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Posts posted by bobshaw81

  1. At this point, I'm ready for the BILLS to leave Buffalo. The organization takes for granted one of the best NFL fan bases. We give, give and give. And in return we get a beautiful cardboard box with a pretty ribbon on top and a gigantic steaming hot pile of **** inside. Now let me tell you from experience, that this pile of **** is so putrid, a single waft of it will cause you to upchuck as I've done some wafting myself. This box is so deceiving, I mean it has all the right ingredients and labels, looks nice on the outside, but when you open the box its just a big ass load of ****. I actually bought this box thinkging it was a good investment. Boy was I wrong. I HATE everything about the BILLS right now from top to bottom, coaches and players. Its all just a big pile of **** mashed up with some nice sprinkles on top. I think this is the lowest BILLS point in my life. Just looking at Gailey, Nix, Wannastache makes my stomach turn. Leave town, you guys are an emabarrassment to yourselves and BILLS fans. Just collect your checks and laugh to the bank while you **** all over us again and again. I will not support this team shitting on me anymore. Atleast our taxes would go down.

  2. Are you kidding me Gailey? Mental toughness, for real?!?! Just another piss poor excuse from this guy.


    NFL teams usually take on the image of thier coach.. Gailey runs a spread, finesse, timing offense with an innaccurate QB, and marginal(if that) recievers in Buffalo. A total recipe for disaster. We are soft and always will be soft. And he is questioning mental toughness? Your coaching,play calling and offense(don't even want to get into the D here) will not work ever here with the current roster. If you don't realize that then you are an idiot. You need to take accountability for crappy playcalling and not question you players mental toughness. Our running game is our strength. We should be running the ball atleast 55% of the time, and handcuff Fitz. I would love to see some power I, with Cory McIntyre and run it down other teams throats for an entire half, with some play action and NO SHOTGUN. Our countless 3 and outs on offense stops the clock all the time and leave the D on the field for the majority of the game(NOT making an excuse for the D here at all). How bout establishing the run when we were up 21-7 and kill some clock, rather then running the garbage 4,5 wide every play with 3 consecutive passes by an innaccurate QB. It is what it is. We are what we are. Softies.


    Gailey, get your head outta your ass and stop making excuses. Run the damn ball and man up. First become a tough, hard nosed team. Then worry about the mental part. Nobody is afraid of the BILLS. Ever.


    Wanny still thinks it is the year 1992

  3. Same old ****ty Bills. So much for the high expectations. Chan should have taken the preseason more seriously and got the starters more reps against opponents second string for confidence. They need every rep they can get at this point. Its absolutely pathetic all around. The Jets own us.


    Offensively I blame Chan/Fitz. He's just as bad as Tebow throwing the ball. Has no deep ball whatsoever. The damn spread offense with its timing routes will never ever ever work with Fitz because he is too inaccurate. Gailey sucks and can't run a real NFL offense or adapt. And with our receiving core its an absolute joke to be in a spread. I would understand running it if you had Haywood Jeffries, Ernest Givins, Curtis Duncan, Drew Hill and Lorenzo White with a mobile, accurate QB like WM. When it gets cold, rainy, windy, snowy our receivers will most likely drop the ball or already be injured. Welcome to Buffalo. Get your asses under center and run run run with some playaction Chan you moron. So sick of seeing the shotgun and pistol every play. It will never work with the current roster, qb and receivers mostly. Spiller was the only bright spot I saw. Resign Vince Young, get Tavaris ready, do something to prepare and have a backup plan. Fitz is not the guy(VY wins games bottom line, 30+ Ws or around there, 17 losses, as a starter I'll take that Qb anyday). Tavaris would take much better care of the ball then Fitz.


    Defensively I blame Wannastache. He sucked when he was the head coach of Miami, and Chicago and guess what? He's still a crappy/losing coach and always will be. We tried to play the bend but don't break D but instead we played bend and break D. Great!! It seemed our philosophy was get pressure with 4 Dline men and for the secondary and Lbs to have solid coverage but that didn't work. Their gameplan was to have Sanchez get the ball out fast and take our D line outta the picture and play conservatiave. Wannastache had no answer or adjustments. They marched our D all around the field. No one made and plays. Leodis is still the same old bust 1st round pick. He's always tight in coverage but never turns his head around in time to find the ball. He was god awful, you think he would learn. Jermey Kearly, really man?!?! And of course its not a Bills game without there tightend(back-up) beating our LBs.


    Bruce DeHaven is garbage.


