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Posts posted by SteamRoller67

  1. So I'm flipping through some of the games on the dish yesterday and paused at Jax/Ariz. The stands looked half empty when they panned out. Official attendance in the paper today was 46,520. That was for their Home Opener and they have a decent team. So is Buffalo still considered a possibility to relocate to LA when they inevitably get a team? (or Toronto?)....really, really? I would think Jax would have to be first on any contraction-relocation list. That has proven to be the worst NFL market of all time.


    Fans stopped going to Jags games 3 years ago....that's why the tarps cover the upper deck.

    They have an awful team in '09. They're staring at 4-12 and Tim Tebow to save that franchise. Good Luck!

  2. With POZ out of the lineup, we have a much smaller, much lighter MLB in Buggs.


    Cadillac Williams ripped some HUGE runs to start the game against Dallas:



    Also, Winslow was sparingly used last week, will he also expose our weakened middle?


    That's the NFL's way of saying...he can't get open or he's horribly over-rated.

    I watched 75% of that Tampa/Dallas game thanks to the free preview of Sunday ticket on DirecTV. :censored:


    Leftwich is awful. The Tampa D is a shell of what it used to be. Bills win by 7 or more....

  3. I bet my house April told him to bring it out and get the clock moving under 2:00 no matter what. He did exactly what he was correctly told do to.

    Of course I doubt he was told to try and run somebody over <_< .


    Bringing it out with :50 left probably wasn't the brightest idea though.


    Yeah right.

    That was an undisciplined player making a panic decision under tremendous pressure. The Bills breed mediocrity and losing.


    Hands team was out there....never return in that situation from your end zone.

  4. That is a little silly. There is no way he falls out of the 1st Round, let alone the Top 3.


    Top 3 what?

    You honestly believe Crabtree will be a top 3 overall pick in the 2010 draft?

    No chance in hell. Maybe a late first rounder by some desperate team...(Chicago Bears?) . USC's Mike Williams ruined the "sit out a year" theory for any WR from now on.

  5. 13 points.


    The Steelers won that game because they have a tremendous defense and because Ralph Bironas picked a horrible night to suck out loud.*



    *And because the officiating was downright horrible.


    Both defenses are excellent overall. It was a stalemate all night.

    Titans lost Haynesworth, but are still a top 5 unit.


    The difference was Ben Ro's ability to extend the play and create a positive gain from nothing. His passing numbers weren't from 3 yard checkdowns.....363 hard earned yards.

  6. Honestly, this is shaping up to be one of the worst seasons the franchise has ever seen (and that's saying something).




    "I think they're making a big mistake running the no-huddle."


    He also said this:

    "They have the weapons. I don't think they have the ability. I'm not going to knock what they're trying to do ... I guess I am."


    Not sure what that means?

    The biggest draw back to the no huddle would be a quick 3 and out repeatedly. The Bills have offensive skill players in ample supply. If Trent can find his nads and push the ball downfield a bit, this could be pretty exciting.

  7. Yea my expectations are low to quite low. I like this little stat from nfl.com:


    Lee Evans at Patriots (Mon.): 25 catches, 372 yards (37.2 YPG), no TDs in 10 career games vs. New England.


    That is just horrendous for your #1 receiver.


    Garbage stats.

    You can pull the numbers for any #1 WR in this league and they match up bad with someones defense. Probably the Patriots...


    The Bills problems still remain the same since Evans rookie year in 2004 (until T.O.):

    Absence of a true NFL caliber QB.

    Absence of a legit #2 WR.


    What else can you blame Lee Evans for?

  8. But, if the OL sucked then the Titans wouldn't have to blitz to get any pressure.


    PS: I understand what Coach Cecil was trying to do, so I don't blame him too much. It just didn't work out.


    Pretty tough to get consistent pressure with a 3 man rush.

    The Steelers O-line is sub-par. Pittsburgh wins in spite of the O-line, not because of it.

    They couldn't run block for Parker/Mendenhall against a Titans D-line without Haynesworth all night.

    They had a hard time in pass pro the entire game (minus the 3 man rush scenario). The Titans should have fired up a few more blitzes along the way.


    I realize Ben holds the ball anticipating the big play down field. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.

    The sacks in that situation are on the QB.

