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Posts posted by rsxfirefighter

  1. Some intern asked him probably


    Well we now know who is without a job. Wrong time for a PR stunt like this. Come on, give us a break. Jimbo is still using a Feeding Tube..and they think he will want to dance/work out 4-8 hours a day. He has already lost alot of weight, now in a year or two when everything is back to semi-normal, that would be the time to ask him.


    All about the publicity, sheesh!!!

  2. I went to look at how many billionaires there are in the Buffalo area, and Forbes list from 2013 showed one. I figured it was Pegula, but it was not. It was:


    Buffalo( New York): 1 Billionaire

    Jeremy Jacobs Sr $2.7 Billion


    When I looked for Pegula, he shows up under:


    Miami: 25 Billionaires

    Terrence Pegula $3.0 Billion


    So the options for benevolent overlord billionaire in the Buffalo area are very limited.

    But why is Pegula listed under Miami, is his primary residence there?


    When Pegula bought the Sabres, it was widely published that he was a resident of Florida. He moved back up to Buffalo part time, but his family remained in Florida due to his Daughter's fledgling tennis career.


    Also, note that Golisano moved his primary residence down to Florida a few years ago because he was sick of spending all that money on NY State Income Taxes and felt it was better suited for him to "Live" there and donate that money where he felt that money was needed the most and not where the bureaucrats in Albany felt

  3. They would most certainly not be moving the team

    Well, once the owners have been decided and JBJ is sent packing. I think it would be fitting during warm-ups all season long that the Bills play "Living on a Prayer". A kind hearted thank you to BJB for leaving just as quickly as he arrived.

  4. Cool! I didn't realize that....


    I assume he would keep that role in any locally based ownership, which is why I wondered what the point of joining up with a group to compete with Pegula would be....


    Remember it is still speculation that he will be "competing" with Pegula, it still a possibility that minority group could get paired with Pegula for the appeasement of the trust. (this is pure speculation from an clueless source....myself)

  5. And do we truely know for certain that Jim Kelley is not in a minority group tied with Pegula?


    I have only heard speculation about Pegula being a sole owner, but he did make it a point of bringing back the extended family with the Sabres after he purchased them. Maybe he felt that he would bring in a part of the former Bills Family as a small minority owner.


    Why pay stipends for these team ambassadors when you can have them as tiny minority owner?


    Maybe that is what this presentation to Jim Kelley is about. Maybe he has a small group of former players...Thurman, Andre, Bruce...that will put in a little money to be part owners of the team and then they will get paired with the Pegula, errrr, i mean Highest Approved Bid.

  6. Woods is clearly talking about himself. Especially after Marone explained a few things after Wednesday's practice


    Quoting: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/4-things-to-know-from-Wednesday%E2%80%99s-practice/33ec6ed2-a531-4295-9e14-fab852877bfb

    Head coach Doug Marrone revealed that he had a discussion with Woods on the practice field Wednesday.

    “We know Robert can play three positions for us,” said Marrone. “We’re just trying to figure out what’s the best combination that we have out there. When Robert first came to camp he didn’t do that. Not to say he was complacent, but I told him that when he plays with that little chip on his shoulder, he’s a darn good football player. I said, ‘We need to see you play more with a chip on your shoulder every single day.’ And I think you’ll see that same result that you were able to see from the game and practice.”

  7. They should have at least Picture in Picture either the interview or the game action. They did it for like 2 seconds a pop a few times, but come on. With the technology today they could have done that and people wouldnt have missed a beat.

    I swear we were sacked on a third down, but the next play it was first down and I was like "WTF how did that happen?"

  8. Someone needs to explain precisely what "mess" Pegula created with the Sabres. He bought a team many thought was on the fringe of being a legitimate Cup contender, took away all excuses for the existing GM and coach (i.e., money), and then, when it became clear the team was not moving in the right direction, he cleaned house and has now built one of the most prospect-rich, up-and-coming franchises in the league.


    His only error, in hindsight, was in not removing Regier when he bought the team -- but I wonder how many owners would have?