    Nix put together a decent roster on paper. That's all it is though until our coaches do something. Totally unprepared to play a NFL game and it showed. 0-4 in the preaseason was taken way too lightly. Hit the panic button, we are a crap team.


    And now the Bills want NY taxpayer funding for upgrades to the stadium. With all the money NFL makes you think they could front the cost. They can leave for all I care at this point. They have made me numb over the last 10 years+. Atleast our taxes would go down. Seriuosly how can people support garbage for this long of a time. Get real people with your high expectations. No wonder forbes ranked Buffalo in the bottom. We deserve it so




    Go ahead and bash me. I welcome it. Actually, I'll enjoy it.

  4. Same old ****ty Bills. So much for the high expectations. Chan should have taken the preseason more seriously and got the starters more reps against opponents second string for confidence. They need every rep they can get at this point. Its absolutely pathetic all around. The Jets own us.


    Offensively I blame Chan/Fitz. He's just as bad as Tebow throwing the ball. Has no deep ball whatsoever. The damn spread offense with its timing routes will never ever ever work with Fitz because he is too inaccurate. Gailey sucks and can't run a real NFL offense or adapt. And with our receiving core its an absolute joke to be in a spread. I would understand running it if you had Haywood Jeffries, Ernest Givins, Curtis Duncan, Drew Hill and Lorenzo White with a mobile, accurate QB like WM. When it gets cold, rainy, windy, snowy our receivers will most likely drop the ball or already be injured. Welcome to Buffalo. Get your asses under center and run run run with some playaction Chan you moron. So sick of seeing the shotgun and pistol every play. It will never work with the current roster, qb and receivers mostly. Spiller was the only bright spot I saw. Resign Vince Young, get Tavaris ready, do something to prepare and have a backup plan. Fitz is not the guy(VY wins games bottom line, 30+ Ws or around there, 17 losses, as a starter I'll take that Qb anyday). Tavaris would take much better care of the ball then Fitz.


    Defensively I blame Wannastache. He sucked when he was the head coach of Miami, and Chicago and guess what? He's still a crappy/losing coach and always will be. We tried to play the bend but don't break D but instead we played bend and break D. Great!! It seemed our philosophy was get pressure with 4 Dline men and for the secondary and Lbs to have solid coverage but that didn't work. Their gameplan was to have Sanchez get the ball out fast and take our D line outta the picture and play conservatiave. Wannastache had no answer or adjustments. They marched our D all around the field. No one made and plays. Leodis is still the same old bust 1st round pick. He's always tight in coverage but never turns his head around in time to find the ball. He was god awful, you think he would learn. Jermey Kearly, really man?!?! And of course its not a Bills game without there tightend(back-up) beating our LBs.


    Bruce DeHaven is garbage.


    Nix put together a decent roster on paper. That's all it is though until our coaches do something. Totally unprepared to play a NFL game and it showed. 0-4 in the preaseason was taken way too lightly. Hit the panic button, we are a crap team.


    And now the Bills want NY taxpayer funding for upgrades to the stadium. With all the money NFL makes you think they could front the cost. They can leave for all I care at this point. They have made me numb over the last 10 years+. Atleast our taxes would go down. Seriuosly how can people support garbage for this long of a time. Get real people with your high expectations. No wonder forbes ranked Buffalo in the bottom. We deserve it so




    Go ahead and bash me. I welcome it. Actually, I'll enjoy it.

  5. Same old ****ty Bills. So much for the high expectations. Chan should have taken the preseason more seriously and got the starters more reps against opponents second string for confidence. They need every rep they can get at this point. Its absolutely pathetic all around. The Jets own us.


    Offensively I blame Chan/Fitz. He's just as bad as Tebow throwing the ball. Has no deep ball whatsoever. The damn spread offense with its timing routes will never ever ever work with Fitz because he is too inaccurate. Gailey sucks and can't run a real NFL offense or adapt. And with our receiving core its an absolute joke to be in a spread. I would understand running it if you had Haywood Jeffries, Ernest Givins, Curtis Duncan, Drew Hill and Lorenzo White with a mobile, accurate QB like WM. When it gets cold, rainy, windy, snowy our receivers will most likely drop the ball or already be injured. Welcome to Buffalo. Get your asses under center and run run run with some playaction Chan you moron. So sick of seeing the shotgun and pistol every play. It will never work with the current roster, qb and receivers mostly. Spiller was the only bright spot I saw. Resign Vince Young, get Tavaris ready, do something to prepare and have a backup plan. Fitz is not the guy(VY wins games bottom line, 30+ Ws or around there, 17 losses, as a starter I'll take that Qb anyday). Tavaris would take much better care of the ball then Fitz.


