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Posts posted by jester43

  1. I probably will be. Maybe it was Gailey's fault that he couldn't get a decent defensive coordinator. Don't know. But I do know that he was a good man who made an awful team fun to watch for awhile. Same as Fitzpatrick, though he gave me a headache the last eight games or so.


    The game means nothing to the Bills. At best and worst, it gives Rex Ryan something to bloviate about during the off-season.

    I'm sure you're a good guy, but as a Bills fan, you're a colossal douche.

  2. Without question Al Jazeera's news is by far the best source of un biased world news and now in the USA even.

    Disagree? watch it. Then watch a netwotk news show for the latest Kardashian story's. or other insignificant human

    Interest story's instead of "news".

    They have never preached Islam ever. there is a reason a certain dead prick used to drop off his

    Al Qaeda tapes at their front door. They were trusted to dissemanate the news without changing it.

    There are ZERO USA outlets that can claim that.

    Don't waste your time...you will never EVER get through.



    It is technically not news AT ALL that much of the league is using HGH.


    I don't want to see an NFL without HGH.......IMO it's likely the glue holding many of these guys together.


    I suggested at the end of last season that Eric Wood find himself a good HGH supply when he was on vacation in Mexico.......and to be honest, I think he did.


    And I think he hooked up his buddy Fitz in the process. Fitz is like a different human being this season. He's still not great but he is clearly physically stronger than he's ever been after seemingly being maxed out and in a rut in the Buffalo/TN/Houston years.


    Anyway......these stories are no good for NFL fans.


    If it forces them to test for HGH.....IMO it could really lower the availability of players and quality of play.

    if we could go back to the size/strength/durability of the guys who played 20-25 years ago, i think it would be a better game. maybe i say that because we were awesome then. like all pro sports, NFL players are outgrowing the game.


    But yes these guys are all doping. So sucks if manning gets busted and, say, Brady doesn't.


    if sports like cycling and track & field (who actually test for everything that is known to help) can't keep the dopers out, there is no way football can/is/would. There is way more money to be made...and tooooooo easy to get away with.


    the NFL can actually afford to build a machine capable of catching people, but can you imagine if they had random out of season testing.... and seriously went looking to bust guys?


    You'd need a whole new section of the paper to document all the court proceedings.


    Just like with concussions, the NFL does not want to know, and I'm expecting this to go away quickly.


    When you start talking PEDs with the typical fan, their eyes glaze over, so this won't take long.

  4. As many of you know, I've been a vocal detractor of the LeSean McCoy acquisition.


    I made my points this summer and early in the season and all I could do was let the season play out.


    Though I wish I was wrong, I was not.


    I am wondering if the picture is coming into focus for some of you.


    LeSean is nowhere near being a superstar. Not close.


    He is a nice back. He is VERY entertaining but he is barely above average in terms of production.


    For all his shiftiness......he doesn't make big plays.......he's a singles hitter.........and combine that with his frequent net-zero runs and inability to be physical in short yardage and you understand why a guy with such fancy feet lead the NFL in FEWEST yards per play in 2014.


    I know there are many people still in denial.....like I said, he is entertaining......but it is not just a coincidence that less than great backs like Karlos and Gilliislee come in and regularly make big runs while Shady has one big play(48 yarder in home game versus Miami) to show for 200 plus carries.


    We all know this is NOT a great OL. But the plays are there.......other backs are making them.


    The OTHER backs are also more physical.


    If you are going to run for 4.2-4.4 ypc like Shady has 3 of the past 4 seasons......then one would hope that a physical toll is being exacted on the defense.


    With Shady there is NONE of that.


    McCoy was a bad scheme fit for this offense.


    There is no inside game with him in there and we saw the past two weeks that opponents familiar with McCoy knew this and rendered him relatively ineffective.


    I am not saying that Karlos or Gillislee are the answers......but IMO, two years of average production from McCoy prove to me that he is NOT.


    And now, the Bills are on the hook for $20M+ in guaranteed money for him going forward.





    interesting comments as always badol....the only defense i have for this deal is that he played better than the guy we gave up for him. i always though kiko was overrrated by bills fans.


    he played well this year...it's the heinous contract that will bite us in the ass...that's why whaley needs someone holding his hand if he's going to stay.


    maybe if you're the bills you rationalize by thinking it's a lock you're going to the playoffs and you want to have this guy NOW while he's still good?


    i guess that only makes sense if you don't piss away all those close games. oh well.



    I really don't think it would. The Browns and their owner are an international joke. The Bills have real talent. Future coaching prosects all know Rex is sort of a relic/clown--no doubt they all would see his firing as a logical move by the Pegulas--especially after every future HC prospect saw how pathetically Rex limped out of NYJ with his tail between his legs.


