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Ramblin' Rob

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Posts posted by Ramblin' Rob

  1. Thank you Bills fans, I needed that. As I clicked in to TSW, the thought crossed my mind, "Wonder what is happening on today's version of Bash EJ?" I then clicked on this poll, and voted intelligently for 'give him the season,' but was scared to see the results. Ecstatic that sanity narrowly prevailed.

  2. Whew whew whew whew whew (that's a grammar police sound effect, because I don't take myself that seriously).

    Luckily that sound went off in my head before I hit post in response to this gem...has to be a joke...

    Their are signs that there confidence in him could be well founded. They're could be surprises, of course.


    As far as EJ island...I'll take a plot up on the left shoulder. I do believe, given the chance to develop, he will be fine. Orton is simply the punching bag in waiting for Bills fans, no better than Fitz. The Fact that the OL gets so little blame or talk in these EJ threads is bothersome to me. I am not an x & o's guy, but even I can see sucky line play.


    The optimist in me says the line will grow, and get better, I am just not that confident in the guards though. This makes me believe that EJ will have a mediocre start to the season, and his growth will be seen in how he adapts. If he learns to adapt (to me, meaning to stop thinking and just play the situation in front of him) then he and the team will push for a wild card spot. If not, we will see Orton, the exact same QB as just about every QB over the past 18 seasons.

  3. It's Friday man I'm just being sarcastic. It's really sad these guys look so crappy now.

    I think the talent and skill to be a good team is there. Coach will either get it out of them or we are going to enter another cycle of roster and coaching overhaul.... Which I frankly don't want to see because we've been hitting reset for far too long.

    People take themselves soooo seriously.


    TBD....Need the sarcasm font still.....


    I am super positive, positive we aren't going to know jack about this team until they play a bunch of games that matter.

    Easy...we are on the same side. Perhaps the long over due sarcasm font would have saved this misunderstanding, but please forgive us for confusing your statement with the typical drivel posted hear.

    I agree with your point on games that matter, that's why my original points were just facts, not some silly EJ's first ten games versus JK's first ten.

    And to be clear, there may have never been a man that takes himself, or anybody, less serious than I.

  4. I've got your optimism right here... For the first time in a long time, we might be looking at a really talented bills team that underachieves their way to 6-10 instead of a completely un talented team that overachieves it's way to 6-10.


    That my friends is progress!

    So you say we are better, but will still be as bad? Cool, another great example of manufactured negativity

  5. This is a perfect example of the speculative negativity that I was referring to. It seems to have permeated throughout the fan base, nay the citizens, of my beloved homeland. I don't blame any individuals, but wish it could be washed away from your souls. It is just as imaginable that we are up 17-0 at half time, but not many allow themselves to believe it.


    I'm not terrified at all. I've already written off the season. I'm going to watch the game of course but if the score is 17-0 Bears at half time or something of that nature I'm planning on walking away for the season


    Listen Pan, your antics and high jinx have been tolerated in the past, but what you have written below is sacrilege. You watch your tongue, Boy!

    Part of me hopes Bon Jovi gets the team and moves them. Then I believe my curse will end. And I can stop following this team.

    That has to do with the QB, not the OL

    What you wrote above is ill informed, the OL blocking in the pass game to protect the QB, and the run game to open lanes comes first, then the QB must deliver.

  6. 1. We face last nights opponent in week 5, last night was a match up of who could show the least from a coaching perspective. Additionally, last weeks opponent runs a similar defense to our week one opponent, so I feel similarly about that contest. Sure, the players still need to win their position battles, and they did not, but if you are intentionally not put in the best position to win from a coaching stand point, it makes some sense that you don't.


    2. We played a QB last night that had not been on the team for 4 full days yet. Please. I know Marrone says winning in the PS is important, but if it were, Tuel would have played last night.


    3. Our defense is stout!


    4. EJ is experiencing a full training camp and going into a game healthy, both for the first time in his career. This does not make him more accurate or give him quicker decision making, but it is a positive.


    5. If a better back-up option is available, I am sure the Bills will do what they can, this administration has shown this in the past. There are none(Tebow included) at this point.



    I for one choose not to buy into the Chicken Little's of the Buffalo sports world, and furthermore I feel they are hurting our image with players and coaches. People wonder what got into Marrone this summer in terms of his gruffness with the media. Well go back and listen to the questions being asked, day after day, another question from the press trying to elicit a response that equals him saying he has less confidence in EJ. If I had to answer that question daily, I too would be gruff. The speculative nature of the coverage of this team is also a problem for me, as being stonewalled on a question must mean something more!


    Weather we like to admit it or not, players hear what is said and pay attention to how they are treated by the local media and fans. See the tweet of Goodwin from last week. It is a different era today; Would the bills of the 90's survived the building years of the late 80's in today's blanket coverage, knee jerk reaction-ism society we live in today. Would those players, legendary partiers to say the least, have survived had cell phones and social media existed then? Doubtfully as unscathed as they did.


