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Posts posted by BobDVA

  1. Yeah, ALL of those teams are interested in this TERRIBLE WR according to posters on this board. I still do not understand why so many people on this board are HAPPY to give Parrish away for a low round pick. He is worth KEEPING for his return skills alone.


    It may be that Parrish is telling Coaches and the Front Office that he wants to be a Wide Receiver not a punt returner. Maybe the Bills are trying to make this trade before Parrish's agent takes it to the media creating yet another distraction. We all know how popular disgruntled employees are on this board. The man is not going to beat out Reed, Hardy, or more than likely Johnson for playing time. And if it is true that he does not want to return punts for us anymore, then we must shed him and get some picks....


    Just a theory!

  2. BobDVA TE/OLB

    University of Maryland

    Age 53

    6' 3"

    255 Lbs

    Bench: 12oz Started in 1972 continues to this day

    40 - sundial not accurate enough



    Pros: Scored two TD in High School, one on a Tight End Reverse on offense, and fumble recovery on Defense. 7 catches all for first downs. Amazing statistics being this was achieved on an 0-10 team my senior year.


    Cons: Character issues, been in three bar fights, however, the last was over twenty years ago. Slept with a woman the night before her wedding. Does not own a BMW.


    Summary: WTF


    Projection: Will not be drafted, in fact will not be allowed entrance to the draft.

  3. You know, this may not be the Bills that want to move Parrish, but Parrish himself wanting more playing time as a WR, not just a punt returner. It has been said that he is not disgruntled, but we really do no know what he has been saying to the FO. He may indeed be jousting for more playing time. Johnson will be taking up the playing time in the slot after Reed, not Parrish. With Hardy spelling TO and Evans, Roscoe's playing time outside of Punt returner will be down to a couple plays a game designed for him, that everyone will know is coming by mid-season.


    As one that does not go to refill my beer until after Roscoe has returned his punt, I will miss him greatly. None the less, I take nothing less than a third for him, and if I do not get it, then he takes up a roster spot as strictly a punt returner.

  4. Good post Tipster! Brandon is proving a little bit stronger than I thought he would be. The hope that he can rally the FO into another draft comparable to last year is keeping me on the optimistic side. And for you Crowell fans, the guy is only slightly better than Ellison, and even if he did not have the surgery and was put on IR, his spot would have still been slated to be upgraded in this years draft anyway.

  5. There is a difference between putting a high value on DBs and picking DBs exclusively. There was a post that predicted that the Bills would pick DBs in rd #1 and #2. If that isn't stupid exaggeration, I don't know what is.


    Here's my position explained a little better:





    I find myself in agreement with The Dean here.


    In addition, the draft cannot be all about the now, the future must be considered as well. Remember, MaGee is a Free Agent Next Year.....

  6. well prove me wrong then genius. what have the bills accomplished in the past decade? why should we be confident in their ability to effectively manage this team and make the correct decisions?


    you can call me "doom and gloom" but i prefer realistic. take the blinders off and look around. take your head out of the sand.


    I LOVE the bills, but i don't love what they have become. to blindly follow and support a continually inferior product will not do them any favors. they NEED to improve and become competitive.



    I read post on this board because I am interested in others opinions of what the Bills should do, who they should pick in the draft, pick up in FA, discussing strengths and weakness of players. In addition too some good old fashion Dolphin, Patriot, and Jet bashing, provided it is clever and amusing. You Sir just whine, offer nothing. Yes they do need to improve and become more competitive, if you do not have an opinion on how they could and should go about doing that, then you really have nothing to complain about.

  7. ????

    Dear friend, this team has been EXACTLY what he described for over a decade. We have all given them a whole lotta slack, but they still suck,year in and year out. Of course we want them to get better, but they deserve a heap of criticism.


    Unfortunately, for me and most others, our hearts won't allow us to just divorce. It's like our wives have gained 150lbs, and lost all their teeth but we still love them. Doesn't mean we shouldn't expect them to lose weight.



    Suck? 2001, 2003, 2005 yeah they sucked, the rest of the time they did not suck, just not all that good. Suck is 1967-1972, 1976-1978, 1984-1986.


    You are right in your analogy about our wives, weight gain, and tooth loss. However, if someone else started talking about her being a fat toothless hog, after you have finished punching him in his eye, your friendship will most certainly will have ended. If someone says Kelsey sucks, or Jauron sucks that is one thing, but blanket everyone sucks, we are doomed, we will always be doomed over and over again, well dude, that sucks!

  8. When the Buffalo Braves left town, I became a Baltimore Bullet fan. Then one year they decided to play some games in Washington. Then they played half the games in Washington and became the Baltimore-Washington Bullets, until they were just the Washington Bullets completely stealing the team. When they finally had taken the Bullets name away and became the Wizards, I have not watched an NBA basketball game since! I know many more just like myself, NBA fans lost forever!

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