    I think there are candidates that aren't on the level of a Mike Pettine who would look forward to being the HC of the Bills. It's nothing like the Browns.

    8 coaches in 16 years. No, it's nothing like the Browns. It's worse.


    Why would anyone with a future sabotage their career to come here when the fans would run them out of town after one season?


    I can't believe that, for once, I am actually sticking up for management. I know the coach did a bad job this year. Two years of this **** is a totally different story. But I happen to think we're in better shape now than a year ago and I don't want to blow it up just yet. Whaley actually had a good draft this year, which I give the coach some credit for.

  6. He really doesn't make any case for keeping Rex as HC for next year other than that firing him would send "the wrong message" to the next potential HC.


    He says the game has passed Rex by and doesn't seem to hold out hope that Rex will change. He makes it clear he thinks Mario will be gone--and Mario should be gone next year. No compelling reason to keep the guy at his age and mindset.


    He does make the point that there is hope for the offense though, I agree with this. Roman isn;t the genius he was advertised as though.

    you put that in parentheses as though it wouldn't seriously discourage future candidates.

  7. Maybe Rex was also wrong to tell Whaley "just get me good football players"? It seems clear he needs players that he can fit into his system.

    i think whaley did the best job of that he's done yet. recent acquisitions did well.


    The irony is that last year, as the article noted, Buffalo's starters apparently lost only 13 games to injury. No one then talked about how their success was due to a lack of injuries.


    Besides, if injuries are to blame for the 2015 season like we're told by the homers, that reflects poorly on the roster depth built by the personnel staff.


    I can understand blaming injuries if your starting QB is a top player and he's lost for the season in week 2 or most of your offensive line goes down. But those things didn't happen in Buffalo this year. Regardless, some people conveniently people cite injuries when they don't want to admit the team was constructed poorly.

    I DID SAY THIS. not that anyone should care what i think...but i have said this a lot, going back to last season.




    we got lucky in 2014


    a bigger surprise is that this year was only a little worse than the league average.


    what that tells me is that swartz may not be the Lord and Saviour he's been depicted.


    It also is not flattering to Rex...but it's an indictment of Whaley that we came apart when we started losing guys (even though he appears to have just had his best draft). our depth guys were not good enough.

  8. Not sure where it is on here but there were people who swore up and down that Robert Woods was a #1 WR and Watkins a #2. It was an odd argument, even at the time, considering there is not one thing on the football field that he does better.

    hahahaha....oh yeah, i got my ass blistered by a couple of rather prolific members of this site for daring to assert that Robert Woods was merely an "average" WR last season.


    "...but... the BLOCKING!!!" they'd holler


    it's all good, though. it would be fun to see who said what- if everyone could just relax and have a few laughs over it.


    little chance of that, I know.


    for the record, I'm not convinced Rex can't coach defense or lead us to the playoffs...we'll see how I'm feeling about that a year from now.


    14) There was actually a glimmer of hope at the very end of the 3rd quarter. We had them at 3rd and 16. We used a 3 man rush and Cousins, with all week to throw, completed a pass with ease. I never, ever thought we were this kind of weak, non-aggressive team. :(


    This was the first time...through ALL of this, that i started to think we haired the wrong head coach.


    as soon as i saw 3 guys rushing i KNEW they'd convert....how depressing is that?

  10. I have two years of college education, and I believe curses aren't possible. With the exception of the 60's and 90's this franchise being bad is the rule not the exception. Western New York isn't cursed either. I think the decline of American manufacturing/industry might have had something to do with the luck of this area.

    we made the playoffs 4 times in the 80s and had a good look at the super bowl in 88. just sayin...

  11. I met my wife AFTER all of this and the only game i could get her to before the kids started coming was the 6-3 home debacle vs Cleveland. she justifiably fell asleep in the 3rd qtr.


    when i told her this was coming on, she kind of rolled her eyes and was like...yeah, ok...watch your bills football show...


    I said, dear, this is for everyone who's ever been told they're not good enough. she's like, "yeah, who hasn't heard that?" she had a point there, so I let her go to sleep.


    So i haven't really gotten through to her yet. i watched the program while she tossed and turned in bed next to me.


    so as i'm laying there watching and trying to contain my emotions, I'm trying to also imagine myself in the morning, explaining better just how important this team was/is to me...even though I never actually lived in Buffalo (my dad was born there, i grew up 2hrs away) and I attended very few games during the super bowl years.


    i think my best attempt will sound something like this:


    When i grew up (70s), we were mostly awful...then the stars aligned and we had this great team, but at the same time, that was ALL we had. As you know, the Buffalo economy mostly always sucked and, for better or worse, the Bills remain the biggest chunk of the city's identit...not ot mention a luxury we could barely afford.


