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Posts posted by Amstel

  1. As far as the Refs helping them I can think of a couple of times they beat the Bills where very questionable calls helped them win. Anyone remember a barely concious receiver fumble the ball after Keion Carpenter drilled him and because it rolled and touched his knee he retained possesion....and the "tuck rule" is total BS even though they won they should never have been in that SB. Outside of those few calls I think they're a great team. I can't stand Brady because I'm tired of looking at his face and hearing all the sportscasters gush over him. I know he's that good I'm just tired of hearing about it kind of like how they make excuses for Farve all the time. Regardless of the outcome of the season if the Bills can win the game at Foxboro it would be huge. I think having gotten rid of Drew will help. I'm sure there were many reasons why but the Pats had his number big time....

  2. For me it depends on the venue I'm watching the game at. If I watch at McFadden's in NYC then it's LaBatts if I watch at the local bar it's whatever swill they have on special if I watch at home then Spaten Munich Oktoberfest. Even though the Oktoberfest beers are out in full force at the liquor stores it seems a little too warm still for me to be drinking them......

  3. I wish Jerry had retired a while ago. His image has taken a hit with the fiasco wearing Largent's 80 in Seattle and bitching about the 49ers not signing him to come back for a farewell season. He is the greatest of all time. Aside from his talent he was great because he worked harder than anyone in the offseason. Moss may be great but he'll never be in the same league as Rice because of his attitude and lack of heart. I hear Jerry needed the money which is why he opted for another season. If that's true he must've squandered a lot of money. Even if his biggest contract(s) weren't very big by today's standards he still made 20yrs of NFL salary........

  4. You make a very good point. There are a lot of things we don't see. Their attitudes at practice how they fit in with their teammates etc. Chemistry is a big part of it. In Shula's last year with the Fins they went on a FA spending spre and had something ridiculous like 20+ former first round picks on that team. They didn't go very far because they were a bunch of mercenaries and didn't jell as a team. Sorry if I'm not making too much sense I just woke up

  5. I was surprised by the fact that we only kept 3 DE's but Glenn made the point that Bannon doubled as a DT/DE last year and NodNarb made the point that Posey can fill in at DE which I remember Mularkey pointing out during camp and Nod also pointed out that Stamer can fill in at Posey's LB position..........7WR's.....Damn ST must be a factor (obviously) All in all I have no doubts. I trust Mularkey's decisions............

  6. If we got fleeced so badly by dropping a number one on DB the Fins didn't do much better. We at least got 3 seasons out of DB they gave up a number two and got one really bad season out of Feeley.....not that DB's seasons were the greatest but 8-8, 6-10, 9-7 are better than 4-12 or whatever the Fins were last year

  7. Ok here's what I did:


    Normally I delete cookies, temporary files and clear my history every couple days. Well that hasn't worked. I went through AOL into settings, internet options then clicked on the AOL Browser tab and cleared out the Web Accelerator on the bottom. It worked. Now I'm going to call them. I'll end up speaking to someone in Mumbai. I think that's where their call center is.

  8. For the last few days every time I try to visit TBD I get a blank page that says "test" in the upper left hand corner. This has happened before but never lasted long and I had figured the server was down. I can get onto TBD at work no problem. I'm home now I'm remoted in to my computer at work and I can get onto TBD. However, if I minimize my remote desktop connection and try to get onto TBD through AOL I get that blank page. Would anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening and how I can correct it?


    Thank you!

  9. The counterfeit tickets look just like the real ones. BE CAREFUL! I'm not kidding. I've bought concert tix from scalpers for years. I never had a problem was always able to get decent seats w/o paying too much. Last summer I bought tix to a show they looked perfect even the back of the tix had all the written disclaimers and even an ad. I got to the door and they wouldn't scan. They brought me inside and tried it again. They were very nice and felt bad but never-the-less I didn't get in. Just a little FYI......I will never again buy tix from a scapler because of this....

  10. "I used to think that the day would never come I'd see delight in the shade in the morning sun


    My morning sun is a drug that brings me near to a childhood I lost replaced by fear"


    not too obvious


    Second one-


    "Exit the warrior today's Tom Sawyer he gets high on you and the energy you trade he gets right onto the friction of the day"


    kind of stereotypical for a Rush fan I guess


    Last one-

    "I've been sitting here bout half the night mama fill my cup up

    I came to waste some time I think I'm gonna jump up"


    Classic VH

  11. I don't think the move makes sense for the Bills. The only reason I could see them doing it is if Sam Adams contract is up after this season (I'm not sure it is.) I can see them trading for Simon to replace Adams. However, other than the age factor it would probably be cheaper to resign Adams than give Simon the big contract he wants. If the Bills were that concerned with replacing Pat and didn't think Edwards/Anderson could get the job done they would've signed someone in the offseason. On top of all that I'm sure the Bills are aware of his conditioning as PhillyGirl pointed out.

  12. I don't think Moulds is done at all. The guy is in phenomenal shape he follows the same regimen that Jerry Rice used. He had 1000 yards last year and add Roscoe to the mix it's going to be hard for defenses to double Moulds w/o exposing themselves so I look for him to have another big year. Even though I hear JP and Evans seem to have more chemistry I look for Moulds and JP to develop chemistry as Moulds is the Veteran and will be in the right place when plays break down.

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