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Beastly Dareus

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Posts posted by Beastly Dareus

  1. The Bengals defense.

    Consistently getting that kind of production out of that group of misfits is pretty impressive, imo.

    If Mike Zimmer is so good, then why has he been a defensive coordinator with 3 teams in 4 years? I would think he would have solidified a spot in Atlanta for more than 1 year if he was great


    Just wondering?

  2. I think that Nix will go with a can't-miss LT or DT/DE before he addresses the QB situation. I think his approach is to solidify the lines first, then you can have a second tier QB (or an aging free agent vet) run your offense and be just fine. If I was GM the best blueprint for making the Bills better faster is to achieve a run-first offense with good OL play and a stout defense. This allows you to build efficiently without putting all your chips on "make-or-break" draft picks (see JP Losman, Ryan Leaf, etc.)


    A competent OL can make an average QB look pretty good. Even getting "pretty good" QB play would do wonders for this franchise - and the most solid way to do this is to build a good OL.

    Wouldn't you put OLB and LT as our 2 biggest needs?

  3. I dont understand why everybody is so down on this guy?



    What the hell did Bill Cowher do that was so special...besides win 1 Super Bowl in a dozen+ years in Pittsburgh, sit out the last couple years, and get lucky that Roethlisberger fell to him?


    I would bet Cowher AND Shanny...AND Schottenheimer SR. will ALL fall on their faces, like Joe Gibbs did when they come back. The game is starting to pass them by.


    Mike Tomlin, Ken Whisenhunt, Harbaugh...they are all coordinators doing it the right way.


    I had a post about this a while back, and now I cannot find it...but like 80% of the teams have guys who have come in as a "HOT COORDINATOR" and have completely turned things around for said team.


    Cowher is a good coach, but you hit the nail right on the head.


    People need to get off the Cowher or Bust bandwagon, or they are going to be highly disappointed

  4. And who from that group?


    If we assume it's really not going to be Cowher, I don't know that I've heard much a consensus from Bills fans on who they'd pick next. There seem to be just as many pro Billick fans as those against him...same with Frazier.


    I personally like Billick right now, he always puts together a good staff.


    Those guys I listed are people that will be HC someday and we should interview them and take our time with the hire... We dont NEED to make a decision now. The 1st playoff game is at halftime right now. Theres 4 more weeks of football left.


    Lets make the hire at the end of the month, so they can really take all their candidates and really really look at them and look at their strengths, their weaknesses, what they will bring with them....ect.



    I dont get why people are in such a hurry. What other HC jobs are open? None except a possibility of Dallas and Oakland

  5. Who is it everyone would like to wait for that is currently in the playoffs? Grimm? Rivera? Garrett? They did the right thing to wait for Marvin Lewis years ago (of course still blew that) but I'm not sure this year there is as clear cut a star coordinator to wait for.


    Honest question - who from the playoff field would you like to see the Bills interview? If that's the route the Bills go, I actually wouldn't mind Frazier.

    Well theres Grimm, B. Schottenheimer, Zimmer, Garrett and the Eagles coordinator (forget his name)

  6. taking their time makes sense if the Bills actually interview some qualified candidates


    if they follow their typical modus operandi, as with the GM search, the interview process will be very limited and short-sighted.


    They have interviewed:

    Mike Shanahan- denied took Redskins job.. qualified guy

    Bill Cowher- extremely qualified

    Leslie Frazier- one of the top coordinators in the league regarded as a future HC by alot of people (note: Not saying i like the idea)

    Perry Fewell- Courtesy interview


    So all four interviews thus far have there reasons.


    And Im sure more interviews will come, and the playoffs are just starting

  7. Well because people like to complain they dont stop and think and say to themselves:


    "O ya, Its only been a week, playoffs are just started and theres no other HC openings in the NFL as long as the Cowboys win tonight, lets give it till the end of the playoffs so we can interview every possible candidate."


    But alot of Bills fans dont think straight

  8. Quote "There is another angle that Bills fans have to think about more and more which is the fact that the Bills may no longer be in Buffalo or even be the "Bills" any longer."



    you mean everyone in here aren't rabid L.A. Clipper fans ??



    (note to tbarrett2030: many moons ago the Clippers called the "Aud" home)

    Interesting note... thanks for the update :wallbash:

  9. I'm embarrassed that you attend the same institution that some of my good friends used to years ago. You come off as a spoiled kid that can't take some good natured ribbing. If you can't handle it and stop making a fool of yourself, it's best to do something else.

    Again, I care what you think of me why?

    Your the internet tough boy who continues to throw insults

  10. tbarrett2030 is the Howard Beale of TBD. And this is best help he ever got.

    I care what you think why.....?


    Keep the personal insults coming, internet tough boy. Shows how mature you are.


    Im not the one who started insulting and mocking someone because they never seen a movie that I have no interest in seeing like a handful of you guys did.

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