    So we were all living in, or attached to, this city that had been in decline for decades, yet had this one shining jewel of a civic treasure that was going to allow us to measure up with the rest of the world once and for all. And bless their hearts, the players appreciated Buffalo. They poured everything they had into it, and they just couldn't get it done. What heartbreak to really stop and think about that.


    But worse, not only did they fail to validate or beloved city, despite their excellence, they managed to INCREASE our ridicule! Whatever their imperfections and failings (partying, bad game plans, whatever) no one can argue they poured their hearts out to get back every year...no doubt in part because they grew to love what/who they represented.


    But again- heartbreak- it just wasn't enough.


    Thankfully we are left with what MUST be the most important lesson of all: whatever your lot in life, you can't give up...life will knock you down and you MUST get off the deck and fight.


    And how lucky we are to have these men to immortalize that lesson for us! I think that, more than anything, is what moved me to tears about this program.


    I can't wait till all my sons are old enough to understand all this. And I'm so grateful to be a Bills fan right now.







  12. While I do appreciate the enthusiasm and positivity (because these emotions are scarce within most realistic and long suffering die hard fans), making the playoffs with all the help we need from other teams at this point would be an accomplishment in of itself at this juncture.


    Listen, the AFC is clearly the stronger conference this year. Cincinnati has proven that they're a different team in 2015 than in years past, when they would trot through the regular season, only to go one-and-done in the playoffs.


    And a lot of "experts" have fallen in love with Pittsburgh's offense over the course of the last two or three weeks, but if you ask me, The Bengals have evolved into the most complete team in the conference and are the favorites as of right now, in my view, anyway.


    The key to that matchup Sunday is how Cincy compensates for not having Adam Jones to cover either Martavious Bryant or Antonio Brown, but the Bengals should get the win at home.


    As far as the Patriots go, down the road, once they get Edelman and Gronkowski back at 100 percent, they're a totally different team. But as we saw last week, the hoodie needs to tighten up the special teams heading into the postseason. And the Bills have beaten New England all of three times since 2001!


    Maybe the most favorable of the Bills matchup in the playoffs would probably be against Denver. I haven't seen enough of Osweiler yet to annoit him as a franchise quarterback, and if Peyton plays, it's not as if he's the Peyton from 2005, 2006 etc.


    But I do enjoy and appreciate the op's enthusiasm. Were just not on that level as of yet. A playoff berth after 15 years would be suffice to this fan, but I can't speak for everyone...



    We're going to kick Philadelphia's azzzzzz tomorrow and some of you guys are going to start changing your tune. I really believe we can do it. I really think things are starting to click and all we need is to have most of our best players on the field.


    Like I said. I was thinking the exact same thing Thursday night and logged on Friday to see this thread...already on page 3.


    It's a sign.


    Tonight you guys will all be weeping watching The Four Falls of Buffalo...and you know Rex will have the players watching also...and we (players, coaches, management, fans, even that tool Russ Brandon) are going to wake up on Sunday morning as ONE BUFFALO like never before.


    I totally believe it's our turn this year.

  13. If we make it to the playoffs, we'll make it to the Super Bowl.


    The only reason playoffs are in doubt is because we do not control other teams' performances. But, make no mistake, we will win out.


    Why do I believe this?


    The defense is slowly but surely getting Rex's scheme, terminology, assignments ,etc. It has taken time, but this group should be clicking the rest of the year, even with the injuries factoring in. The performance against NE*, sacks against Houston, and holding a receiver like Hopkins to a below average day are just some of the signs of where this defense is headed.


    What about the offense? Well, they've already been pretty decent all year. The X factor now though is that TT is really stepping up, and is exactly what this team needs. Telling Hughes to get his head in the game after KC, making sure Carpenter was supported, and my favorite, telling, no yelling at, a veteran to hurry up and get on the line are just a few examples of the leadership characteristic TT has to offer. His play on the field has been better than anyone expected. Now, he's about to take that next step and nobody will mistake the Bills for anything other than Tyrod Taylor's team.


    It's about to get fun ladies and gemtlemen. Enjoy the ride.

    this is the only post i have read on this thread. i can only assume most of what follows is you being called a fool.


    But i swear on my life i was about to start a thread saying the exact same thing.


    if we can weather this storm we are going to the Super Bowl. I truly believe it.

  14. I'm wondering if the guy who wrote the article actually put in tape of Kiko's rookie season because he wasn't good vs. the run back then either. His forte was in coverage, where he was fantastic for an LB.

    that's what i was thinking. he never was that good against the run. i live life surrounded by eagle fans and i told them all after the trade they were not going to love watching kiko play the run.

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