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Warren Zevon

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Posts posted by Warren Zevon

  1. 1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    Can you think of any reasons why it might not be politically advantageous to debate?


    Of course I understand why Roy Moore doesn't want to debate - he's been credibly accused by multiple women of being a pedophile. I don't think Roy understands, though... 


    "We’ve refused to debate them because of their very liberal stance on transgenderism and transgenderism in the military and in bathrooms. They are desperate," Moore told Hannity.



  2. Just now, Nanker said:

    Please don't ever try to become a Political Campaign Manager.

    If you don't understand how the game is played, you'll get your candidate's ticket punched to the losing line.


    Great - thanks!


    Since I'm not a political campaign manager and am not trying to be one, I'll insert my own opinions where applicable. My opinion is Roy Moore is a coward for refusing to debate his opponent. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    I guess it's a wise short term dodge to try and make this all about the election "no one thought Trump could win." The talk jocks on WBEN are following this line. But for anyone that has followed this knows Trump was probably compromised way before the election with money laundering and wotnot. Trump was trying to protect Flynn for a reason, and that reason does not necessarily have to be about the election meddling by the Russians, though it would be surprising if there wasn't collusion there 


    Bellavia is out of his freakin' mind


    So is Bauerle but we've known that for years

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  4. 24 minutes ago, PastaJoe said:

    Quid pro quo. Trump campaign solicits help from Russia to hurt Clinton and aid Trump. We know about Don Jr's meeting, and Trump's own words, "Russia, I hope your listening...".  What else was done that isn't yet public? Trump wins electoral college after Russian bots spread fake news in close states. Flynn then instructed by "high level official" to assure Russia that they shouldn't worry about new sanctions being imposed by Obama, which violates the Logan Act. Then as president Trump asks Comey to stop pursuing Flynn. Trump then fired an uncooperative Comey.  Obstruction of justice. Trump then asks Republicans in Congress to back off investigation. And that's only what is known publicly to-date. Quid pro quo.


    This is a good summary of where the facts reported thus far are leading.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. http://live.reuters.com/Event/Live_US_Politics?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=Social



    Prosecutors say Flynn was told by the senior member of Trump transition team to reach out to other countries to influence the U.N. vote to delay or defeat the resolution


    Prosecutors say Flynn spoke with a 'senior official' of Trump's transition team who was at Mar-a-Lago resort in December 2016 to discuss what to communicate to Russian ambassador



    “The fact that Flynn was charged with, and is pleading guilty to, such a minor crime, suggests a bombshell of a deal with prosecutors," said Cornell law professor Jens Ohlin. "Flynn was facing serious criminal liability for a variety of alleged missteps, including his failure to register as an agent of a foreign power. If this is the entirety of the plea deal, the best explanation for why Mueller would agree to it is that Flynn has something very valuable to offer in exchange: damaging testimony on someone else.”

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    “The court has scheduled a plea hearing for Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.), 58, of Alexandria, Va., at 10:30 a.m. before U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras at the D.C. federal courthouse on 3rd and Constitution. A criminal information has been filed and is attached. No additional information is available at this time.” It’s two counts of False Statements Act violations from talking to investigators.



    “So we have a Scooter Libby approach to this investigation.


    What you hear now is the slurping sound at the bottom of a dry hole when a prosecutor can’t find anything worth charging and the defendants have been cooperative i.e. stupid.




    Michael Flynn Expected to Plead Guilty to Lying to FBI
    Bloomberg Politics, by David Kocieniewski, Greg Farrell


    Original Article


    .......... this is the charge, that he asked the Russian ambassador to moderate their response to our sanctions and that he was told of his success by the Ambassador, then lied to the FBI about it?


    Where is the crime they were investigating that led to the FBI interrogation in the first place?          




    Just reported by ABC: Flynn has prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with Russians


    Flynn has flipped and has turned on Trump and his family.





  7. 5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Trump wouldn't require it, the reports which covered the meeting made it clear that Mueller met with Trump and key members of the WH staff. Hence, if the purpose of that meeting was truly to pick him to be head of the FBI (which is what the news reports claim), it would require more than just Trump being ignorant of Mueller's legal inability to take the position. 


    It would require key members of his staff to be ignorant of this as well... which also is possible, but the chances drop considerably. 


    Considering the Mueller connections within the cabinet, I'd wager Mueller was there to discuss something else entirely. And we're maybe starting to see more concrete evidence of that in how Mueller's investigation so far has really only impacted K-Street.



    After reviewing your two sources, though, the reports that covered the meeting did not make it clear Mueller met with Trump and key members of the WH staff.


    From NPR source... Mueller had gone so far as to meet with Justice Department leaders and White House officials about the FBI job, which opened after President Trump fired Director James Comey on May 9. But that idea went by the wayside after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein instead reached out to Mueller to run the politically sensitive Russia probe, which is examining ties between Russians and Trump campaign aides, the sources said


    From Hill source... 

    Mueller met with Justice Department and White House officials about leading the FBI again after Trump fired Comey in early May, the report said.

    But when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named Mueller as the special counsel to oversee the Russia probe, he was removed from contention.





    9 minutes ago, row_33 said:

    As if you can ever get a decent picture involving people with even 1 level of security above you, let along 10,000 levels...


    Those of us with advanced security levels laugh at people who think they know anything about anything...



    Those with advanced security levels are instructed not to brag about them. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    That's a bad bet imo. Sure, it's possible - but it would require more than Trump not knowing (which I could buy if it was just Trump in the loop), it would require his entire staff... including several key men who are in fact close with Mueller (hence the rest of my questions). 


    Why would Trump require permission from his entire staff? He has authority over the FBI director. He has shown countless times how he lacks knowledge on government matters irregardless of the thoughts/actions of his staff.


    We'll have to agree to disagree here.



  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the whole premise of, as you call it, wild speculation, is the question, Why would Trump meet with Mueller after Comey's firing and before the special counsel was announced?


    Here's my wild speculation - Trump was trying to fill the FBI director position. He's also an idiot and did not know Mueller could not be hired as FBI director.

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