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Posts posted by NewHampshireBillsFan

  1. a much bigger change needs to be made than HC.


    i dont think it has to be Ralph's passing either.



    I believe he still has it in him to hire a football guy to be president/vp/gm.


    I think so too. The trouble is we might have to go 4-12 with loud booing in the stands for the last half of the season for RW to make it happen. Personally, I could never root for the Bills to lose even a single game. But in any case we have a lot of losing teams on our schedule and we are more likely to sneak back to 7-9, especially as our injured players return and the rookies get experience. At 7-9 RW retains DJ with the excuse that the injuries and young players made it tough to win and NEXT year will be different with DJ at the helm.




    Brutal, brutal thing to be a Bills fan for 36 years. And it is getting worse by the game.

  2. I agree. People just assume that the Bills jsut wanted to cut Walker. I won't doubt it if the Bills told Walker Bell was the starter and he asked for his release. LW got screwed and probably didn't want to be a backup after losing 2 starting jobs.


    I don't think Walker asked for his release in that he had a high contract that no team would match or exceed. Once the Bills cut him he didn't get paid anymore so there is no good reason to lose all that money. The thing is it would be hard for the Bills to go back now and try to bring him back in since he would know it would only be until the other players healed. Is it worth it to him to make a few weeks salary at this point in his life?

  3. Just saying, these conspiracy theories are just pathetic, yes it was a ticky tack call, but it was deserved, if you watched the game you would know Suggs had absolutely no need to go to the ground he flat out dove at Brady's knee. Lol bribing the refs? Really?


    To use the word conspiracy is to dismiss the entire notion that the Pats* get favorable treatment. In the 70's and 80's Shula's Dolphins got clearly favorable treatment from the refs and opposing players would openly state that Marino was protected more than any other QB. So we have seen this thing before in the NFL. In the case of NE* the officials fear making a bad call against Belicheat* and Kraft much more than against say Jauron and Wilson. They fear Brady getting injured a lot more than Losman or Edwards. Officials are human and not robots and they think a lot more about which team they are calling a penalty against or spotting the ball, etc. than some might think. But whatever the explanation NE* clearly benefits much more from the calls of officials than most other teams and in games against teams like Buffalo it can be particularly pronounced, year after year. One bad call against NE* here and there does not mitigate the basic facts that are plain to see for any objective viewer.


    I would hate to have to defend NE* and the refs on this because instead of looking like a crybaby the way we are characterized by some NE* fans, the NE* fans look like people who can't even objectively acknowledge what is happening on the field, but look for silly loopholes to the clear truth.

  4. I am with you all.


    I cheer for the Bills but have no expectations. As an NFL franchise they have never finished better than second best.


    I would assume RW has assured his heirs will have all the money they need (and more), regardless of what happensto the Bills. How can he NOT be sinking every penny he can squeeze into winning the championship ring?


    I am not saying he should do it for the fans. It is his money and his team.


    I am saying if he gives a rats ass at all, he would be CRAVING a SB ring, since he cannot take the money with him. If that is not his goal, why does he own a team?


    New motto:


    Buffalo Bills: We make sucky teams look good!


    I agree with you on why does RW own the team if he doesn't want to win a SB before he goes. But the fact is he never has been that worried about winning a SB all his life. Why let Polian go just because he was abrasive towards RW's daughter and some others if you really want to win a SB. Why let AJ Smith go and say well he is just a personnel guy.


    If RW keeps the team profitable with low salaries, etc. it may be worth another $100 million to his heirs when the team is sold and that seems to be his motivation at this point. He wants $800 million for his heirs instead of $700 million. Also, RW may realize (as we all should) that this team is years away from making a serious SB run and he might not be around that long anyway. Actually none of us may be around long enough to see the Bills win a SB.

  5. I became an avid Bills fan in 1973 and went for decades without ever leaving the stadium early or turning off a game on TV or radio until the last whistle. I would be insane (or more insane) if I did that now. I turned off the internet feed when the score hit 24-3 before the middle of the 3rd quarter. I told my daughter it would probably not improve and we would probably lose about 31-10. It was worse than that even. For the NO game I turned it off shortly after DJ punted. At least I keep some measure of sanity this way.

