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Same old Story

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Posts posted by Same old Story

  1. Remember Ted Ginn had a career game against a hobbled Terrance McGee who apparently was a better option than the mentally-challenged Leodis McKelvin.


    Yep, I remember Ginn on that first play and thinking to myself that McGee was in for a long day. I also forgot about Trent reaching the ball to try and get the 1st down and fumbling, ugh, I won't be there for sure this weekend.



  2. I went the past two years but will not this year. Was utterly humiliating last year hearing Dolfans mockingly say "See you in TORONTO." Oh the horror, the horror. :thumbsup:



    Yea, I was there and my seats were right on the end of the 2nd level and I was leaning up against the railing and the Fin's fans were yelling, "HE'S GOING TO JUMP!!". It was actually pretty funny.

  3. Usually go but I have the Sunday ticket this year and don't feel like making the trip down from Tampa. It's not as much the drive down as it is the ride home after a potential loss. I know there are a bunch of people from Tampa going to the Squash the Fish party at Blue Martini. Ask for Jason, he's a manager there, from Buffalo.

  4. Vegas doesn't show respect to teams. Vegas tries to get even dollars on either side and make money on the vig. So the 6 points represents Vegas' estimates of the betting world's opinion. The spread is not predicting results...it is predicting bettor sentiment.


    So that said, Vegas doesn't think that the Saints, 2-6 on the road last year despite a similarly high powered offense, are enough of a favorite among bettors to get more than the 6 points on the road against a Buffalo team that has played two very good games with rain likely.


    I happen to think that making NO a 6 point favorite is a representation of fans misguided Saints enthusiasm. The Saints can lose with Brees passing for 400 yards (they did it last year), and Buffalo has a good shot of winning this game.


    Go Bills



    Agree with you 100%. The fans in New Orleans, the media in New Orleans and I believe the players in New Orleans think they are better as a team than they really are and Vegas wants to take advantage. I assume the public will be on the Saints this weekend however, I will be on the other side just like the Pats game and will cash in, again.

  5. you know, that is EXACTLY what New Orleans people said about drafting Archie Manning....


    Not making a direct comparison, but a little historical perspective can't hurt.


    I hear ya but we are talking about probably the best college football player ever. This kid is a winner and has the "it" quality that Archie Manning never had. I am not familiar with how much Archie was loved but I live in the Florida area and have never seen anything like the love affair for Tebow. I hope it happens.

  6. But Jax Bill Backer said the politicians said the local the team would never move so that's written in stone



    If the Jags want fans they should do one thing next year, draft Tim Tebow. My parents live in St. Augustine right outside Jax and everyone loves the Gators and LOVES the local Boy Mr. Tebow. I don't care what their pick is, draft the guy and the franchise will survive. I'm telling you, that would get butt's in the seats.

  7. I didn't get anything out of that article at all besides why AVP's nickname is "Pill". It really just seemed like a reach to write an article about this situation. Edwards hasn't been hiding in my opinion like Sully states, everyone's been jumping on him as the problem not Schonert and I haven't seen Turk at all. Last year there was more complaining about Schonert's play calling and less about Edwards, the complete opposite of this preseason. The simplified offense could be exaclty what Buffalo needs. Heck, I have like 5 plays I run over and over in Madden and they work for me, same thing, right?

  8. Just read a great article in ESPN magazine regarding a certain winning team in the AFC east that has no OC and they happen to be Buffalo's week 1 opponent. I like the move a lot. So many weeks last year ended with Bills fans yelling about the play calling, maybe now it will change.

  9. I have used myp2p a lot, in the past. This Stream Torrent stuff is new, though.


    During the season I doubt you will need this software, as there are typically a few streams, and they usually don't involve any special software. But if it turns out this is the best way to get the game (when I can't get to the bar) then I will consider installing it.



    Thanks! Very cool stuff. I assume these streams are available during the regular season as well? I'd rather watch on my computer than go down the street to a bar. My only question is how dependable they are. Anyway, thanks again.

  10. Why am I a Bills fan? I certainly get that question a lot down here in Tampa. It seems whenever that question is asked the person asking it feels sorry for me. It's getting to the point of embarassment and I feel that if things don't change in the right direction this year I might just spend my Sundays being frustrated about my golf game instead.


    FYI, I'm typically an optimist unlike many regulars who post on this board so I do believe they can turn it around but if they don't it won't surprise me either.

  11. Watching film and Madden 2009 aren't the same as being under center and seeing the defense.


    Very true but I guess I choose to see it as him being more prepared this year and with experience and some film study things will improve greatly as the season goes on. I'm not going to go crazy over a preseason game, I'm going to hold my judgements until Sept 14th and on.


    However, I'm 70-30 on him "getting it" against the 3-4 this year which I'm sure is quite a bit higher than most people on this board. I have a feeling he plays well this weekend against Pittsburgs 3-4 just to shut everyone up. Just trying to be optimistic.

  12. thats basically my impression as well on what Trent was trying to say



    Instead of calling each other out they should freaking practice against a freaking 3-4 defense. I just find it hard to believe that Edwards spent the ENTIRE off season without analyzing how he needs to improve against a particular type of D. I'm concerned but I won't believe that things will be the same until I see it in the regular season. I know in the glory years we didn't look so hot in the preseason and things turned out fine.



  13. Yeah my buddies a few years ago when Target or Walmart (Or one of the other mega chain stores) had the whole satisfaction guaranteed on every product or your money back thing they use to buy PC games and take the CD Key install the games on their computer and enter the keys and than return the game with no CD key and each and every time it worked they did it almost a dozen times each. Hell I don't know if they even changed that policy they only stopped because they started torrenting.


    Yeah these scams have been around for a while. I remember they were really in style when big superstore chains like Walmart, Target, and K-mart started to pop up everywhere (their corporate nature and really loose return policy made that possible). It was just people who wanted to get a slice of that corporate pie. The return policies weren't that hard to circumvent/take advantage of so its not like they put a lot of thought into it.


    Now they get a little more strict with giving up cash (They bend by giving store credit) but if you make enough of a fuss you can probably get cash once in a while.



    Well, Target took my other Madden back and gave me another one. I thought it was interesting that the manager took it in the back and came out and told me that "yep, it was empty". Makes me think that they can tell somehow. Anyway, can't wait to play tonight!

  14. He might have to have them call a manager I doubt some low level employee would be able to make an exchange for something that is missing. I agree that if he isn't doing too many returns at that store he should be able to get an exchange. Most managers will try to appease customers.


    Funny exchange policy story when my friends brother needed money he use to go to home depo and pick something off the shelf that was lower than 40 dollars and go up to returns and asked for cash back without a receipt under the guise that it was a gift. They would always give him his return as anything under 40 dollars was allowed to be returned for cash without receipt.


    He did it like two or three times a year just if he was in a pinch for cash. By 2003 some stores were ending that policy because of that scam. But it really got him mad when in the movie Garden State they showed a character doing that scam. Within a year of that movie coming out they ended that policy.


    To go along with your Home Depot story, I returned a charger for my drill to Lowes today and they credited my card for 35 bucks and that's why I figured I'd go buy the game. I think I've returned 2 things my entire life and now I'm going to do 2 in 2 days. Weird.


    I was really looking forward to playing with Trent, T.O. and Evans, oh well maybe tomorrow.

  15. True story, I just bought it earlier today at Target and I hadn't opened it until about 5 minutes ago because I was watching the golf and when I opened it to my surprise there was no freaking disc! I couldn't believe it but I'm hoping the people at Target do tomorrow. So until tomorrow I'll just read all of your posts regarding the game.

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