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Posts posted by ThereIsNoDog

  1. Bernie Madoff's been riding around bump-and-running chicks, tokin' on blunts, and filling his trunk with unregistered guns for years.


    Just like Al Capone, they nail him on a stinkin' technicality.

    Well unlike Madoff, Lynch did that woman a favor. She'll probably think twice about going bar-hopping in the wee hours of the morning again, and put some coin in her pocket.

  2. I just can't decide if I like the guy better when he's drunk or stoned.

    That's probably because you've never seen him in either state.


    I wonder if he's gotten his driver's license back yet. I hope not.

    Why? Are you planning on getting drunk and staying out until 2 AM on Chippewa? :thumbdown:

  3. yeah - with this plan we can start the Fitzpatrick era now as well. :thumbdown:


    the surest way to get your QB killed is for your OT to give up the inside move - where whatever help they provided on the outside is completely wasted

    There's supposed to be help from the LG, if not RB's. In any scenario involving Bell at LT, there will need to be extra attention given to that side of the field. Hell, even with Walker there.

  4. The time he got beat by the defender crossing back in front of him, he was playing LT. I'd say he took 3-4 reps at each tackle spot in the drills. I'd say he fared a bit better at RT. During the 11/11, he played mostly LT -- I lost my vantage point of him when he was at RT. The Bills went exclusively no-huddle during the 11-on-11. Something I almost forgot to mention, Langston Walker was sucking wind at one point in the team session. Seeing that, I almost laughed at the thought of Buffalo using the no-huddle (though I understand that is what training camp is for).

    They should keep Bell at one spot. Guys coming at you from the right versus left, from what I've been told and especially at this level, is a lot more hard/different than one would think. And if today is any indication, maybe moving Walker back to RT and getting the Bell at LT era started now is the best way to go.

  5. They actually ran 1 specific drill where they would alternate rushing half the line (T-G-C vs. DE, LB, DT). Bell did this drill as both the LT and RT. His first step was very quick and did a good job sending his man wide, but had difficulty when the defender took the inside route. During the 11on11 is when he got beat on a cross back move.

    How many times? And on one side or both?

  6. Larson never played, and nor has Bell.


    Jason Peters wrecked havoc on special teams since his day one.


    BTW, what did you mean when you said that the d-line was severely starved for talent "back then"?

    Wow, Bell, a 7th rounder, didn't play in his rookie year? The horror! Cut him now!


    Oh really, Peters "wrecked (sic) havoc on special teams since his day one?" Care to research that and get back to me?


    And I said "the O-line was severely starved..."

  7. How long can Demetrius Bell be a long term project? At his contract hit, a loooong time. But the Bills in Buffalo are on a different timeline.


    The question is: Is Bell just Lief Larson (the strongest oaf in the Northern Hemisphere) by another name?


    Kugler should be giving Bell significant first team reps at both LT and RT. What the eff are they saving him for? Burial detail?

    How long was Jason Peters a long term project? And the Bills' O-line was severely starved for talent back then.


    And the analogy to Larson was a poor one. Larson was strong as an ox but didn't have any talent. Bell has the talent but lacked strength last year.

  8. Yeah, he had a QUAD SPASM. This may turn out to be almost as serious as the injuries that Roscoe Parrish and John McCargo missed practices for.


    He and Asante Samuel, also on the PUP list for an extremely minor injury are undoubtedly torn up by this. And the Eagles fans, have you noticed the huge fan uprising about this?


    Talk about making mountains out of molehills. This just makes it obvious that you will say anything, absolutely anything, to denigrate Peters, reasonable or not.

    We've talked about this on the BBMB before, Thurm. And you'll say anything, absolutely anything, to defend Peters, reasonable or not. Both there AND here.


    When a guy comes out and admits that he didn't give his full effort because he was thinking about his contract and didn't think the "pittance" he was being paid merited a better effort, it's pretty indicative of his character. Perhaps you're right that the Bills did "lowball" him, to tell him what they thought of his effort/ability, i.e. a "a truly great LT wouldn't have done acted or performed like that" kind of statement. The lack of humility in failing to take responsibility for those, plus his "I can't believe they trade me!" only further reveal his character.


