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It's in My Blood

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Posts posted by It's in My Blood

  1. I'm starting to think that most NFL coaches are not that bright.


    This is part of why NE* always freaking wins.


    Belichick is a "genius" for kicking off first and tying to get two consecutive possessions, one right before half and the halftime kickoff. That way he could 10 or 14 points without you getting a chance to touch the ball.


    Most teams do defer the opening possession.

  2. This thread is about EJ Manuel and not the overrated "vaunted" Buffalo Bills defense.


    I wanted EJ to thrive today. Im a huge fan of his. That said,his decision making was poor. He telegraphed that interception. He consistently threw passes short of the marker. His accuracy is still piss poor and has no touch on the ball.


    Do we win this game with TT? Probably not, but I'd like to think TT performs much better.

  3. Ok...everyone remember the rule of thumb regarding losses.


    Sunday: Fire everyone and Gilmore sucks

    Monday: Fire everyone and Rex sucks

    Tuesday: Fire everyone and bash Roman

    Wednesday: I don't think we can beat Tenn.

    Thursday: This is a very winnable game

    Friday: I think we turn it around and go on a run

    Saturday: Predictions Bills 50 Titans -2


    It's a long season. We're 2-1 in the AFC. We weren't going to run the table after Miami and I'll take the loss against an NFC opponent.

  4. To Op:


    What a waste of a seemingly educated mind.I for one do not disagree with the possibility of a conspiracy, however, what do you propose we do? Acknowledge the conspiracy and continue to behave like sheep? Or boycott the NFL and start a revolution? Either way, it's still sports entertainment after all.


    #allgamesmatter 😈

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