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Posts posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. The three best Bills QBs of all time are:


    Jack Kemp

    Joe Ferguson

    Jim Kelly



    Jimmy Clausen would continue that string of happenstance, and be a mnemonic for future generations of fans.



    It's about as plausible as some of the draft theories I read about here.


    Let's see if Sully or Matthews picks up on it.


    ... and the three worst of all time (all from CA) are:


    -Dennis Shaw

    -Rob Johnson

    -John Paul George Ringo Lostman


    I still like Tony Pike.

  2. 80% of winning is about attitude. 80% of your quality and success in life is all about your attitude. the Jets went to the AFC championship game with a cocky son of a beech attitude. If you want it more than the other guys, and feel you deserve it, you will get it most times. Nix and Gailey are some old school mean SOB's...It will rub off on the players and produce an I deserve to win attitude. Our current regime compared to previous yrs with Pu$$y Juaron and co is like night and day. I'd feel comfortable going to battle with these guys based on their speeches. i'd feel comfortable going to macey's with Juaron.


    I think Jauron is more of a Bath & Body Works kind of homer.

  3. I have this feeling that there's been plenty of consideration for the T-bone.


    Here's my thoughts:


    A) Let's face it. Tebow ain't exactly Gino Toretta. T has a lot more ambition, he'll study, he'll avoid trouble, and he's probably going to be out to prove the world wrong. If Curt Warner could do it... it stands to reason T-Bo has a shot. We shoudn't discount "Drive," expecially as Bills fans.


    B) Drafting Tebow is about the ONLY thing that can save Jacksonville from moving. Granted, if some other team doesn't take him, it also stands to reason that if we snag him out of the cusp of Jacksonville, we won't be the team migrating to Los Mexico.


    C) The hyper-religionism tells me he is brainwashable... that is of benefit in a footsball sense.

  4. We need to trade for Mike Vick....Chan Gailey made a crappy untalented scrambler look good a few times in his coaching career...can you imagine Mike Vick with Gailey???...we'd be the number 1 rushing offense easily...probably have 3 1000 yard backs :0)...Vick can throw alright to...not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but arm strength is CERTAINLY not a problem...running as much as Buffalo would with that style offense...all he would need to do is honk the ball down field once in a while to Evans... alla Losman...it would be a perfect match...Vick has way more skill than Kordell...and we could get him WAY cheaper than D Mac pick wise I'm sure...Plus Vick is much more humble than he once was and only wants to go to a team that he can have a shot to actually be a starting QB...put him in the mix here and I think it's perfect...not to mention he has 6-8 years left instead of 4 like Donovan or less like Hasselbeck or any other old timers that I've seen posts on here beggin the Bills to bring in...


    Vick can throw alright to who? Oh, did you mean AS WELL? Losman is Alla? Yes, Vick is as humble as a kid with cancer. Yup, probably 8 years left till he's locked-up for life... as you should be for skipping English and posting this. Beat it.

  5. That was hilarious... oh my god... my gut hurts... I'm laughing and peeing all over the place. Who's McKelvin anyway?
































    Beat it you twink. Don't post anymore.

  6. You failed to mention ridding the state of union control. That's a big part of NYs problem. There will never be well-paying jobs in upstate until or unless you get rid of union control.


    No one wants to operate a 21st century business in a 20th century labor environment. The unions are good at one thing, taking care of themselves and enriching their leaders. They could care less about anyone else as long as they get their guaranteed piece of the pie; even if it comes at the cost of entire cities and states. NY is doomed until or unless it is released from the stranglehold of the unions.


    They actually think that creating 400 jobs at Govt Motors is a big deal. They need to offset that reporting with how many jobs were lost last year. This is one of the key reasons why the Bills will eventually leave. It has nothing to do with the fans selling out the stadium and it has nothing to do with a new stadium. The NFL wants to do business in geographic areas (not stadiums) that generate money. Buffalo simply does not generate any significant amounts of money and at this rate they never will. If I had the means to invest a billion dollars in a city, Buffalo would be near or at the bottom of my list. Not because of the people, but because of the unions and the government. It's just a lousy place to do business and has been for decades.


    Amen. With minimum wage over $7, who the fk needs a union? Aside from a unqualified morons looking to get paid more than they're worth.


    There's two things in life to remember kids:


    1) Don't B word about your waiter and leave a crappy tip A) on a friday night a.k.a. Novice Night (diners, not servers) and B) If you've never actually waited tables. Shut up.


    2) Unions suck. If you dont' know it, you've obviously never owned a business, nor will you- so keep voting for the Democraps and Buffalo will remain as is.


    BUFFALO though, is a great town. I love it. I wish it well. When the big quake hits CA and salt water intrusion and/or a Tsunami engulfs southern FL, Buffalo won't look so bad... will it... you know, with all the snow, bars open till 4am, free parking, good roads, GREAT restaurants, personality, architecture, history, pride, and geographic safety. All you Liberals can go eat a Falafal with Al Gore. You are to blame.

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