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Posts posted by IHFO

  1. Trees can never be replaced!!


    It's not like they grow on....oh, oops.



    Anyway, where will the future leaders of Alabama society gather after their football victories now??

    Comments like this really bother me. It's not so much the trees being killed, it's the fact that people feel it's now acceptable to destroy something that doesn't belong to you. If you wanna kill trees kill the trees you actually own, not somebody else's. sick.

  2. From what I have read this is the type of guy you want owning your team. Has the money, wants to win - the only ones who screw this up are the guys who think they know the sport like Snyder or Jones in the NFL or Cuban in the NBA as examples. As a Sabres fan it what we have been waiting for. What I don't get is the call to get rid of Ruff- there is a reason the Canadian Olympic team put him on the staff and it's not because he's a bad coach.

    Cuban shouldn't be compared to those two, he's a much better owner. Pegula reminds me of Cuban and I hope he spends just like him. Dallas has one of the best teams in the NBA every year.

  3. People hate on Mort and think he has a grudge against the Bills because he hates on the team ever since Tommy boy was let go. Someone tell me what exactly the bills have done since that day. Poster boy marv didn't get this team to the playoffs and more and more of his draft picks are being cut/let go. Maybe Mort just knows that the people we have hired to run the football operations were a complete joke and he was completely right to rip this team. Now that we have people in place who are capable of doing their jobs he's coming around, maybe that's it.

  4. You say it doesn't give you comfort but it obviously does because you are obviously trying to justify the bills ****ty drafting. So you feel okay about the bills ****ty drafting because other teams suck at it too? really? well at least we aren't the only ones guys, the chiefs suck too..but that's not comforting. :rolleyes:

  5. It's horrible, but we see it all the time. People speeding and driving recklessly on a donorcycle believe they are invincible.

    i beg to differ, being a person who has a motorcycle and my father has 2 we can both tell you the majority of the time people in cars dont even look for motorcycles..i\t was probably her fault, it even says she pulled in front of him people do not look for motorcycles they just dont and it's sad i know people whpo have ;lost their lives way too young because of idiots in cars..you should look 3, 4, or 5 times before pulling into traffic.


    donorcycle :pirate: here's another kool little fun fact, unless those witnesses has a radar gun they don't know he was speeding...motorcycles look like they are going faster then they actually are because they are smaller compared to a car and ;louder which gives the impression they are blowing past you...i'm not saying all people that have motorcycles don't speed but there is no way to know exactly how fast he was going unless his speedometer was frozen upon the impact

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