


    Wasn't it Gailey who said "show me the baby?"


    It was Buddy Nix who said " Don't tell me about the labor pains, just show me the baby."

  3. All I can say is Duh! The NFL draft is a crap shoot. The higher a player is picked the better the odds are that that player will be successful, at any position. The problem with the Bills is that they have been really bad at evaluating players and drafting the wrong guys. You can blow the 1st pick in the draft just as easily as you can the 4th or 11th or 9th pick. The wrong thing to do is what Ralph says they are doing, deciding ahead of time what position you are picking with the 1st pick. This team has so many needs that it will most likely draft in the top 5 for 2 or 3 more drafts. They should identify THE player who is most likely to have the biggest impact and draft him. If that player is one of the QBs then great. There is a heck of a lot of college football left to be played and it's simply to early to say we must draft a QB in the first. That's exactly how you end up picking a JaMarcus Russell over a Calvin Johnson or Joe Thomas for example.

  4. They have played 4-3 almost the whole game. It's the players not the scheme.


    These same players were not a bad defense last year. Sure they gave up a lot of yards, but not too many points. Especially, when you consider that the offense could never stay on the field. It seems that the last 4 years we had a defensive minded coach who in never hired a credible offensive coordinator and exchanged him for an offensive HC who failed to hire an legitimate defensive coordinator. Different half-assed effort same pathetic result.

  5. Why is everyone so sure that CJ can't carry the ball 20 times a game. He's the same size as Chris Johnson, Jamaal Charles and a guy by the name of Ladanian something or other. The plan should be for Fred to carry the load for 1 or 2 more seasons while we build the line. Then a fully matured CJ can be the feature back. Granted, that's assuming we have a plan.

  6. The remaining Bills fans holding tickets for that game should sell them to Steelers fans. Fill the entire stadium with Steelers faithful.


    I'm doing my part. I'm flying back with 3 of my friends from Chicago who are all Steelers fans. I've been telling them for years how great it is to tailgate at the Ralph. I'd stay home and just send them but I'd miss the Sundowner.

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