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Posts posted by Kevin


    Skunk is a factor of light penetration. Light breaks down the hops and produces off flavors. Cans don't let any light in, but some people complain that cans produce a metallic flavor, which is a matter of much debate. Brown bottles let in some light but not too much. Green bottles allow more light than brown. If they aren't completely hidden from light, beer will readily turn to skunk piss in clear bottles.


    Huh huh, you said penetration.


    I just had Tioga Sequoia Citrus IPA followed by Knee Deeps Simtra Triple IPA (11.25%) with lunch. I'm going to bed now.


    I think you need to take a look at the recent baseball tv contracts (Dodgers, Rangers, Angels, Phillies, etc.) and tell me how much you think baseball is struggling. For example, the Dodgers is worth $250M per season just for the right to their games to be televised locally. That doesn't include national contracts, merchandising, tickets, parking, and concession revenues. I think baseball is doing OK.

    I agree with most of what you said but I disagree about baseball. It's funny that two of the organizations you mentioned as examples (Dodgers and Rangers) have declared bankruptcy in the past 5 years. The Orioles in '93, and the Cubs in 2009.




    The link provided shows a steady drop in TV ratings despite have the nations largest TV markets NY, LA, and SF in contention.


    I don't want to get too sidetracked though. Goodells a good commissioner.

  3. Changing things to try to better the sport is a good thing. I'd rather have a commissioner that'd be willing to take a chance on changing something with the mindset of improving the game than having a commissioner that won't change a thing even though the game is struggling (Selig).

  4. Jefferson Starships hit single "We built this city" which lyrics are as follows


    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    Say you don't know me or recognize my face

    Say you don't care who goes to that kind of place

    Knee deep in the hoopla, sinking in your fight

    Too many runaways eating up the night


    Marconi plays the mambo, listen to the radio

    Don't you remember?

    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    Someone's always playing corporation games

    Who cares, they're always changing corporation names

    We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage

    They call us irresponsible, write us off the page


    Marconi plays the mambo, listen to the radio

    Don't you remember?

    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    It's just another Sunday

    In a tired old street

    Police have got the choke hold, oh

    Then we just lost the beat


    Who counts the money underneath the bar?

    Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?

    Don't tell us you need us 'cause we're the ship of fools

    Looking for America, coming through your schools


    (I'm looking out over that Golden Gate bridge on another gorgeous sunny Saturday and I'm seein' that bumper to bumper traffic.)


    Don't you remember? (remember)


    (Here's your favorite radio station, in your favorite radio city, the city by the bay, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps.)


    Marconi plays the mambo, listen to the radio

    Don't you remember?

    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city (oh)

    We built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll


    (We built, we built this city) built this city (we built, we built this city)

    (We built, we built this city) built this city (we built, we built this city)

    (We built, we built this city) built this city (we built, we built this city)

    (We built, we built this city) built this city (we built, we built this city)


  5. Maybe, IIRC Sansa changed here hair color in the books too. but it may have been sooner than they showed in the show. (maybe before Lysa's fall to after the fall)




    Arya arrives 3 days after Lysa "falls" and the guards don't put 1+1 together......


    I don't recall her dying her hair. But I did notice that "swag" as she walked down the steps. Not like her at all. I wonder what's in store for her in the series?!?

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