    I am far from a Pollyanna, but would fight on her side against the Chicken little's every day, and twice on Sunday's...unless it is the Thursday night game, then it will be twice on Thusdays!


    PS:The title of this thread is for all you Mason Jennings fans.

  7. Well, apparently even Sal can be sucked into the polar vortex that is Mike Schopp's negativity. The worst part about Schopp's brand of negativity, Is that it is mostly speculative. The two of them just deduced that Marrone telling EJ that he was the man at QB at the end of last season plus the Jets signing of Vick to back up Smith, was potentially a bad thing if it all happened that way to protect the ego of EJ.




    They literately invented a criticism of EJ.


    I know, don't listen to them. It is not as simple as that. I want some content, not a month of bashing a dude who may or may not stink.

  8. Don't make it something it's not.



    If I were the Redskins would I change the name? Most likely I would, but forcing them too because we can.....well,that's not the right way to do it. So, Ditkas statement about political correctness making messes out of things, is 97% true.



    easy killer, was just clarifying...which you did.

    The only people who count in the poll are Native Americans. You could have done a poll in the south in the 60's and found that people didn't find the N word derogatory.I'd love to see the methodology and the instrument to see where these findngs come from.


    I'm 57 years old. In my lifetime I that word has always been a derogatory term. (BTW, the origin of the term is in dispute, but it hasn't' been complementary for years, if it ever was.) I would never even think of calling a Native American a "redskin" to his/her face. I'm not an ignorant fool.


    Naming a team Redskins is different than a team named The Indians and quite different that a team named The Chiefs. Chiefs is an honorarium. So is Braves. Indians may now be in dispute, but it isn't a derogatory term for Native Americans, just a sloppy one, and maybe should be changed, too. You might name a team The Jews, but would you name them The Kikes? Of course not.


    The absolute worst argument one can use is that the name has been used since 1932. Since when has historical bigotry been a defense of bigotry? We have evolved. Why must the recognition of the rights, and feelings of those who aren't white, Christian, etc always be fought as if it is a completely new thing? Why must these old ways be defended until the bitter end. Maybe conservatives would have a bigger base if they became proactive on some of these issues. Get in front of a social issue, for once---and not one that drags us back into the 50's.


    The funny thing is, Snyder could have been a hero in this and made a TON of money. Think of all the money he would have made on new gear? Now it's the inevitable with another old rich white guy backing the wrong side. A shame, really.


    yup, yep, yeah...

    If it is offensive to the group that is being demeaned, it is a problem. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the severity as a white guy. We should defer to the Native Americans on this.



  9. Drew Brees would have never been had he been coached by folks as short sightedness as those who wish to run EJ out on a rail. Sure, SD drafted Rivers to replace him, however, without the shoulder injury it was going to be real difficult to cut ties with Brees after his '04 & '05 seasons. His fourth and fifth seasons. Not comparing EJ too Brees, or NO Brees to SD Brees, I get the differences, but could you imaging EJ struggling the way Brees did for his first three years, and coming back or a fourth? Chill the ef out, Y'all.

  10. Happy Friday! :D

    +1....sometimes, it's just laziness that breeds pessimism.


    Great responses...in the past, I often fell for the trolls.

    I just don't see the harm in seeing the positive in the off season.

    The realities of life "are what they are"(to quote every athlete ever), you can approach it with pessimism and be bound by it's constraints, or you can approach it with optimism and hope and try to out do your expectations. You may not win, but you will out perform the pessimist.


    I don't feel like Taskers ghost is nomally like this, but I could be wrong...Maybe he is a hung over Heat fan! :beer:

  11. Why the hell does every decent player need to have a nickname?

    I feel like a curmudgeon, but I agree!

    Threads like this, to me, highlight our desperation as a fan base to be relevant.

    The best nicknames happen organically; Thurmanator, K-gun, Bruuuuuuuce!

    Crappy ones are contrived in pre-season- Thurmal, Thurmas, and every nick name used in a preseason thread over the past 15 years.

    For real though, every year there is a "What will our offense be called?" thread, or a "Lets nick name our first round pic!" thread. What did we decide EJ's nickname would be last summer?

    I know people do it for fun, but in Buffalo, some times bad ideas catch on! As a public service, don't put bad Ideas out there!

  12. where have I heard this before? Maybe we should have kept Fitz to mentor Matt Flynn...speaking of which, what happened to the Matt Flynn thread.??

    I was wondering the same thing as my post in that thread was more eloquent that this one and I wanted to cut and paste it here.


    The scary part is....Fitz really may have been the best since Kelly, but I am biased cause 14 is my favorite number. and beard hair is my favorite hair. and he put up the best numbers.

  13. wtf, Fitz is the best qb we have had on our roster since Jimbo, and we just let him go! Just like we did with Maybin, the best celebrator the league has seen since Leon Lett. Ralph is cheap, and Marrone Is a joke, and....I am having trouble focusing on my homework.

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