    I think Pegula is a perfect owner -- not meddlesome in personnel decisions, supportive of the people he puts in place, and willing to spend the bucks.


    I agree 110%!!!

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  9. I have heard the rumors that he is RW's son in law but as far as I know that is false.


    I know a little bit about how that organization operates and Massare is nothing more than a super fan that went to college with Littman's daughter. He has nothing to do with anything. This is actually one of the most asinine things that has come up during the sales process.


    After doing some "Googling". I just can't see how Littman is RW's son in law. It appears Jeff is married to a Cynthia. Ralph has no daughters named Cynthia.

  10. The league and owners love the guy!! He is a guy, paying cash (no debt), for the highest priced sale in league history. Depending on what number you believe for TP's net worth he can be as high as the 2nd wealthiest owner in the league (5 on the low end). They would LOVE to have this guy in their little club.


    You are probably right on this. The Bills will certainly have an issue with it. There is value to the Toronto market but not nearly as much as LA and they haven't had a team in like 20 years.


    And don't forget that Mr Jacob's Delaware North empire has major dealings with at least a few of the other owners. And as the Bruins Owner, I guarantee he has gotten well acquainted with El Pegula over the past few years.

    All the owners would have to do was ask of his opinion and if he vouched for El Pegula that would go just as far in some of their books.

  11. GR reporting (speculation from Toronto Star) that the TO groups inability to match the offer, revolves around Bon Jovi's intent to be the principle owner...he doesn't have enough of that 1.3 billion dollars, to meet primary owner requirements.


    Still...!@#$ Bon Jovi!


    At least some of us know when we don't fit in. Yes, he may be a "legendary" rocker. But he will never match dollar for dollar with those Business Tycoons and those are the types that can afford Prime Time Sports Franchises.


    He needs to hold his head high, get off the diving board and head back to the kiddie pool where he belongs!!!

  12. I'm confused by this:

    Matthew Fairburn@MatthewFairburn 32s

    Ron Brooks started off 11-on-11 drills by picking off EJ Manuel on the second play. Brooks was the only one in the area Manuel threw it to.


    How does one start 11-on-11 on the second play? Wasn't there a first play... oh yea, EJ threw a bomb to Goodwin for a TD.


    Easily..first one doesnt count when your not on the field for it. We all know he isnt the starter and should never see the field on "1st" downs. :-D


    No way EJ threw a perfect bomb to Goodwin. 2 reasons: 1 EJ doesnt throw deep, 2 EJ is not accurate enough to complete a pass longer than 10 yds down field.

  13. since it said there was no WR in the area, thought maybe someone ran a wrong route.

    I was actually hoping that was the case or the WR slipped coming out of a cut. I know EJ mentioned in an interview the other day that he knows the play book and some of the miscues have been the WR's running the wrong route/adjustments as they are still newer to the playbook. It didnt sound like he was calling them out, but more of a casual comment that could have been taken wrong if read out of context.

  14. thought about making it a 3rd time but that would probably have been overkill. I think my point was made. LOL. I'm really just busting his chops. I hope like crazy that he succeeds and has a monster season, but for every step he takes forward, he has this unsettling knack of taking two steps back.


    maybe he heard the rumors that Ron Brooks was on the chopping block as a potential roster cut and felt like throwing the kid a bone to help save his job?

  15. Kind of odd that he has Pears getting beat by Kujo and then released. I know he's nothing special but I would think he would stay on as back up. Not sure what potential Hairston, Legursky and Richardson have at RT.


    It has been rumored for a while that if Pears loses the starting job, he will be a cap causality if Hairston is back to being healthy

  16. There is a thread saying that it's going to be a tough road for us to win the Super Bowl this year. I'd say we are a little overzealous at times


    Just for clarification purposes, that thread was also started by Ice Bowl 67 who is our resident GB Packer fan who brings their friendly advice to our homeristic board. :-) They were talking about the GB Packers road to the SB, not the Bills. I know it is hard to differentiate at times, but we have some nice Non-Bills faithful around these parts (I know i have seen a few die hard Browns fans too that post frequently.)

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