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Posts posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. Let's not forget that Marv was drafting players to fit Limp DJ's pathetic schemes, particularliy horrific on the defensive side of the ball in the name of Tampon-2. Had he been employing the old Bills drafting philosophy 'drafting the best available player,' don't you maybe, possibly think the choices may have been different? Huh? I do.


    In a historic sense, far too much cronyism for my taste. ... which is perhaps my only concern with the current regime.

  2. One look at Peter King and I'm thinking chubby, small peckr, white zinfandel drinking, homosexually frustrated, (non-serial) child molester. He should be locked-up for those reasons (prior to growing the beard and sporting coke bottle glasses), as well as his articles and meaningless rhetoric. Oh well.

  3. Sounds like a good backdrop for an episode of the T.O. SHO. Wonder if the camera was rolling when he and the McNabb were trading dance moves the other night?


    As much as I think Kyle Orton is the man to get, I'd welcome the McNabb and T>O> back- just for the entertaining storyline (if nothing else).

  4. Right. This is about politics.





    I was scrolling down to say ''F.ing Liberals,'' of course, then I see your queer-arse droid-thinking comment. NBC and MSNBC are Liberal scrounge hounds ruining our country. Accept it. The truth is that it takes a Carter to get a Reagan. Meanwhile, we wait.


    I'd like to knock Keith Olberman's teeth out. No, no no, break his jaw.


    Who cares about hockey... I rather beat-up a democrap.

  5. the 5-2 is used mostly in Jr High, Highschool and some Colleges. The upside is it is usually all gap control. You take care of your gap no matter what. The problem is, if someone breaks the LOS (a RB that is) and its off to the races.


    Sounds a LOT like our current defense... opposing RB breaking thru and off to the races.

  6. I read that long-a$$ article on the 5-2 defense earlier today, and how it relates to the 3-4 and 4-3... most of it in one beer and out the other. Of course, I've been preaching for Kyle Orton, a bona-fide (Ray Lewisesque) Killer on Defense, and something new (or at least not copy-cat) as a defensive scheme.




    So, might anyone out there know whether this 5-2 Defense is still a relative option?


    My fondest defensive memories involve the numbers 3 and 4, but last we implemtented it (the 3-4), the 4-3 was most common. Now the 3-4 is en vogue, just as the Tampon-2 was (when we jumped on board). Personally, I think it's already too late to be 34 and that the trend will be shifting someplace else. Would this 5-2 be innovative? Could it be the confusion Defense I've been dreaming about? Can we start hurting some people instead of being hurt? Can we become a leader again? Is there anything wrong with a 5 and a 2... like 5 beers and 2 shots... Like 5 bottles of wine and 2 broads... like 5:00 on a Friday and 2 days off...


    I like 5-2.

  7. People said the same thing about Kurt Warner look at the sat sheets on both.


    Please. Kurt may have played on some bad teams and thrown a few ints, but his numbers have always been good. Outside of the Land o'Lakes Queer Dome, Daunte Coldpecker has looked only like a confused miniature T-Rex... ya know, with those short little arms, big head & big butt... lost w/ out Moss...

  8. 2004 - 39 TDs 11 picks 110.9 QB rating 4,717 yards 69.2 %


    That said, I say bring him in. He's the same age as Payton Manning. I was watching the Thanksgiving game with Detroit vs whoever. Stafford was hurt and they said Culpepper was going to start. Then at the last minute they pulled him for Stafford. They said Culpepper was livid. He wanted to play so bad and was psyched. He's got something to prove and he doesn't have too many autumns left. He's hungry and has had serious success in the past. I insert him in at #1 and open it up in training camp. I go into the season with Duante, Fitz, and rookie. The only way Trent gets into the game is if he buys a ticket.


    3/4 of a career ago. No thanks to this idea.

  9. I used to work w/ Dan Meyer when I lived in Buffalo, and not only is he a solid writer and stand up guy, but he knows his sports, especially baseball and football. Don't question his integrity or call him a hack, because you sound like a fool.


    SnowBlow me. How sweet... coming to your friend's emotional rescue...


    Sans the Alex Van Pill year, and another year or two, the BB teams of the period in which we speak, were in playoff contentention (late) into most of these seasons. An unorthodox organizational chart, bad gameday coaching (which encompasses poor on-field player enthusiam + motivation) and injuries upon injuries does not = disfunction.


    All-in-all, this team has been paradoxically close- better than many, outside of the W-L column.


    Perhaps this little twink (DM) was downtown last week and got blown-off by some gals from Tonawanda, so he's lashing back (at B-lo) with a vengence? Revenge, how sweet it ain't- when you're a writer who can't write.


    How's Obamanomics working for ya?

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