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Posts posted by NewHampshireBillsFan

  1. There is no reason not to see Jauron as a very good man. There is also no reason to see him as a coach that can lead an NFL team to a playoff victory.


    He is a nice man who hasn't been that great of a coach. But with AVP as OC, the new talent on the team, I'm going to give him a shot to get us a playoff win this year. OK, the first game they should have told McKelvin to take the ball out (to run off time to the 2 min. warning) but then go down at the first contact, protecting the ball. But isn't that more Bobby April, who most agree is a great coach?


    Anyway, I'm rooting for DJ big time this year to prove my prior thinking wrong, because I'm rooting big time for the Bills to finally get us back to the playoffs. And with Brandon, I have to like most of his moves this year, including the JP trade.

  2. Scott is young, but he has seen action in 22 NFL games (according to WGR this morning), also we have a veteran in Hangartner and a couple of very eager-to-knock-some-heads rookies that seem like they don't really need an inspirational leader as much as they just need someone to point them in the right direction so they can go kick butt.


    So true. After signing Dockery, Walker, Fowler and the like I'm not that excited about signing any more "veteran" lineman to help the young guys. Dockery's salary helped JP to holdout and basically force a trade. Thirty one other teams have passed on Runyan and Levi Jones. And some of them have very respected personnel departments. For once, let us trust the FO on this one.

  3. well they lost to the 2007 Giants...


    really though to compare you need to act as though those same players were players in the early 90s rather than as they are in the late 00s, or vice versa.


    Jim Ritcher, a great guard, played at around 270 lbs. Jeff Wright at noseguard was around 270 as well. Even Kent Hull was only 284. Those guys would be considered dangerously undersized today. The guys back then that were 310 or over - like Ballard and Glenn Parker - were kind of more like big fat guys rather than the athletes at that size you see today.


    Fitness science and nutrition has very much changed the players - the size/speed ratio is just drastically different today.



    The difference is size of players does make comparisons between eras so difficult. When you go back to the electric company of the 70's that got OJ all those yards the OL had players that were as low as 235 and 245-250 was quite common.


    Another major issue is that one or two great players can raise the level for everyone else. If you put Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas in their early '90s prime into our current lineup we might be talking SB even with the young OL. What if Kelly was throwing to TO and Evans instead of TE and what if TE was the QB throwing to Reed, Lofton, and Beebe. And Thurman was a rare talent who was a fantastic runner, receiver, and blocker. Kelly said the Thurman Thomas's versatility was the key to being able to run the K-gun. It is easy to forget how fantastic Thurman was. I remember one game against Miami where the linebacker had Thurman wrapped up a yard short of a first down with both arms completely around Thurman. First of all Thurman refused to go down and then slowly twisted his body around completely and fell backwards past the first down marker. The sheer strength of Thomas was never fully appreciated.

  4. If I were a Saints fan I would be hoping to come up to Buffalo and sneak out with a close win. With the defense the Bills have they will not give up some huge amount of points to NO, playing in our own stadium, and we will definitely score some points on them. I'm personally somewhat nervous about the game but it is more than idiotic to think the Saints will come in and put a bad beating on us. That ain't going to happen. It makes the Saints fans look stupid to talk that way. Well, they will be humbled after Sunday, I think.

  5. Owens- 3 catches total 53 yards.

    1 catch 43 yard

    2 catches 5 yards each


    then he has the cojones to strut the sidelines like a Bantam rooster


    That's leadership. And its a sign of things to come this year. The most TD's a WR has ever caught for the Bills in a season is 11 and TO could surpass that this year. Also there was a lot of pressure on TO after that big drop so the strutting was also a sign of relief that he WAS going to come through for this team with all the expectations on his shoulders.

  6. I don't respect Jauron - I think he's the most incompetent coach in the league. But I heard the 70 second voicemail, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was the corniest, most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Like Fireman Ed is going to stand up, "c'mon JETS fans!! Rex wants us to cheer more!!!" lol how !@#$ing lame.


    There was a time when going to play in Buffalo was considered a brutal place to play, partly because of the crowd noise. It was usually compared to a fanatical college environment. I'd like to think most of our fans still feel that way. Now, whether the HC should be the one to rev up the crowd may be open to debate.

  7. Jauron isn't a bad coach because of what he says to the press. He's a bad coach because of how he coaches on gameday.


    Who gives a rat's ass what he says if the team wins? And who cares what he says if the team loses?


    You miss the point when you point out meaningless crap like this.


    Jim Kelly said it bothered him that when he came into the locker room on Mondays he could not tell if the team had won or lost based on the mood in the locker room. I don't see that happening with Rex Ryan's teams. I also don't care what DJ says to the press. I care about what he says publicly to the opponent. When you have lost 12 straight games there should be nothing polite in what you say about the other team after the game. All you have to say is we will do everything we possibly can to win the next game, nothing will be off limits.

