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Posts posted by IHFO

  1. And to address you, you shortsighted sheep who thinks ESPN actually knows wtf they are talking about...


    only the Saints and Colts won thier superbowls with poor run stopping ability...Steelers (two years) and Giants had top ten run defenses no passing attack and a good run game...and who did those three beat?...Steelers beat the Cards a pass first team...Giants beat Brady's ridiculous best passing team EVER in the history of football...steelers beat the seahawks...both were run first teams, and both had top five rushing defenses...Roethlisberger and Hasselbeck were ehhh QB's statistically that year as well Hasselbeck threw a whopping 18 tds and 2500 yards...quite frankly SAME STATS AS THE BILLS QBS COLLECTIVELY THIS SEASON...and Roethlisberger threw 17 and only 2400 yards...again WORSE THAN THE BILLS THIS SEASON...so...lets stop being ignorant little sheep doing what ESPN tells us...and LOOK FOR OURSELVES....


    Yeah so come at me with the saints...all day fine...but they still had a top ten RO as well...and beat a Colts team that was also a pass first team...


    The only pass first team to beat a run first team in the past five years has been the Colts win over the Bears...and the stats show that even the Bears rellied more heavily on the pass with Rex Grossman...thier rushing offense was 14th and thier passing offense was fifteenth...so they were more balanced than a run first team...and thier defense was ranked in the top ten...so they were like half of the "run and stop the run" profile...thier best back averaged 75 yards a game...good but not great...


    So in conclusion...Run/Defense versus Pass in the past five years is 3-0...Pass versus Pass 1-1...Pass versus Run 0-3...balance versus pass 0-1...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is THAT relevant enough for you????

    he doesn't care about your facts and stats that prove him wrong only about his opinions and rumors that prove him right..don't try arguing with him you'll get nowhere, he wants a QB and that's that

  2. Yeah, So supposedly Todd McShay said the Bills had a great draft last year! Yippie...but could you imagine if the Bills instead last year would have selected Bryan Orakapo and Clay Matthews? We could have Orakapo fell right in our laps and was the highest rated DE by far. Yet, we selected the severely undersized and immature Aaron Maybe Maybin!! Don't tell me that Paul Pozinjury (Penn State) didn't have some input on that selection either!! I would have loved to made the picks the past decade armed only with a few NFL Draft guides, a ream of paper, a pen, and a computer I could have done

    so much better than Modrak and the other fools that were part of Bills Management! :thumbsup:

    both of em? :thumbsup: share how...that's right you are a scouting genius and should be hired...call up OBD dude tell em how smart you are!

  3. I agree. I don't understand why, with their attempts to make the Bills regional, they don't bring in more UB & Syracuse players. Especially when it comes to bringing in street free agents after the draft.


    Someone who is not a Bills fan but goes to Syracuse could become a Bills' fan if they added a Syracuse player.


    It happened out here in Northern California. When the Bills drafted Edwards, a Bills Booster Club was formed in his hometown of Los Gatos, CA.


    Only UB player I remember the Bills bringing in was Drew Haddad.

    Because UB and Syracuse doesn't really have any legit NFL talent...i mean i guess to bring them TO TRY to compete as 3rd stringers would be okay but to bring them in because of where they went to school is so !@#$ing stupid...people need to stop worrying about where players went to school and worry about how talented they are...seriously if you want the bills to be worse then they are right now just sign the whole damn UB and syracuse teams then...for the sake of nostalgia

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