  9. As I'm reading replies, I see 1-3, 0-3 and 1-2 starts.

    Is it safe to assume most on this thread are predicting a 4-12 or worse 2009 season record?


    The team is young with an unproven, talented O-line. They're not the 84-85 Bills for Christ' sake!

    This team wins 6 to 9 games this year. There is talent here haters....

  10. Let's face it.After Buffalo starts 1-3 Dick will be fired.Who knows if they will even beat Tampa Bay.

    Bobby April will asume head coaching duties and we will be playing for the 1st or second pick in the draft.

    If they want any kind of a future than they need to hire Marty.


    Bills will be 2-1 heading to Miami in week 4. Your doom-n-gloom is ridiculous.

  11. Seriously, how many people here actually think we had a better than 30% of winning this game even before the last 10 days? The best Bills teams of the 90's had trouble playing on the road in Primetime, let alone a season opener!!


    I am excited to see how TO and the young talent, especially the OL and Ellis and Maybin on the DL, do in live conditions. I also want to see somthing different from the offense with AVP running the show, and how it impacts TE.


    I am very excited about the OL, because while they are likely to struggle at first, the potential is there to have a line that may dominate for the next 5 years.


    I live in NE, and am going to be watching the game with a bunch of Pats* fans, so I may be in for a long night, but I am going to concentrate on things that I hope will bode well for the rest of the season and the future. Of course, if they do somehow pull off the upset, it will be much more fun!! :rolleyes:


    I'm looking forward to seeing throwback AFL unis on Monday night....and Tampa coming to Buffalo in week 2.

    Monday night in N.E. has 20 point blowout written all over it.

  12. Do we really need an over the hill tackle? I would rather see Levi Jones coming to town. He is younger and more athletic at this point in their respective careers. The knock on Jones is his health, but we could use Bell as his backup and he could get experience playing behind Jones.



    Runyan is a great RT. 9 years without missing a start until the '08 season.

    If he has fully recovered from microfracture surgery on his right knee, he is a better option than Levi Jones.

  13. I know things don't look good for the Bills. I think starting the season on Monday night against the Pats* has cranked up the despair felt by many fans. If this team played against a few teams with mediocre talent like the beginning of last year they might have a chance to gel. Playing this game first is a tough way to start the season. On the bright side if the Bills are competitive or some how win this board and all of the fans will switch their mood faster than my psycho ex-wife.



    If the Bucs came to Buffalo week 1, the outlook would be more optimistic.

  14. The Steelers offense line is average at best. They can't run the ball, can't pass protect (except against a 3 man rush) and generally had an awful night. Why the Titans only rushed 3 and dropped 8 most of the night is baffling.


    Whatever Ben Roethlisberger's salary is, it's too low. If he isn't 245 pounds, he gets sacked 9 times by my count. The Titans were only credited with 4 sacks on the night. Ben Ro's ability to avoid the rush is pretty amazing for a big guy.

  15. -The concept of this thread is Poz growing- Which contradicts your beloved cover 2.

    -Take the 31 poster above your bed down. Its over.

    -The brain trust was "shocked" Posluzny was there in rd 2. In '06 said folks passed on Cutler and Mangold for Whitner and McCargo respectively(don't forget Nagta).

    -But hey, These guys know better than the masses, right?

    I'm switching to ice water- keep chuggin the kool-aide friend.


    What is over? Please explain how a 24 year old MLB in his second full season in the cover 2 has no future.

    If you don't like the guy, come out and say "I don't like him".

    Instead, you go on a Ralph Wilson style rambling about '06, Mangold, Whitner and kool-aide?


    The bills passed on Cutler in '06 because they had a young QB already.

    Not sure what the obsession with Ngata is. Is he a legit 4-3 DT or an over-sized 3-4 end?

    McCargo is a garbage pick...no way around that.

    In hindsight, Mangold was the pick in '06.

    In hindsight, the Bills trade up for Ben Ro in '04 and the JP experiment is Pittsburgh's problem.

    In hindsight, your dad pulls out and I'm spared from having this incoherent conversation.

  16. If Chambers starts over Bell, I'll be pissed. And I guess they don't want to move Butler from RT and didn't want to pay Walker to be a backup. This hurts depth, but I'm betting Walker didn't want to be a backup.


    Bell will start. The Bills think he's the second coming of Peters. I just hope he can deliver the mail like his estranged pops.....



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