  8. Rex Ryan sounds like a !@#$ing idiot. I hope Belicheck shuts him up.


    Rex Ryan sent a 70 second personally recorded message asking season ticket holders to do all they could to help the Jets and intimidate the Patsies* with crowd noise, etc. Wouldn't you like DJ to do that instead of constantly praising the Patsies* before and after every loss--12 in a row. Belicheat* has done nothing but cheat and run up the score on DJ when he has gotten the chance. I'll take Rex Ryan every time to DJ in the way he deals with Belicheat*. I live in NE*. No one here in any way respects DJ, the Bills, or the Bills fans for anything. At least with Ryan they know they will have a tough adversary 2 games a year, year after year, win or lose. Ryan will force them to respect him. I'm glad Brady said talk is cheap because the Jets will try to make him pay with a few good shots which the Bills didn't get on him.

  9. Um, perhaps you should wait until the play the actual game. As Tom Brady said, "Talk is cheap." It's amazing how impressed some of you are by press conferences.


    See this is how I look at it. When you lose 12 in a row no one gives you credit that you were a gentleman about it. I don't think the Bills should say we are going to kick the Patsies* butts the next time we play them. They should at least sound like they are willing to be as brutal as necessary to try to win.

  10. "I never came here to kiss Bill Belichick's rings," Rex Ryan said on WFAN radio in June. "I came to win, let's put it that way. So we'll see what happens. I'm certainly not intimidated by New England or anybody else."


    We lost Monday night. Sure the Bills could have won but we are now 0 for 12 against the lowlife Patriots*. I love Rex Ryan's attitude and the attitude he brings to the Jets. Ryan and the Jets are my best hope to put Brady* down for the count. I HATE how polite our whole team is to the cheating Patsies*, before and after every loss to them.

  11. Reflexively always root against the Pats*, kind of like the Dolphins in the 70's. Injuries are a bonus. Anyway, the point is no matter how annoying the Jets have been with some of their wins against us, we need to get past the Pats* to win this division. I believe the Bills have had a worse record than the Pats in every one of the 9 years we have not made the playoffs. We have been ahead of the Jets several times in the last 9 years.

  12. 1. Wide Right: Giants Super Bowl 1991 (My seat was pretty lousy and I actually thought the kick was good!)

    2. Home Run Throwback: Titans Playoffs 2000 (Titans score on forward lateral on kickoff after “winning” touchdown drive by Bills)

    3. Harmon's Drop: Cleveland Playoffs 1990 ((Harmon's dropped pass in the end zone on the potentially winning play)

    4. New England Nightmare: MNF 2009 (McKelvin fumbles the kickoff with 2:00 left and the Bills up by 5)

    5. Dallas Debacle: MNF 2007 (Cowboys recover onside kick and hit 53 yard field goal to win the game)

    6. Cleveland Collapse: MNF 2008 (Cleveland makes a 56 yard field goal with a minute left, Buffalo misses a 47 yard field goal at the end of the game)

    7. Season Opener 2004 (Jags win on last play, Leftwich to Wilford after Clements should have knocked down an earlier pass and killed the drive)

    8. Season Opener 2007 (Elam and the Broncos field goal unit scrambled onto the field to convert a 42-yard attempt just as time ran out)

    9. Losman’s Last Laugh 2008 (Bills are running out the clock, Losman fumbles on a bootleg and Jets run it back for winning TD)

    10. Fill in the blank



    This is really an impressive list when you think about all the different ways you can blow a game.


    Go Bills.



    Great list for recent years. Three very painful losses from previous years:


    1.) 1979 game in rain at OP where Dempsey missed a 20 yard FG that would have won the game after Joe Ferguson marched them up the field at the end to win. The rain had stopped and there was no reason Dempsey should have missed the FG. The sun came out just to see the hated Fish jumping up and down in glee on the other side of the field (where I was sitting). The streak reached 19 losses in a row and 20 with the loss later that year.


    2.) The playoff loss in SD in 1980, partially caused by bad officiating (how often is that the case), not one bad call but many marginal ones all against the Bills. Had we won that game we probably would have won the SB. The conf. champ. would have been Oakland at Buffalo and we had already beaten Oakland 24-7 earlier in the year and knocked Plunkett out with an injury. Oakland went on instead to win the SB since they didn't have to face us again.


