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Ramblin' Rob

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Posts posted by Ramblin' Rob

  1. This from the guy who wants me to spell Fitzgarbage name right...LOL... You can't even get LeBron James name correctly... Ironic Much?

    You got me. Except I never asked you to spell his name in any way. I asked people in general if it is cool for a grown man to call another grown man names like Fitzgarbage. And that poll question clearly says the peeps agree that it is stupid and sophomoric. Or I can just quote eball-

    'By the way, calling him fitzGARBAGE doesn't make anyone mad...it just makes you look like an immature douche. Fitzgibbons, Fitzgerald, etc., are all at least funny.'

    Just like I never said Fitz was better than Vick, but rather Vick is over rated and that I preferred Fitz. So yeah, you got me. and yep, it sure is ironic...like a mustache. Now what is Ironic for real is your member name, seeing as how Lynch was just arrested.

    So, you are a vick fanboy and a lynch fanboy... clearly you are a high character guy.

  2. Last year fits accounted for more yards and touchdowns, and yes more interceptions. This is the first time he has entered the season as a starter with a full off season. I think if the name in the poll vs Fits was a. Rod, p or e manning, Brady, brees, rothlisberger, rivers, stafford, or Ryan, most bills fans would not pick Fitz. So no, not of course bills fans would choose their qb. This all started cause I said Vick is over rated. He cannot carry the jocks of the qb's listed above.

    Fits will have a better year than Vick, that is my prediction.

    As for the Fitzgarbage bs...as labron James says, you can say what you want, but you still got to go back to your s***y life. Or some thing like that. Lol.

  3. This is the longest thread I have ever started, so thanks for participating. This has turned out pretty much how I thought it would for my first question, and how I hoped it would for the second.


    Vick has always been on better TEAMS than Fitz who was on two teams in turmoil, and a third that is moving from turmoil to respectability so pointing to wins and losses is a bit unfair. This is a make or break season for Fitz, if he does not have a better rating, and td to int ratio, i will be in favor of drafting, signing or trading for a QB of the future. I think he will be great this year, but who knows.


    I still don't understand hate for the guy, or name calling of any sort. Saying he is a proven loser is a stretch. Calling him Fitzgarbage is asinine. The weather in buffalo is rough, the economic situation is even rougher and the attitude of the negative nancies is the roughest. The number one thing I don't miss is the negative know it alls. I am proud of our fan base for it's dedication through rough stretches, but could not be any more embarrassed than when I am out at a bar in RVA and hearing our fans call our player names. Peeps call Spiller a bum cause he cant get on the field for FJ. Luckily Every one down here likes Fitz so I dont have to listen to that non-sense.


    I will end with this, Last year the Eagles easily had the better roster and they won one more game than the bills. I will take fitz every day, and twice on sunday.

  4. This is going to be a great thread! Glad you are so taken by his words that you did this. This will be people who haven't forgave Vick and everyone else being a "homer."


    Should add "who grows a better beard?" It would have added so much!


    I have forgiven him, and those who haven't I feel are petty. Sure what he did was bad, but he has gone above and beyond any NFL sanctioned requirements to make good. The answer to the beard question.....Me! I grow the better beard.

  5. HAHA! Mike Vick is over rated? You probably think Tom Brady is over rated? C'mon Son a 3x Pro Bowler, Passing and Rushing records, Only person to beat Brett Favor in Lambeau under 20 degrees.. But that guy is overrated? I think thats more hate than fact... Back on Fitzgarbage what has he done to prove he is or will ever be upper echelon? Beat N.E. AND!!!!!! That was big but it was one game and how many ints did he throw last season compared to touchdowns (how do you throw 2 ints to the same player on the exact same play in the same game? See Giants vs Buffalo) ? Oh his ribs were cracked yep thats a great excuse to use keep using it... After he's replaced for VY this year I'm a comeback to this thread and see if you still think he is upper echelon.... #CHECK


    No hate, I actually think he has been a mostly model citizen since getting out of prison. I also said, over rated, not bad. He is ok, but the next big game he wins will be his second. I will give you the rushing records, but what passing records? He has only topped 3000 yards twice in his career, and that also equals the number of Playoff wins he has. It also is the number of times he as had a passer rating over 90. Comparing brady and vick is wierd too, brady is tons better. Additionally I consider there to be about five truly upper echelon QB'S, Brees, Brady, P. Manning, Rothlisburger, and eli or maybe rivers. I say, and the numbers back it up, when healthy, fitz is in the next tier some where between 6 or 7 and 15 right where Vick is. it is up to you to define what Upper echelon means. To be clear, I dont think Fitz is as good as those guys listed above, but neither is Vick


    You are misinformed if you think Broken ribs would not affect a QB'S throws. all of the injured lineman and WR's also will make a QB look a bit pedestrian as well. He was a top ten QB last year before all of those injuries on offense happened in the span of about 3-4 games. When he lost his protection (o=line), security blanket(FJ), and the health of his recievers(even stevie played on a bum groin) he had much worse numbers. And yeah, i get the fact that every team deals with injuries, but not that many and most organizations have better depth at those positions.


    TO SUMMERIZE; vick is over rated, not bad(again, please provide any passing records). Fitz is under rated, not great. If forced to rate them against each other, i would rank vick higher. Injuries on a team with a lack of depth is more harmful than injuries on say NE OR NYG.


    A final note, I don't get grown men calling people names like 'Fitzgarbage.' Win or lose, he has been great for Buffalo, grow up or at least use a little imagination.