  6. I can't believe we let Dick LeBeau walk away from here.


    We didn't let him go, he elected to accept the DC position under Cowher instead of the DC position under Mularkey. As you can see there is no way we could have kept him and he has now won 2 SBs in the process and the Bills haven't made the playoffs in 10 straight years (yes, I'll include this year).


    As far as Jason Peters is concerned had we signed him he would now be injured and Bell would now be playing (since he wouldn't have been injured since Peters would have had to get injured first). So I regret not seeing Bell on the field at this point because we didn't sign JP.

  7. 1. It's d-day. Ralph is now at the point in his life where he needs to make a decision. He's not counting years, he's counting days.


    2. Doesn't have to be Toronto. But I believe they could make that happen. LA isn't out of the realm of possibility either.


    3. Yes Toronto can't sell out a game. BUT, if the team becomes THEIR team and they change the uniforms and logo to THEIR city... they will support the team. Right now they're expected to cheer for an old beat up product that they can't even call their own.


    Ralph doesn't need to move the team to make money. He can't sell the team because of tax consequences. He has to leave this world owning the team to avoid paying all the capital gain taxes since 1960 (nearly a billion dollars worth of capital gains). The best understanding would be that he wants to minimize costs to maximize yearly profits and also set up his heirs to make a bigger profit on the sale of the team based on the profitability of the team at the time of sale.


    The truth of the matter is that RW is one of the most successful men of our times, financially, in that he started with a fairly small amount and will end up leaving his heirs a billion. Not many people have been able to do that.


    From a football point of view RW is one of the most unsuccessful owners in sports history, owning a team for 50 years and never winning a world championship in the nearly 4 and 1/2 decades that the SB has determined the champion.


    We, as fans, don't share in his financial success (but helped him get it), but take the brunt of the football misery part.



  8. I know at the beginning of last year it would not make sense to put your start RB in that situation but with Jackson playing like he has, Mckelvin out, RP dropping the ball and just getting to the 20 do you think ML could take a kickoff, at least he holds on to the ball well.




    You got to let Parrish return kicks. He doesn't usually fumble and the main value he brings to the team is returning kicks.

  9. No way DJ is fired if they lose to Miami on the road. Some people who may have picked us to finish as high as 9-7 might have also felt we could be only 1-3 after the first 4 games based on the schedule.


    And no way we lose to the Browns at home. We have way more talent than they do and it will be TB all over again, maybe even more one sided than that.


    DJ is a pretty good coach against horrible teams (KC last year). He just is horrid against good teams and mediocre against average teams.

  10. OK, I will make this last statement on the religious aspect and I promise to leave it alone. The fact of the matter is that alot of people try to find ways to justify the way they handle themselves because so and so is doing this or saying that. It's not going to fly when you stand before Christ. All of us will, it's just a matter of whether it's the Judgement Seat where we will receive according to what we've done after being saved or it will be the Great White Throne Judgement where people will receive the full penalty of their choice to live their lives apart from Christ. You will stand all by yourself with no one to heap the blame upon your decisions except the one you faced in the mirror day in and day out. All of these other people will receive according to what God sees, because he judges one's heart. If you think other people are fake and putting on a front then why don't live it out and be one that's real as to help steer the others away from the false. Another thing you need to remember is that no one who walks the face of this earth is perfect, nor do they always say or do the right things. But I have accepted the only one who was perfect, and it's through Jesus sinless perfection that I'm allowed to be renewed and washed clean. Focus on the state of yourself because that's the only one you will be answering for on that day, God will take care of the rest :D


    I agree about all of us needing to stand before Christ, but you did not address the issue that I brought up. I never said that Dungy was faking it as a Christian, etc. I just said when the Belicheat* scandal came up Dungy, when asked, downplayed Belcheat*'s cheating and helped thereby for the league to cover it up as much as possible. If Dungy had stood up then he might well have lost the opportunity to get paid big bucks to be a broadcaster. Dungy helped power triumph over truth and justice. Now when he has absolutely nothing to lose (and some to gain) he suddenly is the TO basher, making it seem like TO lacks character. Belicheat* lacks a lot more character than TO but Dungy wasn't willing to throw his Christian and moral stature against Belicheat* but he is willing against TO. That doesn't mean Dungy is a phony as a Christian. What it does mean is that he wasn't willing to put his Christianity on the line when the stakes were high during the horrible Belicheat* scandal.

