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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. I am being optimistic. I don't see that much to be negative about, I have my worries much like the rest of you. As for school yard comments it was lobbed towards the "Win one for Ralph...HA!" comment. Until that point we had a structured post, eitherway it's done. As I said before, the waves happen when the tide reaches shore. Right now all 32 teams are out to see.
  2. Dick Jauron has as much emotion as the General Sherman in California(just to let some of you know, it's a f**king tree). I hope he smokes some crack that Al Davis invented, maybe liven him up a bit and see how far we go. He's a great teacher, but he needs to learn how to lead his team, manage their workout programs and be tougher.
  3. I agree completely. I hope we can get it done this year, Trent needs to step up and be the leader of this team.
  4. ITS MARCH!!!! The F**king draft hasn't even happend yet, June 1st signings, Undrafted Rookies, so of course we will have holes, but the question is the expectation on what we will do with these various avenues of roster improvement. Will we sign a guy like a Todd Heap, will we draft a TE. Who is going to be available, listen we signed T.O. Ralph wants to bring in as much talent as possible, he wants a "chance". So trust me, trust common sense and believe we will be vocal during this off-season. We already added, a future Hall of Famer who can still dominate, we added a OL with promise and depth at linebacker, the waves come as the tide nears the shore remember that. Right now we just like everyother team in the NFL are out at sea...so wait until we get to the shore to make the waves. This was an outlook, not a pis**ng contest, once again READ then react.
  5. You suggest I do the same? Really? Okay well here is the intelliegence you suggested. I said SOLID! Not prolific, I even said we should sign or pursue a veteran backup. As for the lines, once again I said we had issues there, but issues with the right decisions could be "patched". As for the coaching staff, I am not a Jauron fan. I will be blunt, honest and just plain upfront about that. But he is a good "football" coach, a manager and a leader he is not. I have often made the joke about how he would've reacted to the 9/11 attacks, "Anyone could attack us, we just have to move forward and accept that". 6 wins? I hope you didn't suggest the intelligence that made that comment to me. Because if so, o'dear god...The Dolphins will be 6-10 or at best 8-8, the Jets are going to be 6-10 or at best 7-9. The Patriots will be the solid 11-5 to 13-3. I say the Bills have the offensive fire power to be 10-6 to 12-4. That is with the CORRECTIONS I OUTLINED earlier. So READ carefully and then write back my friend.
  6. Aww, Why did it have to happen? I mean seriously c'mon. We went 30 minutes without a comment that you'd hear in the school yard, but then "HA" broke the silence didn't it? Okay well here it is, we have no identity? we were 7-9 last year without T.O., we do have some issues on our lines I agree, but they can be fixed in through the draft and free agency, take a look at the NFL teams from the last 15 years and you'll see plenty of teams that patched their lines for a season. Sh*t Dallas had the great wall of muthaf***in China and they still missed the Playoffs. It all comes down to your scheme, your coaching, your moral and your depth. Injuries play a part which is why we found ourselves on the outside looking in when it came time for the playoffs. Look at this objectively and with a mind of a seasoned veteran rather than some kid named John John(no offense if there is one on this board, Im sure you grew up to be a civilized person...)throwin' yo mama insults out like we're 12. So let's be adults here, tone down the intelligence that has you working at McDonald's and move on...
  7. Oddly enough I know you are going to think I'm crazy, I'm thinking 10-6 or maybe 11-5. I think with our firepower and potential additions throughout the draft, free-agency and through June 1st I believe we can add the pieces that will compliment our offense enough to allow us to be successful agaisnt the Patriots, Colts, Steelers, Titans and Chargers. I honestly see certain teams taking a step back this year on the road to getting better(Miami, NYJ, OAK, JAX and CLV)
  8. center Geoff Hangartner, tackle Langston Walker are two very good talents that I think will improve this year. I do agree that the Jason Peters dilema makes it tough to determine where our line will be this upcoming year, but I think we will trade peters, draft some good prospects in the draft and add some starters after June 1st. The D-Line I agree, but we played tough last year. We've added Chambers and Thomas for depth, we've got some very good selections in the draft that I believe we can use to add alot of impact players for this year. But I do agree that the facts are facts, our defense isn't going to be the Ravens in 2009. But our offensive firepower is going to be very hard to keep up with, the question is will Trent "Air it Out"? I really like Trent, Bill Walsh was very impressed as was Marv Levy. I think it's tough to argue with two of the greatest pure coaches ever. It remains to be seen though, so this year I think it'd be wise if we added a veteran quarterback to push Trent and if needed replace him. Look what Kerry Collins did for the Titans last year(Granted Trent isn't a "Head case") but my point is I think that depth at that position is essential in this league. Cassel, Collins(Both Kerry and Todd) are almost as valuable as the starter these days. That's my opinion though.
  9. Currently, we have Trent Edwards, T.O., BeastMode Lynch, Lee Evans & Action Jackson. The question is, where do you see the Bills this year? My PERSONAL belief is the Bills have all the pieces needed to be an Top 3 AFC team, they have an accurate quarterback, a solid running game, amazing receivers and an offensive line that is progressing. The defense, has some work to be done but that all can be fixed and or added through the draft. Also remember the June first cuts will allow us to add some veteran leadership. Derrick Brooks who has played in the "Tampa Two" his entire career would be a great veteran to have in the locker room. I have often in verbal circles slammed Dick Jauron for being TOO soft in his practice habits with his teams, but I believe this year the pressure to quote un quote "Win one for Ralph" will bring about some much stricter programs than in previous years. As for T.O., he's always in perfect shape. He's never, NEVER attended an off-season physical conditioning program and he has always put up the numbers that make him one of the most feared receivers in the last 20 years. I like what I see, the question is...what do you see? Thanks. Romeo
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