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Posts posted by Amstel

  1. I had directv from 99 to 2003. It was great. I moved exactly 8 games into the 2003 season. My new Landlord wouldn't let me have a dish (even though his parents directly above me had a dish bigger than my car) so I had to go back to cable. I've since moved and still have cable (becuase it's part of a year long packeage including internet connection and phone with unlimited local and ld calling) but I miss directv and their prices were MUCH better than cable for regular programming outside of NFL games. I had no outages either. The service was good

  2. I'm so tired of this crap. The Bills have a better record than the Fins and the Ravens are in 1st place in their division. Yet the other game is being shown. Three weeks ago when the Bills played the Jets in the late game they showed the Pats Fins game OPPOSITE the Giants game yet when the Bills are playing opposite the Giants the Bills are not shown on CBS......I had Directv and will have it again next year but this is such nonsense....

  3. I was just watching the "Flavor of Love" the "reality" show with Flavor Flav (don't ask the Woman was watching it) and I'm looking and thinking he looks like somebody....He looks like Willis. Well he's older so Willis looks like him (w/o the dental work) but....


    anyone agree?

  4. As tempted as I am to say the team is in disarray- Marv's out of touch Ralph's lost it and we have no Coach..........I have trust and faith (perhaps blindly) that it will work out. I for one was Thrilled when TD came to town. This was a during a time we all thought Ralph lost his mind yet he still got him in. His results aside, at the time he was a very logical choice. I don't think there's any great Coaches out there right now. You've got the ones (Mangini etc) who could be the next great ones and the ones who didn't do so hot the first time around (Haslett, Sherman etc.) Who do you pick? I don't know. I wish I knew. As much as I LOVE football Investment Management is my business........(No I'm not a FA or anything like it)

  5. Everyone is quick to harp on Marv for not having GM experience. Does anyone think that Marv's HC experience will help? For one, no one knows how involved Ralph or TD were in certain coaching decisions. If Marv feels a need to get involved in HC decisions or game decisions at least he's been there and done that. Also, as others have pointed out- if MM tanks it next season we'll have a HC in house to take over midseason (if necessary.) Form your own opinions about the situation but everyone seems to be pointing out the experience he doesn't have and discounting the experience he has. There's been plenty of HC's who double as GM. He's been a HC and now he's doing the GM thing......just not at the same time

  6. I agree with Matt. I actually wrote to Donahoe twice and received hand written responses from him within a week. If that isn't good relations with the Fans I don't know what is. I understand the confiscating of signs and Donahoe perhaps being a little testy and the very end but what do you expect? The whole thing was blowing up in his face I would expect that type of reaction. But overall I thought he did a great job in relation to being good to the fans

  7. I guess I have to add my two cents in to this thread (as if anyone cares.) I admit I love Marv. With that said, I do have my reservations about him. However having read ALL of the posts I think the most logical point of view and how I belive it's meant to work is having everything delegated. It seems like Ralph is going 180 degrees from the "Structure" he had with Donahoe. And as you remember he kept referring to "restructuring." I think Marv will "oversee" things. I think Modrak will be the key scouting/evaluation guy. Overdorf will be the negotiator and Brandon will be the "business" guy dealing with marketing and putting asses in the seats. Will it work? I don't know. Each team has their way of doing it some work well and others don't. I guess if Modrak and staff can scout out the right rookies and the new pro player guy (whomever that will be) can scout the pros and Mularkey and Marv can work together and figure out whom they need and at what price they're willing to pay to get them it could turn out well. Then again even if Mularkey's given the "ingredients" he wants to cook the meal, if the recipe sucks then it doesn't matter....for now I'm going to remain positive that it will work out. I'm at least hoping we get some real offensive linemen that would be a step in the right direction.....

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