    Defensively I blame Wannastache. He sucked when he was the head coach of Miami, and Chicago and guess what? He's still a crappy/losing coach and always will be. We tried to play the bend but don't break D but instead we played bend and break D. Great!! It seemed our philosophy was get pressure with 4 Dline men and for the secondary and Lbs to have solid coverage but that didn't work. Their gameplan was to have Sanchez get the ball out fast and take our D line outta the picture and play conservatiave. Wannastache had no answer or adjustments. They marched our D all around the field. No one made and plays. Leodis is still the same old bust 1st round pick. He's always tight in coverage but never turns his head around in time to find the ball. He was god awful, you think he would learn. Jermey Kearly, really man?!?! And of course its not a Bills game without there tightend(back-up) beating our LBs.


    Bruce DeHaven is garbage.


    Nix put together a decent roster on paper. That's all it is though until our coaches do something. Totally unprepared to play a NFL game and it showed. 0-4 in the preaseason was taken way too lightly. Hit the panic button, we are a crap team.


    And now the Bills want NY taxpayer funding for upgrades to the stadium. With all the money NFL makes you think they could front the cost. They can leave for all I care at this point. They have made me numb over the last 10 years+. Atleast our taxes would go down. Seriuosly how can people support garbage for this long of a time. Get real people with your high expectations. No wonder forbes ranked Buffalo in the bottom. We deserve it so




    Go ahead and bash me. I welcome it. Actually, I'll enjoy it.

  6. Same old ****ty Bills. So much for the high expectations. Chan should have taken the preseason more seriously and got the starters more reps against opponents second string for confidence. They need every rep they can get at this point. Its absolutely pathetic all around. The Jets own us.


    Offensively I blame Chan/Fitz. He's just as bad as Tebow throwing the ball. Has no deep ball whatsoever. The damn spread offense with its timing routes will never ever ever work with Fitz because he is too inaccurate. Gailey sucks and can't run a real NFL offense or adapt. And with our receiving core its an absolute joke to be in a spread. I would understand running it if you had Haywood Jeffries, Ernest Givins, Curtis Duncan, Drew Hill and Lorenzo White with a mobile, accurate QB like WM. When it gets cold, rainy, windy, snowy our receivers will most likely drop the ball or already be injured. Welcome to Buffalo. Get your asses under center and run run run with some playaction Chan you moron. So sick of seeing the shotgun and pistol every play. It will never work with the current roster, qb and receivers mostly. Spiller was the only bright spot I saw. Resign Vince Young, get Tavaris ready, do something to prepare and have a backup plan. Fitz is not the guy(VY wins games bottom line, 30+ Ws or around there, 17 losses, as a starter I'll take that Qb anyday). Tavaris would take much better care of the ball then Fitz.


    Defensively I blame Wannastache. He sucked when he was the head coach of Miami, and Chicago and guess what? He's still a crappy/losing coach and always will be. We tried to play the bend but don't break D but instead we played bend and break D. Great!! It seemed our philosophy was get pressure with 4 Dline men and for the secondary and Lbs to have solid coverage but that didn't work. Their gameplan was to have Sanchez get the ball out fast and take our D line outta the picture and play conservatiave. Wannastache had no answer or adjustments. They marched our D all around the field. No one made and plays. Leodis is still the same old bust 1st round pick. He's always tight in coverage but never turns his head around in time to find the ball. He was god awful, you think he would learn. Jermey Kearly, really man?!?! And of course its not a Bills game without there tightend(back-up) beating our LBs.


    Bruce DeHaven is garbage.


    Nix put together a decent roster on paper. That's all it is though until our coaches do something. Totally unprepared to play a NFL game and it showed. 0-4 in the preaseason was taken way too lightly. Hit the panic button, we are a crap team.


    And now the Bills want NY taxpayer funding for upgrades to the stadium. With all the money NFL makes you think they could front the cost. They can leave for all I care at this point. They have made me numb over the last 10 years+. Atleast our taxes would go down. Seriuosly how can people support garbage for this long of a time. Get real people with your high expectations. No wonder forbes ranked Buffalo in the bottom. We deserve it so




    Go ahead and bash me. I welcome it. Actually, I'll enjoy it.

  7. From an ESPN article (10/07/10): http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5658554


    Nix also defended the team's decision to sign veteran linebacker Chris Kelsay to a four-year contract extension potentially worth $24 million. The move was criticized as being overpriced, because Kelsay -- though a seven-year starter -- hasn't made a significant impact on defense since being selected by Buffalo in the second round of the 2003 draft.


