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Posts posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. My gripe is that AVP is no better than Turk....plus he is inexperienced...>We need an experienced candidate like a Chan Gailey to run this offense...I wish they had made the move to acquire a Gailey rather than promote from inside


    The last good OC we had was an experienced one and while he always passed on 3rd and short, he still was our last OC to have a winning season.


    I say BS to you. The Pill is (in fact) a quick thinker. Back when he was QB, he was constantly plugging receivers in the back of the head because he was getting rid of the ball so quick. Quicker than those dumbells could remember their routes. He is tremendously smart, but never had the (pro) physical tools. coaching should be his forté.

  2. The problem is that you're asking Bucky Jauron to think out of the box and be dynamic in the game of football. What's next... a public admission that the organization has been willfully working on the 7-9 smokescreen and on-field ineptitude for the last three years to set-up this season. It's the regular dudes on the street coming up with the best inventions- nor the Ivy boys.



    I'll take my crow medium-well with a the Teriyaki glaze.

  3. Tonight's Police Academy Award Winning debacle of entertainment phases me none as to my 2009 Fred Jackson award favorites and Punk-azz slob worthless piece 'oSheetza Mike Williams awards as follows:


    Dudes that need to be kept on the team:


    X Omon- has a better feel for the pro game, played well and deservedly played for a roster spot (off-season & pre-season)

    Bruce Hall- find a place for him. Good athlete, appreciates the paychsck.

    Steve Johnson- fan favorite and a good looking dude.

    Justin Jenkins- sticky hands and a good attitude.

    Felt-Tip Huggins- this guy... he's good... and nobody knows it.

    Jon Stupar- what good is a pre-season and all the BS talk from our Rat-boy Buck-tooth coach about playing for a job if you don't keep THIS guy. Fans WANT-HIM-ON-THE-TEAM. Get him on the FKING team.

    Defense- who cares...? ...the system we play (the politically correct bend but don't break) sucks... take your pick... personnel won't matter much.


    Dudes that gotta go:


    Dominic Rhodes- yup, he been there, that's why he have no motivation to attempt running thru the second half pre-season scabs tackling him at the line of scrimmage thus far in 2009. Beat it chump.


    Roscoe (Diner) Parrish- Bad attitude, doesn't like snow, Coach too dumb to utilize the midget effectively- trade bait


    Bobby April- He needs to go because he deserves better than to work under and with the confusion trio (Jauron/Schonert/That guy running our identity-less defense)


    Feel free to juice it up with some Cortland Jets back-talk.

  4. I finally sat down and watched the Buffalo Pittsburgh game all the way through. The offensive line is not doing the job, and at least at this moment is crippling every other element of the offensive game. Losing Peters, not drafting an offensive lineman as a first choice are the worst decisions the bills have made in years, and that includes a lot of bad decisions.

    It is a wonder Edwards LIVED through that game. TO and Evans could have been open downfield, but TE would have been lying on his back long before he got a chance to throw. I was buying the argument of many that it was TE...but it ain't so. I have to LAUGH that we think bringing in another RECEIVER will help. Randy Moss, Jerry Rice and Andre Reed won't help if the quarterback doesn't have time to throw. Jim Kelly would be on his ass with this line. Joe Montana would be on his ass with this line. Unless we see better play from the o-line i'm seeing four wins as a major achievement.


    Yup, if we could draft Mike Williams all over again- we'd be all set. He was a unanimous can't miss prospect- remember? A good running game will help, and a good running game isn't all about the O-line... it's about brilliance in play-calling and back with foresight and will.

  5. Our coaching staff sucks as do the systems they're trying to implement. Why don't YOU go find a sea to split and some water to walk on and take your forlorn optimism with you. Take Jauron with you too. Go for a ride at the Haunted Mansion and wear your Billy Bob teeth for a pic. That way, you two will look like brubbers. Beat it.

