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Posts posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. Be patient and have a little trust in Russ. There will be Training Camp injuries. Options will open-up. The injuries may end-up being ours.


    Another thing... you hear people (players in particular) speak about the NFL being a business. Well, I don't care if you're trading soybeans, stacks of cash, hash or NFL players... if you're a businessman (which I truly believe Russ is), then he has figured and is enacting a plan. Only guys like Dan Snyder jump at the gun then flaunt deals.


    Don't crucify our GM simply because he hasn't daunted the spandex and helmet on a pro field. You should be more worried about the moth-ball breathed overpaid coger running the bank where you have your cash park or the joke called President of the US who's giving your money away to willfull welfare mongers and apologizing to North Korea and (trying to) take guns away from the GOOD GUYS.


    Yeah, saturday F king night. No more gals from Cheek de Vegas. They f up your life.

  2. I disagree (entirely).


    Each of the last three years, the BB's have given three games away (NJ Jets/Cowgirls/Browns... easily coming to mind). There's been a very fine line as to 7-9 and 10-6. This team has been on the cusp for some time, but can't put it all together due to sub-par game day coaching and lame motivation.

  3. The only thing HardGrove is going to (try to) breakout of... is a LA jail?


    Russ has been brilliant. On-the-field game day coaching sucks under DJ. Getting players fired-up for games has sucked under DJ. When they (NY's only NFL team) comes out flat and lacking enthusiasm, they always loose. Is that the FO's fault?


    Hargrove is a big man, and a bigger piece of s hi tziola. Blow me with your incensing sorry FO for Hargrove ballerina talk. You pansy asz d bag.

  4. Antoinettes for the chocolate

    La Nova for the pizza

    Teds for the dogs

    Anchor Bar for the wings (no longer the best, but classic)

    China One Super Buffet @ Southgate Plaza on Union in West Seneca (the best)

    Love Canal

    Fantasy Island (on Grand Island) for the kid

    Old War Memorial Stadium (ruins)

    Catch a lawn Fete

    Don't forget Chefs for a great dinner

  5. No, actually, smart move. In the world today, in the U.S., Hollywood and Government dictates that no one is required to be responsible nor accountable any more. Enter Chapter 11. Oh, I f'kd up on purpose, come wash me of my sins Catholic Church and Uncle Sam.


    Its still given out like candy (Bankruptcy protection). Why not work some shady deals and pocket the CASH, knowing that you can get away with it (leaving the creditors hanging). Brilliant, and all the reason for upholding Coups, revolution against Big Government, and vigilantism. Someone should whack this fa g g ot.


    Thanks for stopping at Booger King, this is Bernie, may I take your order (prepared by Mike Vick)?


    Somebody rake this scum pup over the coals. Move to NY Kosar, in fact, move to Cortland and limp like half the welfare'd population... get a job as the jets towel boy.

  6. Do it.


    Buffalo (the city) is great. Free concerts all summer long. 7/10 The Cult; Lockport Molson Canal Series (FREE).


    Let's not forget- NY State (formerly the Empire state) is now the Welfare State. If you have any kind of brain (at all) and average motivation- you are automatically on top of the heap (of s h it that Democraps allow to flourish in NY and migrate to NY).


    S.C.U.M.B.A.G. Paterson- the Blind leading the Blind.

  7. So, Jim Kelly's suggested a short time ago to have the team move up to Niagara Falls. He also seems confident there's enough local resources to keep the Bills in WNY. Then you have this PR out of Dallas about the Bills thinking of doing something with a new stadium, which current management strongly denies.


    Certainly moving the Bills up there makes it closer for the Rochester/Syracuse fans and fans in the city of Toronto.


    But, in thinking about it more, look at the casinos, hotels, and restaurants there. These would all have to be at drooling on some level at the prospect of having 70,000+ fans flock to the area every weekend in a slower part of the year. They could offer weekend packages, shuttles from the border, etc. Also, it would seem to me that any global business company in Toronto would already entertain overseas clients at the Falls, considering it is a world-known natural wonder. Might be able to sell them some corporate suites at the stadium, also.


    Anybody know/have any thoughts on whether there are deep enough pockets in Niagara Falls to help with buying the team and moving them up there?

    Could the stadium actually provide enough financial incentive that potential deep pockets would actually want to cough up $$$$?

    Do Toronto businesses/corps have enough presence in Niagara Falls to help financially support the move (both before and after)? Certainly playing a game or two a year in TO would help this scenario.


    Anybody know or have thoughts on whether there's any reality to this entire scenario? I'm in Cleveland and have little idea about the actual amount of $$$ there and who controls it. TIA

  8. This has got to be the STUPIDIST post ever, but give who posted it is this a surprise?

    probably not.



    I can't resist replying to your stupid reply to a good question. I've oft thought about this meself. The answer 'why not' is in deed infrastructure & making money, but that can/could be dealt with (as long as moron NY legislators could be kept at bay). If a city has an NFL team, each city should be on rotation to be rewarded with the Big Game. If Buffalo were to host a SB, you might see some additional winter activities come to town.


    There's another answer as well... look at the crowd at the Super Bowls... the seats are packed with pansies, movie stars, and millionaires who simply can't hack much of a climate beyond a red carpet and silver spoonful of caviar from the spoon they were born with. Very few REAL PEOPLE can afford or get invited to the SB. Its disgusting to cater to these people.

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