    Philly fans are still in the honeymoon phase with Peters. The longer he sits-out and misses "jelling-time" with his new teammates (Samuel has been there a year, BTW), the more behind the 8-ball the Eagles' O-line gets and the more frustrated they'll become. Especially since Shawn Andrews appears to be having a relapse of his back or (hopefully not) depression problems. And the the Eagles' O-line coach is attempting to change his technique.


    And have you ever heard of a "quad spasm," much less a reason to put a player on the PUP list?

  9. if he was under contract with the Bills, I can see how they could dictate when he should have the surgery.


    but i guess the Bills were more concerned with paying out a nominal signing bonus earlier than the start of camp than getting a key player signed and ready for his career with the Bills.


    Thats the sad part to me that we draft in round 2 a guy who has a serious surgery requiring injury at all.


    Enough already though.


    Mr. Fewell, DJ, you got your man! Hopefully one of you will still be around by the time he plays a down. Or maybe, hopefully not.

    The onus was on Byrd to have the surgery when the Bills told him to have it, because obviously his injury wasn't healing on its own. And it apparently didn't affect him enough to prevent him from working-out on campus in April, after skipping the Combine workouts.


    And the notion that the Bills should have signed him before virtually every other pick signed, just so he could get surgery, is about the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I'd be willing to wager this has never happened before in the NFL. Byrd has cost himself a lot of money because he'll miss-out on playing time incentives, much less starting money.


    I hope this latest incident makes the Bills decide to avoid drafting or signing players represented by Eugene Parker.

  10. I have to think the FO is pretty happy and satisfied with LW and his performance; he has been adequate which supercedes many other recent signees by a long shot. As a RT I think he does fine, let's see what happens with him at LT.

    Thank you! The FO is and will be completely happy with LW even if he can't make it as a LT. They'll just move him back to RT.


    LW has 2 years left on his contract. I don't see them re-signing him after the 2010 season though, unless Butler can't make it at RT.

  11. Let's hope Byrd comes back in 6-8 weeks as advisertised, and can contribute this year.


    I see him as a year 2 contributor but as you point out I have been wrong many times in the past.


    Let's hope Donte can "playmake" this year from the FS position too and it becomes moot (except for who we could have had with that pick).

    Well given the delay in having his surgery, I don't have any faith in Byrd doing much this year. My point was to say that he can recover and that it wasn't the Bills' fault that he waited so long to have surgery. Had he had it when the Bills said he should have it, he'd be healed by now.

  12. If he had it for his entire senior year, maybe they should have known and investigated that? Before drafting him?




    And from an earlier post:


    "We all remember how that impacted Sammie Morris' career, and it zapped CIN '04 #1 pick, rb Chris Perry for 2 years"

    A groin injury doesn't always require surgery. Sammy Morris' career was never seriously impacted by it. And given that Chris Perry is out of the league, he had issues other than his sports hernia.

  13. If they didnt they should have:



    Byrd played with a groin injury through most of his last collegiate season, and it continued bothering him this spring. The Bills were aware of the injury and suggested the player have an operation when Byrd met with the coaching staff in Buffalo in mid-June. Byrd, however, waited to have the operation about two weeks ago.



    Sounds to me like they knew what they were getting. And like it or not imn my view it is a slap in the face to all of us as we need so many things right now. This was NOT a highest priority position (like when we had Henry and drafted McGahee despite glaring weaknesses throughout the team) no matter what anyone says, and there were fully healthy DEs, LBs, and OLs available in that slot.


    Sports Hernias by the way are very uncertain and can be months or years in fully healing. 2 weeks is the optimistic view.

    They drafted him at the end of April. Why would they wait until June to recommend surgery?

  14. One could also look at it that the front office is setting him up to fail so they have a good excuse to cut his bloated contract next year. Asking a guy that has been in the NFL 8 years to elevate his game and step in at the toughest position on the OL after a rather pedestrian career to date is nothing short of a major gamble. There is a non-zero chance that Walker isn't cut out to be an elite LT, which will give the Bills a ready reason to go after someone else next off-season and toss Walker and his contract on the scrap heap. It's not like the writing isn't 10 foot high on the wall either after this past off-season.


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