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Everything posted by noplayoffsagain

  1. i hope they arent satisifed with just TO. I liked Peterson, but i also like June. Get a LB signed.....
  2. Loved getting TO, but let's not stop there. We've had a few good LB's in town. Go sign Cato June or Mike Peterson. Don't leave LB for the draft. Too many other needs to get addressed at the draft..
  3. hocknod, i'm here.. I absolutely love the signing. After sitting on their hands since the start of FA they made the biggest splash of the off season. Ralph put his money where his mouth is, and the team has life. But they can't just stop there and leave the rest to the draft. Too many holes to fill. This is not a playoff team...They need to grab one of those LB's they've had in, preferrably June or Peterson. They need a G, DE and TE. PLus they have Jauron, cant forget that. But as far as TO, it ws a great start
  4. By getting TO, Ralph is obviously looking for some publicity and trying to sell some more tickets, but I feel he's also telling Jauron that you better make the playoffs this year.. I love the move, especially for a 1 year deal. But now Ralph you have to be more aggressive in FA and add more parts to the team. It's not a playoff team yet...Get Peters deal done. Then go get yourself a LB, either Mike Peterson or Cato June to fill that hole. Or if you are looking for a short term answer, make a call to Derrick Brooks. I think he can still play at a high level for 1 or 2 more years. Take care of LB before the draft. Also, OL needs to be addressed. When Pace gets released i'd call his agent and see what he's looking for. I know we need a G more than tackle, but you can shuffle players around. they did it at the beginning of last year. I think TE and DE are the focus positions at the draft. Whether you take a Pettigrew in the 1st or a DE, then you flip flop positions in the 2nd. I think Ralph wanted to get the fans excited, but there still are a ton of holes to fill before they will be playing in January again..
  5. L Coles wasn't the answer, especially at 7 mil per. That i agree with. But come on, you can't tell me that Canty or Scott wouldn't have filled a major hole on this team.They got fair market value. and the Bills are way under the cap. Make a play for them, act like you want to win. And you say they have a ton of talent, where??? They have 1 good WR, 2 good RB's and a good punter. what else? A DE or 2, a G, and a TE away???? Are you kidding? who is playing LB, Ellison? they won't end well...And you are counting this backup from Carolina as our solution at C. They downgraded cornerback too losing Greer. McKelvin better be ready to play there. And another note, got to like how they didn't bring in any real competition for Edwards at backup QB. Typical Bills move. They could have went for a Garcia or Leftwich, someone proven that could have played for them if the Trent Edwards of the 2nd half of last year showed up next year. Instead they bring in this Fitzpatrick who couldn't get the ball to Housh and Chad Johnson last year. Dont push Trent, just settle for whatever he gives you good or bad next year.
  6. What are the fans to make of these jokers? You have the owner come out and say after he told us that he's bringing back our incompetent coach, that the team doesnt have enough talent to compete....Well Ralph, that's what FA is for. And what have they done. Got worse at CB from Greer to Florence. Got worse on the OL from Dockery to Hangartner(ok, debatable), and i think i'd rather have JP than Fitzpatrick. No TE, no LB, no pass rush help. They keep running players in and out for visits, but no signings...THe FA pool is running dry very quickly. And why is it in a salary cap league that i know whenever there is a top player available i dont even let the idea cross my mind that the player would be a Bill. Haynesworth, Scott, Ray Lewis, Housh, etc...Not even a thought by the Bills, and not even a realistic thought by the fans because we know it isn't going to happen. Are we the Pittsburgh Pirates of the NFL or are we all dealing with the same cap? This team has so many holes that cant all be filled by the draft. And the way they draft who would have the confidence in them that they know what they are doing anyways in the draft...Ex. McCargo, Hardy, Witner, etc.... The rest of the AFC is getting better, teams like Denver, KC, the Jets...How can the Bills give us nothing again? when will it be enough for the fans...They are as irrelevant in the league as Cincy and Detroit.
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