  11. I respect people who are Christians and bring their faith into action in their careers. But I think Dungy and other Christians in the media lost all creditability in the way they handled the Belicheat* scandal. Here was someone whose cheating clearly helped him to win games (because Belicheat* is not stupid enough to cheat for no important reason), the league clearly wanted to hush things up and Dungy and other Christians helped with the cover up. That is totally opposed to everything Christianity teaches about how justice should triumph even when the guilty are powerful. Dungy, himself, totally minimized Belicheat's* cheating when asked.


    Now you have TO trying to make the best out of a horribly difficult situation and Dungy plays this moral leader kind of role. Hey pal, where was the moral leader role when Belicheat* was the issue. Power (NFL image, Belicheat*) triumphed over justice then and you were helping with it.

  12. Buffalo's main rivalry is New England. New England's main rivaly isn't Buffalo.


    The sad thing is Buffalo is no one's main rival anymore. We have been insignificant so long no team feels some great thrill if they beat us in a game. But NE* and Belicheat* are such low lifes that I wish bad things to come to them more than to any other team and I want the Bills to beat them more than any other team.

  13. Its amazing how much a good QB correlates to winning in the NFL. Its also amazing that in 50 years the Bills have been led by only 3 great QBs: Kemp, Ferguson, and Kelly. (You could throw Lamonica in there because he and Kemp worked in tandem, but Lamonica had bigger success after he left). And only during the eras of those 3 QBs did the Bill win big, or usually have even winning seasons. I don't think you could call Flutie a great QB even though he was a great leader and gutsy character and did lead us to the playoffs.


    Anyway, the Bills do seem kind of clueless about selecting QBs or even putting a priority on them. TE came in the 3rd round. What about all those selections in the top 15 picks we have had in the last decade? What if we had selected one less DB along the way and went with a QB. Anyway, the Bills get what they pay for in QBs based on the draft priority they give the position.


    And giving up a 1st for Bledsoe was just plain dumb.

  14. I have got to believe that if we lose to the Dolphins AND the Browns, Ralph will not wait any longer to get him out. THere is no reason (except for Dickie J) that we should not be 3-2 after these games, but you can guarantee he will outcoach himself and find a way to lose it. If this is what it takes to get this picture of mediocrity (at best) out of here, then I am all for 2 losses to get it done. I have got ot believe Ralph will be all fired up and hopefully get a head start on looking for the next coach to right this sinking ship. There is no way that a coach who has been 3-12 in his previous 15 games (if they lose the next 2) should be retained for any longer. I am tired of seeing the players look lifeless like their coach and one has to wonder if they secretly feel that wayt also. His actions in the 4th quarter of last week's game might have lost the team for good. This is agaonizing to me as a life-long fan, but I just cannot bear to watch what he is doing with our marginal to good talent we have on this team. Any coach who knows what they are doing and has any fire would have this team in serious playoff contention and not be afraid to make the necessary changes to win and become a WINNER. While I say this about 1-4, I am sure Dickie will pull one win out of his a** to at least keep the dogs off him a bit longer, to which then I say he will be gone by the bye week. I look forward to the feeling of HOPE and POTENTIAL once he is fired, because as long as he is there, I have neither.........


    DJ loses to nearly all teams that finish above .500 but still finishes 7-9 every year. What does that tell us? He generally beats the pitiful teams. It would be extremely unlikely the Bills would lose to the Browns the same way we did not lose to TB. And after the Browns win the spin will be it looks like the offense if finally coming together, etc. So DJ is not likely to get fired during this season unless at say 4-6 the thinking is we cannot reach the playoffs and he should go. My take is RW will at least milk the rest of this season out of DJ even if he heads for another 7-9. If Bobby April or someone is promoted interim HC they probably would have to pay him more right away.

