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Same old Story

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Posts posted by Same old Story

  1. Dear Coach Jauron and Company:


    So help me God.......if you call these stupid pass plays inside the 5 yard line during regular season.....I will personally come down there and cram the ball down your throats.




    TO, Evans and Lynch are a little better than Reed, Roscoe and Omon.

  2. The Bills could be 0-15 and Lord help me I would still have to suffer through each game, Radio pregame show and all....


    Its an illness.



    Yep, it is a sickness, I think I should see a shrink. Girlfriend says I'm not myself until Thursday after a loss. Once I see DJ's inspiring press conference I get over it and ready for the next game.

  3. Welcome to "draft world" where disinformation, smoke screens, outright lies and deceit are the themes ALL teams descend to prior to ANY draft!! The real suprises, to me, are going to be Detroit Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Oakland with their picks ahead of us (maybe wishful thinking) and someone we don't have as a likely Bills pick will fall. Just a hunch, but IF Detroit takes a OLT with the first pick, then all bets are off! I'm guessing Brian Orapko or B.J. Raji fall to 11, and the Bills will select Orapko. jsu a word to the wise, DON'T take it to the bank....


    Very true, Detroit picking an OT isn't talked about much, probably because everyone's sure Stafford's going number 1. I'm not a Raji fan personally, Buffalo needs quickness on the outside along with Stroud/Williams in the middle.


    For the most part, I love all the smokescreans and strategies that are used by all the different teams. Although, the leaking of failed drug test information that's not true is something I don't like, that's just not needed. Saying someone takes performance inhancing drugs can make people look negatively on their entire career. Just a thought.

  4. I think the title of your post can speak for the entire 2009 draft. It seems in years past that there were less question marks regarding the top 10 etc. It's going to be a fun draft in '09, I'm looking forward to it.


    Still not sure if I'm going to go with NFL Network or ESPN, leaning towards NFLN. Anyone's thoughts appreciated.




    #11: Pettigrew- Networks give us heat for taking him too early

    #28: Eben Britton or Larry English (like English's motor)

    #42: Connor Barwin

  5. Too bad all of that concussion talk is crap. The reason Edwards struggled in certain games was that he has trouble passing against a no-blitz 3-4. Look at his stats against 4-3 vs. 3-4. Night and day.


    I think all of us can agree on Trent's troubles against the 3-4 last year, like you said the stats speak for themselves. Maybe I'm crazy in thinking that he might have spent a little time this off season studying film and learning how to be affective against that D. Geez, he went to Stanford for goodness sake.


    It sure was fun to watch the team play well though, all I had was BAD memories from last year. It sparks such good memories that I actually had a dream about the Bills draft last night. We took Oher at 11 and Larry English at 28. I did hit my head earlier in the day on an overhanging tree while I was walking my dog so that might have had something to do with it.

  6. I really hope you're joking about that, seeing as how the McCann Award recipient was covering the NFL long before anyone had ever heard of Tecmo Bowl.


    I was reffering to Schefter and yes I was kidding. But if you saw the story on NFLN and the reaction of Rod Woodson and the other former NFL players you would have cracked up. They were laughing at the guy until he left the room. He's just not my favorite and now him and Mort will be split screen, wonderful.

  7. I was surprised that we only have 2 prime time games, I thought the TO pick up would get us more. I wouldn't be surprised if we get flexed into a prime time spot later in the year. I also can't believe Miami has 4 games under the lights. Seriously, I know I'm biased but they are extremely boring to watch.

  8. I figured when Marshawn Lynch came out with his press conference and started talking all of this target on my back BS, he already knew the outcome was going to be bad. It was the wrong thing to convey to the public, how about "to all of the kids out there that believe in me , I'm sorry" target on my back, give me a break. :worthy:



    Its a good thing he's not gone for 6 games, someone should just tape his mouth shut next time and right guilty on his forehead so he stands in front of the commissioner in silence, it probably would have saved him a game. :lol:


    Yea, I watched that press conference and really wished he didn't say that target on his back comment, he tried to back track away from that with some BS. The presser was great except for that.

  9. Of course Tim has it, the AFC east is his beat (nice job Tim), I think the real question is, will it be a big story on Sportscenter, Mike and Mike, etc. the way him not being there was. I really don't care, but I see the poster's point.


    Exactly what I was reffering to, no Sportscenter, no ESPN radio, Fox Sports etc... Tim's on the ball with everything AFC East and the other powers that be pick what's going to bring the "ratings". T.O. showing up and doing something good isn't going to make the news. Anyway, it's just good to see and I'd like it to be reported nationally but I'm certainly not losing any sleep over it.


    As far as the Jason Peters situation, whatever happens, happens, the guys a good player but has been a pain. I don't understand why other players don't pick up the phone to call players and give them some obvious advice during contract situations. Not that I want them to get into their business but they can certainly have a professional conversation to bring out how it's perceived by others. I guess it all comes down to the moola and the bling.

  10. Peters stated that he wouldn't hold-out again this year. We'll see if that's true, should he not get traded or a get a new contract.


    Hmmm....so weird, have not heard anything on any national media outlet about him reporting. I know there have been many topics in the past on this board regarding the media, Mort especially, but I'm going to jump on the waggon, I don't get any of my news from the so called "experts" any more, they're useless.

  11. You know what? I have to agree with the OP in that I am sick of the collective negativism amongst many Bills fans. Sit there and pretend you are entitled to believe we will always lose but you can blow off for all I care. I cried myself to sleep after 4 consecutive SB losses. I have suffered through abysmal play for many seasons. But when the Bills actually have something worthy of being excited over in the works, I'll be damned if I'm going to post comments to the effect of "Pats win 57-12". All of you naysayers, do us a favor and find a new team to "root" for.


    I agree with the negative post comment to a point. I'm a new member to this board but I have been stopping by to read the posts for years. The negativity gets to me for sure however, the negative posts have for the most part been right in years past. There are certainly too many Jay Marrioti types on here that can just NEVER be positive and that really gets me. Seriously people, take a happy pill or something, your general practitioner can get you Zoloft generic these days. I'm hoping this poster is correct regarding Gonzo, man that would be fun to watch. Regardless, I'm going to try and be positive again this year and hope the negative Nancy's are wrong, finally.

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