  6. Nope!


    Funny answer with some one who has maybe the most over rated QB in history as their avatar.


    As for my answer to the question, yes. All of the injuries including Fitz's broken ribs happened around the same time, and it was a clear drop off. IF most every one stays healthy, there is no indication to say he cannot be a QB in the 6-12 range which isn't really the top echelon, but still is upper.

  7. I know this is a little off topic but who does this guy think he is participating in the AAA Home Run contest last evening? Was this event so hard up for "celebrities" that he makes the cut? Why does he even accept an invite to this?



    You're not a celebrity and stop acting like one until the Bills have shown some signs of success during your tenure.

    BOOOOOOOO!!!! Tough life you must have if you B word about this....hate to be your dog after a bad day at work.

    He came from baseball, and has done yeomans work as a fish out of water. He was a marketing guy who got thrust into a GM's (marve was not really in charge of anything.)role, and has gained the trust of Ralph enough to begin to turn things around. It began with buddy's hiring and continues. If you want to look at w/l's sure, no improvement. If you look at talent on the field, you are blind to not have optimism for the first time in a decade.

    SO to you I say, 'Get your hair cut, mullets are ridiculous an it will help you to have a better perspective!'

  8. And gave up 49 unanswered points. Would SJ have stoped that?

    No, but a healthy K. Williams, and the addition of M. Williams, M. Anderson, and the stache might have.

    Also, Sapp sucks. Injuries killed the O last year, and having an amateur DC and no DL did not help either. Add health, and a top flight DC should make a huge difference.

  9. this is my mea culpa. I have a personal vendetta against Sapp, and hate to hear him talk about anything. He has portrayed himself as an a-hole. See the hit on clifton and the ensuing challenge he layed down to a sixty year old who dared call him out on the dirty hit. I probably should have left the Bills out of it all together. I just hate hearing national media types use the same recycled lines about the bills. Also, who dosn't love this bills d-line? And last year when he was high on us in the first few weeks, (which i seem to remember him correctly predicting we would be the team to fail to keep the mojo) our d was terrible. Any way, I made others mad today to cor calling the bellicheat thread stupid. will go back in my hole. Also, I will concede to not knowing what I am talking about in this instance, but to me there is too much of a good thing. 365 days a year of football news and 17 live Sports Centers a day are two of them. imho.

  10. Why do people continually post on threads that they hate the topic. If you don't like it, leave. Most likely he picked him up thinking that he can sign him when Hernendaz leaves. (can't imagine them spending top TE money on two TE's.)

    I will tell you why, because it is frustrating to click on a thread where allegedly some sort of legitimate content only to see people crying about nothing. Looks like I am not the only one who feels this way either. I don't hate the topic either, just thought it was making a mountain out of, well, nothing. Also, I will turn it around on you, Why do people comment on post they don't agree with?


    At any rate, I was feeling particularly frisky this morning and prolly should have just not looked at this board.

  11. Wow. Looked like the type of pass Fitz would throw. -Probably with the same result.

    So I will resist the urge to tell you to go out and close the garage, and start the car and instead ask you a simple question;

    Why take a sniper shot at our QB?

    Even if you are right(you are not)Why take this shot on a thread that has nothing to do with him?


    I took the semester off of tbd because of peeps like you. Peeps who refuse to let facts get in the way of their opinion.

    Fact: Buddy and Chan are not responsible for the failures of the first decade of this millennium.

    Fiction: same old..... anything, see above fact.

    Fact:When the line, the wr's and most importantly the QB were all healthy, the Bills were very competitive with a crappy D-line in 2011.

    Fiction: we were worse than under Jauron because our record was not as good. Any one with eyeballs knows we have a better team now.


    Go watch foxnews if you want to indulge in make believe and negativity.

  12. Extreme views are unhealthy, and there are very few reasonable fans on this site...me included this past summer...i was blinded by sunny optimism and many here are bitter and negative. This board is a reflection of the direction we are headed as a country....crazy right eventually gets balanced by crazy left and those of us that are moderates or reasonable are forced to choose what we consider to be a lesser evil.

    I just read a post that cited Atlanta as a reason not to be patient with a rebuild, and high lighted their tumultuous 07 season, and how the hiring of a GM and coach made it all better. All i can say, is if we hired mike smith instead of dj 6 years ago, peeps on this board would have screamed bloody murder, and ralph is cheap and all the rest. I am off to get a life....hope you all do too.

  13. 1- Bill Maher is an equal opportunity offender, he hates all religion and rips on muslims too, so sally jenkins can do a bit of research before her next blog.


    2- Christians are tolerant of other religions? That is laughable.Maybe the ones you know, but christians hate everyone. Gays, people who dont agree with them and especially other religions. I know not every christian hates, but the vocal ones do.


    3- Everyone needs to chill the funk out on tebow. Not every attack on him is because he is a christian, it is because he is the most over rated QB since vick. the next qb with unique abilities(ie- not a drop back passer) to not get figured out by NFL defenses will be the first. Tebow will either improve or fall by the wayside. I personally have not heard one sports caster, and i listen to a lot of sports talk, say one negative thing about his religion,but people like to pretend he is being persecuted.


    Basically if you fall on either side of the tebow religion debate, you suck at life and are searching for ****, cause there is almost nothing there except a good kid who happens to believe in a story that was passed down for 45 generations before it was ever written down.

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