    3.) 32-14 (I believe) loss to the Steelers (1974) in our ONLY, that is right ONLY, playoff game in the 70's. Although OJ did well the Steelers had no trouble against us at home (we could have had a home playoff game except that we lost 2 to the Fish, one with another horrible call on Buffalo). That was it for a full decade of being a Bills fan, 10 years of futility with one lopsided playoff loss.


    Wait a minute at least we had a playoff game in the 70's. From the 2000 to 2008 seasons no playoffs. We have only this season to get one in, unless you count the game played in Jan. 2000 when we lost to the Titans.

  13. Buggs is a guy who could fill in for 2 maybe 3 games and do a respectable job of holding down the fort. If he has to fill in for 4 or more games than he will get exposed because he is a back up for a reason. I really want the Bills to go after a guy like Derrick Johnson he can fill in quickly and take over at OLB once Poz comes back. If Buggs has to start till Poz comes back than we might be in trouble.


    Most teams don't do that. Most teams don't go out and sign a new player every time a starter goes down for several weeks. That is what the backups are for and then maybe someone from the practice squad or someone cut earlier comes in as the new back up. There are exceptions, of course, especially when there is a good veteran sitting out there not playing. But if you look at any of the injuries that occurred the first week that are serious, few teams will go out and sign a completely new player that was not cut earlier.

  14. Another thing I forgot to mention is coaching and how the Patriots have good coaching and the Bills don't, which I think is obvious. Monday night was exhibit Z (to go along with exhibits A-Y from the past 3 years) as to why this coaching staff will NEVER win a SB, and even winning a playoff game, should they get the team there, is highly questionable. McKelvin should have been told "return the kick no matter what, take 6 seconds off from the clock, and get down."



    Agree. That is exactly what should have been said and why wasn't it? McKelvin should not have been as stupid as he was. On replay it is almost agonizing watching him try to strain for an extra yard!!!! Then the fumble.

  15. New England got the ball at the 29 with 2 minutes left and 3 timeouts. The game like it or not was going to be decided then and there. Yes I wanted us to stop them, but should they have scored I wanted it as quick as possible so we get a chance with the ball again and time on the clock.


    So do we use the timeouts earlier (and give the defense a break or discuss the defense) so we have 1:30 or just let NE use the clock like they did?


    Point was, the Bills were actually lucky that they still had 51 seconds and a chance for a field goal....


    Calling TOs when NE had the Ball is certainly a possibility. The problem is then NE can shorten their game and just go for a first down instead of the endzone. They could even run the ball to get 5 or 6 yards on a play. So I think you got to get your defense to stop a team from scoring 6 points from 29 yards out with just over two minutes to go and not give NE* more time to work with. Actually the odds should be pretty good for the defense, over 50%, especially with only 2 minutes left. Of course Brady* is a tough QB to have going against you at that point and you know the refs aren't going to call any holding on NE*, etc.

  16. Thanks





    I'm thinking the same thing too. I guarantee you that if the league took a close look at their records there would be a lot of crap going on with that in Pets* land. They've cheated other ways, why not this one. I've heard that Belichicken is loathe to release that information.



    So true, so true. I live in NE* and even all the sports media people joke about Belicheat* and injury reports. They know that Belicheat* takes liberties on it almost every week and no one in the NFL calls them out on it. Goodell reeks. I don't care if he is from Jamestown. Goodell reeks. He might as well have grown up in Boston.

  17. I didn't think T.O was avoiding a jam when I watched the replay last night. I thought he was just fed up with being doubled all game and decided "I'm going to get open, dammit!" :thumbsup: But yeah, that could be debatable for sure.


    Not that Randy Moss plays the same type of game exactly as TO, but IF Randy Moss had made the play TO did he would not have been called for offensive pass interference. That is the truest definition of biased officiating for borderline calls, think of the play reversed and think whether the call would have been made. For example the refs were going to call PF on either team that roughed a QB, but no way do they call OPI on Moss.

  18. I posted this on another thread and it got some positive feedback, so I thought I would share it with everyone.


    I want to be optimistic too, and I agree with the previous analyses about the young players performance last night. Here's the problem - most games in the NFL are close, yet some teams win consistently and others lose consistently. Guess which one the Bills are? Last night wasn't about talent, and most NFL games are not decided on talent because there is too much parity in the league. Go position by position - the pats are clear cut winners at QB, nose tackle, and probably LT. On the flip side, the Bills have better "talent" at RB and DB. A lot of the other positions are pretty much even.


    The difference is coaching and players playing smart football. The Pats players are COACHED to do things like rip the ball out if you're the second guy in on a tackle, and they also happen to have the presence of mind to actually do it in important situations. Likewise, Mckelvin wasn't COACHED to do the smart thing, or atleast he didn't have the football smarts to do it. He's clearly a superior athlete to the Pats return men, but his decision making was bad and it cost the Bills the game.


