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Posts posted by ThereIsNoDog

  1. Why is Whitey in quotation marks? I think Burress will recieve a suspension similar to Vicks. Plaxico is going to jail and the commish will take that into account, similar to the Vick case. Joe Q. Public football watcher has everything to do with what Goodell does. You still don't get it.

    Funny how the league grew to dominance without the pathetically failing "personal conduct policy" and all those successful "sit downs."

  2. I've read this a few times over the last month or so - "To a lot of people this is not an ideal situation for me. But I'm here, and I'm making the most of it. I'm going to make the most of the situation." - T.O. referring to making it work here in Buffalo. He's making it sound as if the Bills are a team that players don't want to go to. Granted, that might be true for a lot of players, and that is what is so bothersome. Buffalo might not have the best night life, or the greatest city, or a lot of the off-field stuff, but it'd be nice if our F.O. could find a way to overcome that draw back with other incentives. Doesn't that bother other Bills fans, that our team should be viewed that way by pro players? It just feels like if we want to be competitve in the NFL, with that kind of reputation, then to counter that, or change it, the F.O. could put up the cash for the right free agents, and make the team a good one, one on the rise. May that be the case for us this year. (T.O. being an example?) Still, does it sound like he's here because he wants to be?

    When you have people born and raised in Buffalo leaving in droves...

  3. And when exactly, did this become a racial issue in your mind?


    You deny any possibility of racial profiling in the arrest, but you yank out the race card when it comes to the suspension.


    Which is it?

    Apparently, it's whichever is convenient. "Whitey" is afraid of guns, so any incident involving a gun, no matter how trivial, needs to be punished by Goodell, otherwise the "thug" will never get the message. And it's worked SO well so far.


    Oh and PTP, Plaxico took his gun out to a nightclub and shot himself in the leg while Marshawn had a gun locked in a box in the trunk of his car. But otherwise both cases are totally the same. What do you figure Burress will get for a suspension, once he does his time? What do you think Pierce will get for trying to dispose of the gun? What should they get, based on what Joe Q. Public football-watcher thinks?

  4. Yes, lawmakers make laws and breaking the law is not in the NFLs best interest. The buying public is the reason the NFL even exists and is the most important influence on players and owners alike. The players union represents the players and has alot to do with what the commish can and can't do. The personal conduct policy gives Goodell the ability to punish players on actions detrimental to the league's best interest, even if it isn't a convicted offense. What don't you get?

    I don't understand lame excuses for Goodell's inconsistent actions. Obviously you do.

  5. Perhaps the young lady was profiling Marshawn and threw herself in front of the car? You are grasping at straws here cap. We all want Lycnh back on the field but he needs to be held accountable for his actions.

    Fair enough. But do you think that 3 games drives home the point better than 2 games, or even 1? Does suspending him at all drive home the point better than being on probation for his misdemeanor?

  6. The law doesn't force anything... If the incompetent white wall of doctors was removed, where they cover the backsides at the drop of a hat yet pretend to know everything yet can't figure out how to cure anything... and insurance companies that charge them too much for their premiums like they do health care participants costs could be controlled and then I might support some kind of tort reform.


    Yet health insurance companies remain one of the most profitable industries in this country before, during and after this last expansion and crash.


    The jury awards and settlements are just a drop in the bucket of what these companies are making yearly and as much as I think some of these rewards are ridiculous, they are a red herring for not controlling the cost of healthcare.


    So until there can be some sort of cost structure or competition brought into the market place, such as a competitive government plan as inefficient as it might be, what is the point, there won't be any real change the Republican naysayers and the incompetent Democrats with their pork barrel demands will have blown an opportunity to actually do something constructive that could help alleviate the burden of health costs on all Americans and businesses.


    Ah piss on them all.... same old crap... different day. Jeez, I am beginning to sound like AD

    Yeah, piss on the doctors and insurance companies! Let's let everyone eat, smoke, drink, drug, screw, speed, BASE jump, etc. to their hearts content and make everyone ELSE pay for it. This is America, we don't need personal accountability! We can just rely on someone else to take the fall and/or pay for it all.

  7. Exactly Peter. The bottom line is Goodell might have gone easy in the Marshall situation but who knows the circumstances. I don't know what Marshall has been convicted of and how the player's union viewed that situation. The player's union influences every move the league makes.


    The NFL is far more concerned with firearms than it is with domestic disputes. It might seem disturbing to some but it's the truth. Every league in the world has drunk driving, drugs , womanizing, and domestic violence. The NFL and NBA are terrified of the guns. As they should be. An unlicensed firearm is far more damaging than a bloody nose.



    Probably one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. You realize that quite a few abusive spouses end-up killing their spouse, right? Not to mention the absurdity of a gun in and of itself can do harm.

  8. If that's what you think health care reform is all about, then you haven't been paying attention. The costs of the status quo system are rising for all of us. Who do you think pays for the uninsured when they go to the costly emergency room for minor medical issues that could be handled for less cost at a doctor's office? If car insurance were optional, do you think your premiums would go down?

    Fine. Where is the government option for car insurance?

  9. As I said in the "Cash for Clunkers" thread I started, the government will sorely underestimate health care reform demand/funding, like it did with the C.A.R.S. program. Except that it's a HELL of a lot harder to come up with $2T, than $2B.


    And does anyone among the 83% insured want to pay $1T (lots of luck with that) so that the other 17%, many of whom can afford insurance but choose not to get it, don't take care of themselves at all, and who are illegal aliens, can get health insurance? Really?

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