  15. I would only defer if wind was a factor, so as to have at my back in the 4th.


    If not, I take the ball. Defenses are reactive to what I do. I own the snap. On the first series, defensive players are tense, and their bodies have yet to unlimber and get into "game groove."


    Teams scoring on opening drives isn't uncommon.


    This is the key point I think. The wind is usually a factor for home games. Having the wind in the 4th quarter is very important.


    On the road the crowd can be really revved up at the start of a game and fire up a defense if the visiting team has the ball. Of course it can also fire up the home offense if they have the ball.

  16. Strongly agree with this post.


    Sorry Tim. Love your stuff and the time you spend posting on this board, but you don't have a pulse of the Bills fan base if you think we want refunds b/c TO isn't talking the way the press wants him too.


    Bills fans deserve refunds because they all have forked over money year after year for season tickets, merchandise, single game tickets because there is a very subtle threat that if this team doesn't make money it won't be in Buffalo any longer. That of course isn't the overt reason fans spend money on the team, like any other fans we love our team. But, Wilson and Co. have done a tremendous job over the last 10 years of marketing a ****ty product. That is what frustrates me. For the past decade the Bills have shown no signs to their fans that they are committed to winning. Perhaps that would be a better article, on the disease, not just some of the symptoms.


    More on the subject of TO, I think it is totally fair for the media to be upset with a player who is dismissive towards them. As often is the case, players forget their blessings and decide to play the martyr because they perceive the media to be harassing them. That is the way it goes.


    However, there are also certain scenarios when the "we are just doing our job card" doesn't work. I am sort of offended as a Bills fan, that the media is trying to use "Bills fans" as a weapon in their assault of TO. "The fans pay money to hear you talk". All of that stuff. Almost painting a picture of this little 12 year old orphaned kid wearing a TO jersey crying in front of his TV bc Owens isn't answering Jerry Sullivan's questions. The thing is, we don't give a **** about TO's conversations with the media. The Bills as an organization are dealing with far larger dramas than that. Fans just want to win. They don't care if Owens is acting like the class act that everyone knows he will never be. He is not Junior Seau and never will be. That being said, he is doing his best to not rile things up.


    If the media wants to write a story, I suggest writing one about how the NFL treats its small market teams. How the large majority of Detroit Lions fans couldn't watch their team win their first game in 2 years b/c the game wasn't sold out and thus blacked out locally. Or how the first priority of the Bills' FO seems to be "How to keep the team in Buffalo" instead of "How to win football games". Hell, if the media wants to roast someone, let them roast Dick Jauron, Ralph Wilson, Russ Brandon, because they helped put this clown show on the field for the past 3 years. But, don't create a "lipstick on a pig" kind of drama.


    Rant finished.



    I disagree with Tim Graham strongly on what TO owes the media. TO is not involved well in the offense and that is certainly trying to him as it would be to any of us in that situation. TO should not be asked what is wrong with the Bills offense because he is not in charge of designing the offense or calling the plays. All he can say without throwing the coaches and TE under the bus is that he is just running the plays being called. What else could he possibly say? I think TO is trying to handle a difficult situation well and doing the best he can with it.


    I wish Tim Graham could have had the same tenacity with Belicheat* during public interviews during a legitimate scandal involving a major coach as he does with TO. I never heard him try to egg Belicheat* in any way to say something controversial.

  17. As if converting that 4th down would have made a difference in anything? Had it failed, and given the ineptitude of the offense to that point, it was a strong possibility, everyone would have been saying Jauron was an idiot for going for it with the game still close.


    It may be true that converting the 4th down would not have meant anything but we also might have at least moved into FG range to pull to within one score with some decent time left on the clock. Also, I would not have been critical of DJ for trying it and failing because it was what needed to be tried at that point, with the amount of time left. The other thing to remember is that just because the Saints get the ball on our 28 doesn't mean a sure TD. If they get a FG we still only need to scores, just as before.