  6. You mean the coach that essentially quit twice?

    First he said publicly we were out of the playoff race...just prior to a MNF game against the Colts, who we were tied with...and ENDED UP MAKING THE PLAYOFFS!

    Then, he quit the team rather than fire Ronnie Jones, the biggest screw-up Special Teams Coach around. Ralph told him to fire him or get lost. Did Wade actually think Ralph would keep Jones if Wade left?

    And we won't even get into how badly he kept that kept that QB controversy going as long as he did


    Yet, still won !@#$ football games, didn't he. That's a good coach. So he's not the best public speaker of manage. He won, and still wins football games.

  7. The yearly optimism stems from the brilliance of Russ Brandon. Give this guy some credit. The FO continually gets bashed within this group, but there is talent on this team- it simply not utilized. Each of the last three years, we've been 4-5 bonehead coaching plays away from 3 more wins (per year). Playing moderately competitive ball with a listless, unprepared buck-tooth ghost for a coach.


    Jauron is not Brandon's guy, so cut him (Russ) some slack. I say let him find his own coach. The guy is from Syracuse, he's obviously smart, he loves the organization and does a hell of a job with generating fan enthusiasm (until the coaching ruins it). Yeah... buck-tooth lifeless ghost for a coach.


    Jerry Glanville- not the best coach... but he was so fun to watch and likeable, you didn't care if his teams won or lost cuz he was a character. We need that... the other kind of character.

  8. If Fewell and Jauron have so much trouble game planning using the 43, a scheme they have several years experience with, what makes you think they'd be any better with a 34 system they are unaccustomed to?


    Not to mention the players are unaccustomed to a 34


    Who cares, it can't get any worse than this re-run of over pursuit and no opposing qb's ever hitting the turf (except for 8 second coverage sacks). At least the offense woulf get to practice against a 3-4. This sucks.

  9. Or you use the opportunity in a meaningless game to give the first attempt of the night to a unit (kicking team) that can win or lose games when they actually counts.


    I mean, yaaarr! Grab your torch! To Jauron's! WHAAAAAAAAAAA!


    As the sails of the fans deflate (how should they not)...


    ... fans... the people who buy tickets... how are these games meaningless? We've see exactly zip from out first string offense, sans T.O.'s first two grabs. Who's holding the candle of optimism after tonight's show? Fans of this team have every right to prejudge what this upcoming 7-9 season beholds. As a conspiritor, I'd love to think that D.J. was playing around and not showing ANY strategies in these games, only to come out blitzing the Pats from every angle in a new 3-2-2 defense and the offense grinds it out with three tight ends and two backs on the first 25 plays of the game, huddling and scoring 3 TD's.


    But no, he's Ivy League smart with buck-tooth personality. The look on our Head (giving) coach's face after the game says it all. There is no bluff, there is no strategy. It's just the same ole bunch of quite talented guys who are poorly coached on game day with a bad game plan.


    This sucks.

  10. how long until they field a competitive team?


    for a real NFL organization, it would be about 3 weeks after they replaced the clown show in the front office and hired an NFL caliber coaching staff - all of which shared the same basic philosophy of dominating the line of scrimmage.


    the team has enough talent to compete - but not when they are not prepared to play in the NFL.


    not hitting in training camp,

    not practicing outside


    these kids deserve better than the bottom of the barrel coaching the are now getting which results in them getting embarassed


    gee- another 3-4 defense and Trent still does not have foggiest idea have to attack it.


    maybe if they practiced during training camp, they could devote a few plays exclusively to the 3-4 :huh:


    Its been so long since we've beaten a 3-4 defensed team, I'm starting to wonder if 3-4's actually are beatable. Are they? If two 3-4's play each other... then what happens? I miss Bum Phillips Jr and the days when Buff played 3-4 when it was unfashionable (yet effective).


    The reason we can't get the 34 monkey off our backs is bad coaching. There's no other variable.

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