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Posts posted by bopper2

  1. Top 4 qualify for you? Since you never won with Sharapova either?

    5 Grand Slam titles, 9 if you count doubles, and mixed doubles, which is more than any active player not named Williams. A number one ranking, at least one singles title every year since 2003', a streak matched only by Navratilova, Graf and Evert, and a win percentage over 80%.

    Compared to the Bills zero Super Bowl titles, the Sabres zero Stanley Cups and the Cubs zero World Series titles since Patton was a cadet, I can't bring my self to the point of disappointment with Maria.

    Now if you are looking to add a fourth from my list to the misery trio, I would suggest Sooners football. (Boise State anyone?)

  2. Van was a great football announcer, but I think he was an even better basketball announcer. Back in the 70's, Van's station lost the rights to the Bills games (the unfortunate Al Meltzer era), leaving Van free to do Braves games full time. I don't think I've ever heard a better hoops play by play man!

    When the Braves left, my interest in the NBA dropped to zero, probably because there was no Van Miller doing any NBA games.

  3. The NFL is a 9 billion dollar per year money making machine, yet it is the only one of the four major team sports to have part time officials. I realize that the other three are in action throughout the week, and football is primarily a weekend thing, but part timers, in my opinion, result in wild inconsistency in officiating from crew to crew, and from officials within each crew.


    Make these guys full time. Bring them to a central location each week, review the recent games, study film of upcoming teams, do some conditioning work, and get a single focused message from the league's supervisor of officials, reinforced in person, weekly.


    Of course it will never happen, because after making money what the NFL likes to do most is keep money.

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