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Everything posted by DPowlus

  1. I believe that was Don Cornelius. You were pretty close though, seeing as how "P" & "C" are close to one another in the alphabet. You've done your username justice. P.P.S. Please will the folks in Indiana stop the inbreeding. Thanks a bunch.
  2. Osama Bin Laden is dead according to "reliable" sources, Pakistan is our amigo according to reliable sources and we own our homes but not the land they sit on, that too comes from a pretty reliable source. Any thoughts?
  3. We as "American's" really hate Arabs don't we? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being serious. The last sixty year they've taken the shaft for the most part, which is what creates/breeds/nurishes terrorism right? I also don't think "They" like it being called the Middle East, to them it's Central I suppose. In any event we're a racist nation that imposses our power/beliefs/agendas upon others because we can and even though it'd be wonderful for us to suddendly grow a heart (without our pockets growing mind you) but it's not going to happen. We're going to be at war with these fellas for a considerable amount of time more, they're not going anywhere and we're just sitting here on the porch whispering to ourselves about the different faces moving into the neighborhood. So, as I close the screened door... God Bless America (My God is #1 and yours can't hit a curveball) P.S. ATTENTION People of New Jersey, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Alabama, Texas and Utha STOP SAYING MY GOD IS BETTER THAN YOURS! If your religion is based upon a Monotheistic foundation then stop acknowloging "Other Gods", it makes you sound ignorant and thus makes people who too believe in the "One God" concept look stupid too, thanks.
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