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Posts posted by sabrecrazed

  1. They were required to at least offer the exclusive rights free agent contract of 460k today. This doesn't mean Buffalo couldn't negotiate another deal down the road. The ERFA deal is all they have to do now-but it doesn't mean they're incapable of doing something later.


    But I know plenty of fans want something done now. The front office doesn't accede to your demands and as a matter of fact, each player will get their time. Jackson will get a long term deal, but I suspect the team has prioritized things like Unrestricted Free Agents and signing some in the first week of free agency above Fred. Sorry, but that life in the executive world. Not everyone gets what they want when they want it.


    Don't read too much into this.


    Ok...Thanks for clearing that up. I see where you are coming from. I hope you are right and they at least try to get him a long term deal at some point.

  2. This actually makes me pretty mad. Why not offer Freddie a longer term deal? the Bills, IMO, should try to lock him up for the next 3-4 years. I just don't see the point of trying to sign him to a 1 year deal and then have to pay more to keep him next year. He is a solid, proven RB as a really solid backup and a better than average starter. Just give him a longer deal already! :lol:


    I agree. They offer him one year at league minimum and expect him to jump at that? Yeah everyone loves to be slapped in the face. Can this front office please get something right?

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