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Ever Since '86

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Posts posted by Ever Since '86

  1. Trent is an accurate passer and his arm strength is not the problem. His problem is having the patience to let the deeper routes develope and trusting that his receivers will make it to the opening that WILL be there. That extra half second can make all the world of difference, but that comes with time and building a chemistry with the guys on the field. He has to trust that the line is going to protect him, he has to trust that the WR is going to run the correct route, and he has to trust himself that he can get the ball there. I think Trent has shown major improvement thus far and against a 3-4 defense right out the gate.



    you sir, hit on the head

  2. I was 6 years old and at my very first Bills game... we were getting beat 28 - 3 at the half, my brother and pops took off back to the car while my ma convinced me to stay with her. Little did I know i was about to witness the greatest comeback of all time. As I get older i cant remember having memories further back then that one, still remember a massive bald guy with full body paint hoisting me up haha.

  3. After Freddie J scored I truly thought we were gonna win. I was jumping up and down like a school kid.


    Then the name Tom Brady entered my mind and I thought this is too much time left. Brady has been there done that.


    But even after the first TD to Watson I thought all we got to do is not fumble the kickoff.


    When McKelvin fumbled I KNEW we were gonna lose. Then I just braced myself for it.


    I know now the way I'm going to die is watching a Bills game. I get way to emotional and my heart cant take to much more of these losses lol.



    jesus christ

  4. Not wishing injury on anyone by any means, but the Kelsay injury my be a blessing in disguise for the developement of Maybin. He will now get more reps and his growth from being on the field more will take place more rapidly. The Puz injury just flat out sucks. This was going to be the year that he took a huge leap forward. You could see it in the preseason and you could see it early last night. I'm completely disgusted right now.



    Couldn't agree with you more on every point you made

  5. Thats fine, my posts leading up to the draft show how much I like him as our OLB. Physically speaking, he is a lot like Cushing, who many wanted at 11. Here are the combine numbers I could find.


    Height Weight Arm Length 40 Yard Reps Hand Length

    Brian Cushing USC 6'2 7/8 243 32 1/2" 4.74 30 10"

    Nic Harris Oklahoma 6'2 3/8 234 32 1/2" 4.78 15 10 1/8"


    Almost Identical combines, aside from the bench reps. He position at OK was the "roy" a hybrid ss/lb position. Had a great Sr Bowl where he played only as a LB. Let him adjust to a new position and the NFL level and I think he is a solid starter by week 8. It shouldnt be hard for him to beat out Ellison.


    To adress his dirst/stupid penalties. IMO they were not the type of dirty penalty you would associate with Rodney Harrison, more like the penalty where Whitner ran down that Raider in the endzone. He always plays hard and through the whistle - hitting guys a bit late or out of bounds. I am a little scared of that but its better to play hard and agressive than shy and scared. He will bring a much needed nasty attitude to our soft defense.



    Just watched some highlights and read some of your previous posts about him and I'm already sold. He looks like a playmaker, not really concerned about the temper it's a good thing if anything

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