  18. Sometimes I think DJ is coaching for his next job, DC for a respected team, maybe NE*. He wants to be able to show his defense played well, esp. the secondary, and that he was a level headed coach who didn't make extreme decisions, probably what you want out of a good DC. He doesn't want to get a rep. saying that his last year he became desperate and started taking risky chances because then his next potential employer would think the strain of being a HC made him start to make unsound decisions. That wouldn't look good for him. For a DC position no one will care if he was over careful on offense here.


    Its either all that or he just does really not have a feel for a game and know when you have to take a small risk. Small, because 90% chance you get a half yard on a QB sneak. Also small, because if you don't make it still a great chance to hold NO to a field goal and keep a lot of time on the clock for the needed two scores by the Bills.

  19. WHEN WE GOT RID OF RUSTY JONES. notice how many players are hurt every year since. I know there are gonna be injuries but this is crazy.


    I think the same thing all the time. But I blame Tom Donahoe that his level of incompetence was so high that he could not assess that Rusty Jones was brilliant--the best in the game. He wanted to bring in a former Pittsburgh chum. In respect to things like Rusty Jones I think Brandon is a much better GM than Donahoe, in spite of not having the football background.

  20. By the feel of the game, I thought they should have went for it. You could see your D was starting to tire and falter, and New Orleans was able to start really running the ball on us, but Jauron, since he has no "feel" for the game, let alone his own team decides to put the tired D on the field instead of trying to convert...


    Exactly right. Also QB sneak probably easily gets first down.

  21. I think any sane football fan would agree with Gannon. That being said when someone is a broadcaster who was a former player only a few years ago, it is a somewhat awkward situation. I don't know if he can as a former player just state his frustrations with management in an extreme way and then go into a broadcast booth and be a color analyst for a game of the same team. For that reason few broadcasters who are former players make extremely negative statements about their former teams.


    Anyway, just imagine if we had someone publicly commented that the Bills will never win a SB as long as Wilson is the owner and then go into a booth and broadcast a Bills game (not be a network commentator, but an at game broadcaster). I'm not sure we would not find that annoying as Bills fans even if we agreed with the statement.

  22. First of all Whitner's pick was an overthrow caused by Kyle Williams QB pressure. It wasnt like he jumped a route or did something extraordinary. I just watched the play again on TIVO and the ball was thrown right to him. I like the guy, but let's see the play for what it was.


    Secondly, he was drafted to play strong safety and he got beat out by Scott, who was signed to back up Whitner. He can't play corner so there's only place left for the guy to play, and that's free safety. I personally think Byrd is going to be our starting FS next year, as he has better closing speed and he showed a real knack for INT's during a solid college career.


    Whitner is valuable to the team as an average NFL utility safety, but he's kind of a tweener in terms of size and speed. I don't think he's that good in coverage, but I would rate him as slightly above average as a tackler.


    In my opinion this guy would have been sitting there in the second round for us to get. If he demands a lot of money in his contract year and it doesn't fit our cap strategy for that year I would let him walk and i personally don't think we'd miss a beat.


    I'm going as Whitner on Halloween this year. My girlfriend is going as an NFL tight end and I'm gonna chaser her around all night (and not catch her), my other buddy is going as a cop with a taser (it's a fake one thank god), and my brother is gonna drape himself with 400k worth of fake jewelry and be one of Whit's high character hangout buddies.


    The one thing we would miss with Whitner is that he is one of the few team leaders we have. In that sense Marv make a good pick. What I don't really understand is why all the emphasis on character doesn't also get us a lot of leadership from other players. Leadership is part of character. We have a bunch of high quality character players that are kind of quiet models for other players. TO may not be what one would associate with high character but he is a leader in that he intensely wants to win (and look good himself doing it) and people like TE are afraid to let him down. The most important thing about character in a football sense is that you are a person that other people are afraid to let down. Whitner has made other players accountable but he needs to step up his play to be able to do it long term.

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