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Posts posted by box0life

  1. To be honest with you, if we don't attempt to get Cowher in here next year then I am going to be disappointed. I know the chances of getting him are real slim, but at least try. I don't want Marty ball next year, Herm Edwards, Gruden, Haslett or Holmgren. These coaches haven't done anything lately and the new NFL has passed them by. Cowher is coming off of true success in Pittsburgh, is still young and may be more motivated then ever. If Cowher isn't an option, then I'd be satisfied with Dungy, Shanahan, Pete Carroll or Urban Meyer. Of course I know none of them will come to Buffalo, because our owner won't pay to get them here. We will hire another offensive or defensive coordinator from last year to be the head coach and we'll be right back where started after another failed experiment. I;ll be sick to my stomach if we decide on another coach who has already failed and been fired before (ala Jauron).


    Marty ball will not get you back to the Super Bowl so give up on that idea. He has never won in the playoffs. I don't want to make the playoffs and lose in the first round. We want a Super Bowl victory. Cowher gives us that chance, and his coaching style fits Buffalo to a T.

  2. Edwards returns as the starter and we get a few healthy bodies back, but there will be no coaching changes.


    It is really sad that the only reason these players like Jauron, is that training camp is like a country club for these players. They don't have to work hard, they don't have to work out and that is why they are all getting hurt. These players are not physically ready to play football. At first I thought it was bad luck. But after four years of the same rash of injuries, I have to believe the players are not physically ready to play a full season of real football.


    The mindset of the players is the less we hit each other in practice the fresher we will be for games. Well, this isn't working!!!! These players need to be wipped into football shape mentally and physically during training camp.

  3. Moving him to LB is not a good idea.


    He can't even figure out how to play at this level at his natural position yet alone a new position. Moving him to LB sets his development back.


    The problem is this was a bad pick. The Bills need players that contribute immediately. Not players with potential. Another bone head first round pick.


    I also believe Orakpo should have been taken.

  4. Rush would be the best thing that could ever happen to the Bills. I would love it if he took over ownership of the Bills. He wants to win and will do whatever it takes to win. However, he would never take ownership of a team in New York due to the taxes involved in the state and the pitiful political situation in this state. He just moved his operation out of the New York City to avoid paying the brutal taxes.

  5. Florence Replaces Greer = Loss of Talent

    Nobody to replace Dockery = Loss of Talent

    Fitzpatrick replaces Losman = Equal

    Hangartner replaces Fowler+Preston = Equal

    Nobody replaces Royal = Loss of Talent

    Nobody to replace Lynch who will be suspended for one to five games. If he is drug tested he will most likely come up positive for marijuana which equals an automative four game suspension along with his gun issues.

    nobody to replace Hardy who will basically be rehabbing all of next year.


    So far we have less talent than last year.


    We have downgraded our talent level on a team that needs to improve drastically on talent level. At this point in time, we have more needs than we did after last year. What the hell is this front office doing?


    We have no replacement at Guard or TE, we need to improve WR, C, DE, DT, LB and we may be out a RB for several weeks. There are not enough quality FA left to truly improve this team going into the draft. Our track record with draft picks is they don't make a true contribution until their second or third year unless they bust before.


    The only silver lining is if we suck again, we get rid of Jauron and perhaps we can get Cowher as coach next year. But I won't hold my breath.

  6. No good experienced coach will come to Buffalo because they know that this is a one year deal. After this year, Jauron will be fired along with most of the other assistant coaches. Why take a job that is doomed to lead to not being retained next year.


    The only way they fill this position is from within or through some coach looking for a promotion.

  7. It kills me that we could have drafted this stud DT, that would have anchored our defense for years. Instead we draft Whitner who is average with no big play ability. Another bone head draft decision. Then we drafy Hardy instead of Dejaun Jackson who was a great rookie WR. Our draft personel sucks.

  8. His route running is bad, he is slow to understand the pro game, it usually takes a year for a player to get back to 100% full physically and mentally from ACL injuries, and he showed no real promise during his first year. Do you really think he is going to be 100% ready by the start of the season? He also may be a step slower then last year which again won't help his cause.


    To me, he's useless and will not contribute next year. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see it.

  9. I've read that Hardy is having surgery on his ACL on Monday with a 6 to 7 month rehabilitation time. That means he misses all offseason workouts, camps and will be basically be useless throughout the preseason. Chances are he will not see any significant playing time next year even if his rehab goes well. It will take him another year before he has any chance to contribute to this team. Based on this news, I think it is imperative that we pick up a solid FA WR this year or draft a true stud receiver. By the time Hardy has any real progression for this team he will be labeled a bust due to this injury and his raw talent that will not have any time to develop in the next year. Remember Yatil Green for the Miami Dolphins? Same thing happened to him.

  10. Pass rushing DE is number 1 priority by far. This defense can not stand up to a pocket passer that has all day to throw. It is the most glaring need. We only had 24 sacks last year which is near the bottom of the league. Next year we face some of the best quarterbacks in the league. There is no way we make the playoffs unless we put constant pressure on the QB. See NY Giants against Brady in last year's Super Bowl.

  11. Trade Kelsey for a 6th Rounder

    Trade Parrish for a 4th Rounder

    Trade Royal for a 6th Rounder


    Of course I'm not sure any team would trade for these bums. But we need to dump these saleries. These players just take up money we could be spending on some real players.

  12. Maybe the Bills wont hit a low in the record column or the box office but this has to be one of the worst days in Bills history for the fans. I hope that I am proved wrong but I think some good talent will be wasted due to the coaching/front office. I believe that this season was wasted due to coaching. Not saying the Bills had the talent to win it all but playoffs should have been a reality. With the way the schedule was and with Brady going down the Bills had all they needed to get off the playoff schnide. Poor coaching and management squandered an incredible start. Yes, the players contributed but the coaching ultimately did them in. Reward the man who cost your franchise a shot at the playoffs and it proves to the fans as well as the rest of the NFL just how low this franchise has sunk into the abyss.


    I'll always be a die hard fan of the Bills but today hurt and it is not that I didn't see it coming cause I did but as a Bills fan deep down you hold out hope that the franchise will turn it around and become relevant again and the only way to do that is with a solid coach with a proven record and a great front office and sadly the Bills have neither.


    It was worse when we had Kay Stephenson and Hank Bullough as head coaches. The team was horrible. We were lucky to win 3 games during those years. So it was worse.

  13. Keeping Dick is a horrible decision. Not just because he sucks as a coach, but now he is a lame duck coach. What Free Agents would want to come to Buffalo to play for somebody who is on the cusp of being fired after next year. He is also going to keep all his assistant coaches. If I was Bobby April I would want to leave for greener pastures before this staff gets canned next year.


    The draft picks last year have shown very little. Not one legitimate starter out of that group. I also expect that Jabari Greer will leave for more money which leaves us with no true starter opposite McGee. McKelvin is not starting material. We have too much money tied up into DE's that can't rush the passer and it appears Shobel is on the down side of his career. Peters will hold out again and after his performance last year, he doesn't deserve a pay raise, Pro Bowler or not.


    I just don't see any possible way this team can improve with this lame duck coaching staff.


    The only positives I saw last year from was Fred Jackson and the improved play of Bryan Scott, perhaps Stroud was an improvement on the DL, but he had no game changing performances. Our kick returning and punt returning are solid but other than that, I saw no major improvements from the prior three years.

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