    Nix said the deal was struck in part because Kelsay was identified as a core leader.


    "We decided that we've got four, five, six guys like that, maybe not great players, but good players, who set the tone," Nix said. "Chris Kelsay is a good player. He exemplifies what we want players to do and how we want them to be."


    That is our GM. Sorry folks. Was there really other teams lining up to sign this guy. I highly doubt it.




    One more quote: referring to Trentative


    "Buffalo has got people all over the league that have been here that are playing good for other people," Nix said. "I didn't want to come in here and cut guys that could help us win. So when we got into the regular season and it didn't work out ... we decided that wasn't the answer for us or for him. So we made the change."


    We better pay Freddy and Stevie

  8. Why didn't Maybin fit our scheme? What scheme do we run? Is there a defensive philosophy at all? Do we have any legit pass rushers? Is our D-Ends supposed to just try to take on two blockers and let LBs make plays? What good LBs do we have to make plays? Another bad move buy Buddy and Chan letting this guy go. I guess my point is no matter what D scheme you play you need a pass rush specialist and we cut him and banked on a player that CANNOT stay healthy. Maybing is laughing is ass off at the ****ty Bills, rightfully so. Good for him. I would to.

  9. pointless.. why bash a former player when he had a different O coordinator every year, the worst O line possible and no real chance to succeed at all... lets put him in the town square and stone him for crying out loud... JP got a raw deal being drafted by the worst run organization in the NFL, just like everyone else run out of town that had marginal talent. no wonder we are a laughing stock of losers

  10. It just seems so hard to play defense in this modern NFL. Can't hit the QB, can't lay a finger on a WR. Its just so tailor made for the offenses to score, keep possesions alive. I used to think a dominant defense was the first thing to build a winner but the last few years have changed me somewhat with ticky tack calls every game. What hasn't changed is my belief that you build through the trenches on O and D line immediately(strong running,strong pass rush), and stop wtih the flashy picks.

  11. Banking on Merriman was a bad idea. Why do you think no other Gms pulled the trigger to sign him? It was just idiotic. He's nothing with out the juice. Terrance McGee hasn't finihed a season the last three years, so he was right on schedule for his IR return. Should have resinged Greer, and let McGee go. Parrish can't stay healthy. He is just too small unfortunately to take the hits. I just hope Wood can make a full return for next year. Our FO let us down once again by banking on injury prone players in key positions to make plays.

  12. Fitz is not accurate enough to warrant him throwing that amount of passes. If it was Rodgers, or Brady I would understand, but def not Fitz. Very disgusted by playcalling and being in shoutgun everytime we are inside the 10. The spread offense can't be out base offense without Freddy. Get under center and do some play action or power running

  13. He is dead weight. Another mistake for Buddy, and Merriman guaranteed $4 million next season. His body is deteriorating from the steriods, can never stay healthy. Why do you think no other teams wanted him. It's amazing how many Bills fans on here drink Buddy's koolaid. I mean he could take a crap in a box and mark it guaranteed and you all would buy it. For real

  14. I would not mind trading CJ if we got a 2nd rounder and a LB, DL or OL that's starting caliber. He is Reggie Bush, except a few pounds lighter. His strength is his speed, but all teams can counter that in the NFL, unlike college. He will never be an everydown back like Fred and will never be able to pass protect as good as Fred. It's a win now league. The future is now and do whatever we can to make our team better. Good teams never draft RBs with a 1st round pick. It is a waste as the avg RB career is around 2.8 years +/- a few tenths. Good RBs can be found everywhere, every year. It's one of the easiest positions to learn. The only way a 1st round pick should be riding the pine in their 2nd year is if you are trying to develop a QB, or a man named Fred Jackson. Otherwise I view it as a wasted pick and cash spent. $10 million for what looks to be a handful of touches in 2 seasons doesn't sit well with me.

  15. I really wonder what Fred could have done had he been our starting running back since 2006. It just goes to show how terrible the FO and coaching staff was/is evaluating talent and that there was/is no transparency between FO and coaching staff since we drafted Marshawn, and now CJ. Scouts and coaches really failed us here. How do you not realize THIS GUY(Gruden) is a gem. Swallow you larger then life egos and pride and pay the man. It's the least you could do since the FO has screwed him over the last few years. It makes me sick thinking about it. Fix your mistake Buddy, now. You said yourself production equals rewards.. I mean Kelsay(now age 31) didn't have much production but he was rewarded with 4 for $24 mill in the middle of last season.. With this logic Fred will and should make bank, but I don't think Buddy is a logical person.

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