    Take the 3 close games this past weekend: Denver/Cinci, Buffalo/NE, and San Diego/Oakland. The perennial winners won and the bumbling Bills, Bengals, and Raiders lost. Coincidence? I think not. All the winning teams have superior coaching and players that play smart football.


    That is why Parcells's famous statement is so true: "your record is what it is". The Pats* are 1-0, the Bills 0-1. I guess the good news is there are 15 games to go and the Bills may win quite a few, if they start to minimize stupid loser mistakes like not protecting the ball on a KO return. Not doing anything stupid to lose a game is a lot more important than doing something brilliant to win a game.


    Sorry for rambling, and again I really hope the great performances of the young guys is evidence of things to come this season. But honestly, I don't think their culture of losing will change until superior coaching is brought in. It's been said before, but this past weekend really exemplified that theory.


    We need to change the culture of losing. What Parcells said is so true in football: "your record is what it is". There are no excuses or moral victories. It is also a lot worse to lose a game by idiotically trying to get one more yard and fumbling than for another team to go 80 yards in a couple of minutes and win against you. Losing by stupidity is much worse than losing in any other way.

  19. In the NFL, teams that are improving show they can play with the big boys, but then find a heartbreaking way to lose, because of inexperience, etc. The next step is they start to finally close out the game with a win.


    The problem is for 10 years or more (Music City Miracle onward) we keep coming back to the first step (after some dismal seasons and games) of almost winning, but we never get to the step where we finally win against the good teams. Will we ever get to that step again!!!!!


    Coaches, players, and fans all have this in common in Buffalo: :thumbsup:<_<:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: + 2 more (won't allow more than 10 wallbashes)


    12 in a row losses to the most despicable cheating* football team to ever infest this world, with the most annoying fans in the world. Even my 15 year old daughter can't stand the smirk of NE* fans any longer.

  20. The team looks like it will play well enough this year for Jauron to keep his job. The only way he loses his job if the team falls apart and the opposite looks the case tonight. The team will probably improve as the young line jells and other players develop and Mckelvin is made to understand you don't fight for that last yard in a situation where you cannot fumble.


    Even if the team goes 8-8 Jauron stays because a case can be made that the team is very close.

  21. It was a makeup call for the bad one on that fat scumbag Wilfork.


    It was a makeup call, but the Wilfork call was fine. He clearly went for Trent below the waist and that is illegal. Part of the reason it was made illegal was due to Wilfork purposefully trying to injure QBs like JP by hitting them low. So of all people Wilfork needs to be called for that and Wilfork should be extra careful knowing he is going to be called. And don't go by the imbeciles calling the game for ESPN. Just because they say the call was bogus against Wilfork doesn't make it bogus. They just don't understand the rule. Believe me on this, when the officials call a penalty on NE* they are very careful about it because they are intimidated by NE*.

  22. When a streak of 12 games like this occurs, always look for the officiating to be some factor, not the only factor of course. Look at the 20 game streak in the 70's the Dolphins had against the Bills. Only an imbecile would say that officiating was not an important factor in that streak. Remember the time against Miami that RW kicked the referees room door in after the game to complain about the terrible calls against the Bills and was fined $10,000 (a lot of money in those days).

  23. You HAVE TO wonder. Seriously, especially highly televised games with lots of money on the line. You just can't give the favored team THAT MANY advantages.


    2 penalties on an offensive tackle lining up off the ball is RIDICULOUS. THEY ARE OFF THE BALL EVERY PLAY OF THE GAME.


    TO's offensive pass interference call was bogus. That was within 5 yards, and corners can hit receivers. Donte's late hit call was very weak. And the holding call on Shawn Nelson was debatable as well.


    Come on, this is getting to be too much for us fans.


    It always happens against NE* and it clearly helped them get the little edge they needed. We could still have won if Leodis doesn't fumble, but it is sad you have to both beat the Patsies* and the officials. Could you imagine the TO offensive pass interference call against NE*. No. Someone please find when the last offensive pass interference call went against NE*. I would expect it might be years since they had that type of call.

  24. Exactly. This is how negotiations are done.


    "I'm going back into the draft."

    "Well, go ahead."


    And then a week later a contract is signed.


    The people who believe him are probably the people who believed Jason Peters when he said he wasn't lowering his offer anymore. Hello, that's what you're supposed to say.


    He'll sign this year, I have to believe Crabtree's smart enough to figure out, eventually, that that is simply his best option.


    True. It is all part of negotiations. Never go by what someone says but what actually happens in the end. SF has NO choice but to sign him or trade his rights away. Crabtree is not the idiot here. This system of signing top draft pick rookies is what is idiotic.

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